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  • Lladron Diemwnt y Gromen - John Townsend (addas. Elin Meek)

    *Scroll down for comments and English version* Cynllun i ddwyn diemwnt werth £350 miliwn!! Daring heist of a £350 million jewel! 【【Adolygiad o'r archif - From the archives】】 Genre: ffeithiol, trosedd, ditectif / factual, crime, detective Gwerth addysgiadol/educational value: ◉◉◉◎◎ Negeseuon positif/positive messages: ◉◎◎◎◎ Themau trist,anodd/upsetting,tough themes: ◎◎◎◎◎ Trais, ofn/violence, scary: ◉◉◎◎◎ Iaith gref/language: ◎◎◎◎◎ Rhyw/sex: ◎◎◎◎◎ Her darllen/reading difficulty:: ◉◉◎◎◎ Dyfarniad/verdict: ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆ Un o lyfrau ffeithiol gan John Townsend yw Lladron Diemwnt y Gromen. Rhan o’r gyfres ‘I’r byw,’ sy’n addasiadau o hen gyfres boblogaidd Saesneg, ‘Spirals.’ Roedd y llyfrau yma’n bwrpasol ar gyfer darllenwyr anfodlon/amharod, yn bennaf gan dargedu bechgyn gydag anawsterau darllen. Ceir brawddegau, paragraffau a phenodau byr a straeon difyr gyda chynnwys aeddfed. (yn aml, roedd llyfrau haws i’w darllen yn rhy blentynnaidd eu cynnwys) Er mai ceisio annog darllenwyr sydd ddim yn or-hoff o ddarllen yw prif fwriad y llyfrau, mae’r straeon yn dda iawn ac yn addas ar gyfer unrhyw un sy’n hoffi stori gyffrous. Efallai fod rhai elfennau o’r stori yma wedi heneiddio braidd, gan iddo gyfeirio at Gromen y Mileniwm, sydd wedi bod yn un o eiconau Llundain ar lannau’r Afon Tafwys ers tro’r Mileniwm. Y dyddiau hyn fodd bynnag, nid yw’n cael ei adnabod fel y Millennium Dome, ond yn hytrach, yr 02 Arena. Yng nghyfnod y stori yma, sef 2000, roedd arddangosfa fawr yno lle'r oedd diemwnt anferth yn cael ei arddangos i’r cyhoedd. Gan mai 9 oed oeddwn ar y pryd, doeddwn i ddim wedi clywed am y stori yma, ond ar ôl darllen y llyfr, mi es i chwilio ar google, a ffeindio fod y stori wedi digwydd go iawn! Roedd y digwyddiadau yn Lladron Diemwnt y Gromen yn swnio mor anghredadwy, ond wir i chi, fe ddigwyddodd hyn!! [chwiliwch am Millennium Dome Raid] Stori sydd yma am Ray Betson a’i giang, a gynllwyniodd i ddwyn un o’r gemau mwyaf gwerthfawr yn y byd o dan drwynau staff y gromen! Petai hwn wedi llwyddo, hwn fyddai’r lladrad mwyaf enwog mewn hanes. Yn anffodus i’r lladron, roedd Ditectif Jon Shatford, oedd yn rhan o’r Flying Squad o Scotland Yard, yn barod amdanyn nhw! Darllenwch y stori fer, i weld pa mor gyfrwys a daring oedd y lladron, a sut arweiniodd eu gor-hyder a’u barusrwydd at chwalu un o’r cynlluniau mwyaf uchelgeisiol erioed! Dwi’n gwybod mai troseddwyr oedden nhw, ond mae rhan ohonof yn eu hedmygu am fod mor hy i geisio gwneud y fath beth! Mae’r stori’n teimlo fatha rhywbeth allan o Mission Impossible neu James Bond. Yn wir, mae ‘na gyfeiriad yn y stori at ffilm James Bond, The World is Not Enough, sy’n cynnwys y Gromen a boat chase gyffrous! Bydd y stori’n apelio at fechgyn yn bennaf, ond unrhyw un sy’n hoff o straeon ditectif fel hyn - a chofiwch - mae’n stori wir! Mae’n ddigon hawdd i’w darllen, yn adrodd hanes cyffrous, a dylid gallu gorffen y llyfr yn reit sydyn. Bydd hyn yn destun balchder i unrhyw un sydd heb arfer darllen llyfr cyfan. Dwi wedi cael tipyn o lwyddiant gyda’r gyfres yma yn fy nosbarth fy hun yn y gorffennol. Lladron Diemwnt y Gromen is a factual story book by John Townsend and forms part of the ‘i’r byw’ series of books. These are adaptations of a hugely popular old English series called ‘Spirals.’ They were primarily targeted towards boys and reluctant readers. They were also highly suitable for learners with some reading difficulties. This is because they feature short and simple sentences, paragraphs and chapters that feature exciting stories with mature, un-patronizing content. (often, you’d find that easier-to-read books were rather childish and it was embarrassing to have to go down to the lower classes to get easier books) Even though the main aim of these books was to try and encourage readers not normally fond of reading, they are truly excellent stories and are suitable for anyone. Although some elements of this story haven’t particularly aged well – the story takes place in the Millennium Dome. This was one of London’s icons on the shore of the River Thames. Nowadays, it’s still there, but has been re-branded and re-purposed into the 02 Arena concert venue. At the time of this story, the year 2000, it was a large visitor exhibition space. During this time, an expensive and precious diamond was displayed there for the public. As I was 9 years old at the time, I don’t recall this event when it happened but after reading the book, I went to search Google and found out that it was a true story. The events in the book sounded so unbelievable, (like something out of a film) but honestly, it really did happen!! This is the story of Ray Betson and his gang, who tried to steal one of the most precious gems in the world right from under everyone’s nose in broad daylight! Had this succeeded, it would have been the most famous robbery of all time. Sadly, for the thieves, Detective Jon Shatford, who was part of the Scotland Yard’s Flying Squad, was ready for them! Read the short story, to see how the daring, cunning thieves conspired to ram-raid through with a digger and escape with the jewel on a speed boat. Learn how their arrogance and over-confidence led to their downfall and the collapse of one of the most ambitious raids ever! I know they were criminals, but part of me still admires them for having the audacity to try such a feat! The story feels like something out of Mission Impossible or James Bond. In fact, there is a reference in the story to the James Bond film, the World is Not Enough, featuring the Dome and a thrilling boat chase scene! The story will mainly appeal to boys, but also to anyone who likes detective/crime stories- remember it’s a true story! It’s easy to read, tells an exciting story, and it should be possible to finish the book in no time at all! This will boost the confidence of any reader who never normally manages to finish books. I've had quite a bit of success with this series with my own class in the past. Following on from the story, you could prepare newspaper articles or TV reports about the heist. Gwasg/publisher: Gomer Cyfres/series: I'r Byw Cyhoeddwyd/released: 2005 Pris: £4.00

  • Y Gêm - Gareth F. Williams

    *Scroll down for English & comments* Rhyfel. Cyfeillgarwch. Hiraeth. Pêl-droed. War. Friendship. Longing. Football. ♥ ♥ Enillydd Gwobr Tir na n-Og 2015 Tir na n-Og Award Winner 2015 ♥ ♥ Genre: hanesyddol, rhyfel / historical, war Gwerth addysgiadol/educational value: ◉◉◉◉◎ Negeseuon positif/positive messages: ◉◉◉◎◎ Themau trist,anodd/upsetting,tough themes: ◉◉◉◎◎ Trais, ofn/violence, scary: ◉◉◎◎◎ Iaith gref/language: ◉◎◎◎◎ Rhyw/sex: ◎◎◎◎◎ Her darllen/reading difficulty:: ◉◉◉◎◎ Dyfarniad/verdict: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Dyma stori bwerus sy’n adrodd hanes dau ffrind, Alun y Gelli a Tecwyn Tŷ’r Nant wrth iddyn nhw dyfu i fyny ym mhentref Nantfechan cyn ymuno â’r fyddin yng nghyfnod y Rhyfel Byd Cyntaf. Nofel hanesyddol yw hon, gydag elfennau arswydus sy’n cynnwys nifer o gyfeiriadau at ffeithiau a digwyddiadau gwir. Mae’r awdur wedi plethu hyn yn feistrolgar gyda stori ffuglen am fywyd y ddau ffrind sy’n deimladwy iawn. Hwn yw’r chweched tro i Gareth F.Williams ennill Gwobr Tir na n-Og ac mae’n hawdd gweld pam. Mae’r nofel wedi ei rhannu’n sawl ran. Yn gyntaf, clywn am ddiwrnod trawsnewidiol pan aeth y ddau ffrind i’r goedwig a dod ar draws hen dŷ arswydus. Digwyddodd rhywbeth brawychus yno wnaeth newid perthynas y ffrindiau gorau am byth. Erbyn hyn, mae Alun yn hen ddyn, sy’n edrych yn ôl dros ei fywyd. Dyma sut rydym yn cael gwybod am fywyd yn y pentref yn arwain i fyny at y Rhyfel, ac yna, hagrwch ac erchylltra’r ffosydd yn Frelinghien, Ffrainc. Yn dilyn digwyddiadau yn yr hen dŷ, fuodd ‘na fawr o Gymraeg rhwng y ddau eto. A dweud y gwir, gallwch fynd mor bell a dweud eu bod nhw bellach yn elynion, sy’n ddryswch mawr i’w ffrindiau agos. Mae pêl-droed yn gefndir i’r stori, ac yn ogystal ag wynebu ei gilydd ar y cae pêl droed lleol, mae Alun a Tecs yn ffeindio’u hunain yng nghwmni ei gilydd eto yn y ffosydd. Tybed a all y ddau anghofio am helynt y gorffennol a bod yn gyfeillion unwaith eto? Mae’r ddau yn profi rhywbeth arbennig iawn ar ddiwrnod Nadolig 1914, mewn cadoediad byr rhwng y milwyr Prydeinig ac Almaenig lle stopiodd yr ymladd er mwyn dathlu’r wŷl a chael gêm gyfeillgar o bêl droed. Yn ddiweddar, mae hysbysebion Nadolig fel un Sainsbury’s wedi tynnu sylw at y digwyddiad nodedig yma. Mae’r awdur yn trafod nifer o bethau pwysig fel y feirniadaeth gref o’r Gweinidog, Erasmus Williams, yn defnyddio ei statws yn y gymuned i recriwtio dynion ifanc i’r fyddin. Hefyd, mae cyfeiriad at yr arferiad dirmygadwy o roi pluen wen i fechgyn oedd wedi aros gartref er mwyn eu cywilyddio i ymuno â’r fyddin. Roedd y bennod ‘Tadau’ yn emosiynol iawn wrth weld y dynion yn mynegi eu poen a’u hiraeth drwy fynd i lawr at y cae pêl droed gwag i weddïo dros eu meibion: “Lle wyt ti, ‘ngwas i? Lle uffarn wyt ti? Os na fyddai un ohonyn nhw yno’r Sadwrn hwnnw, gwyddai’r lleill fod ei holl weddïo wedi bod yn ofer, ac na fyddai ei hogyn yn dod adra i garlamu unwaith eto ar Gae Pen-rhos.” Grymus iawn ac yn dod a deigryn i’m llygaid. Mae Gareth F. Williams yn disgrifio erchylltra’r ffosydd fel ac yr oedd, ac mae ambell i ddisgrifiad yn hynod o drawiadol: “ Y ‘nhw’ oedd y milwyr a orweddai allan yn Nhir Neb, wedi’u hanafu’n ddifrifol, yn galw am gymorth, yn crio am eu mamau, yn crefu am gael marw.” Mae’n bosib fod y teitl yn cyfeirio at fwy na gêm syml o bêl droed, ond yn hytrach ‘y Gêm’ lle’r oedd y bobl mewn pŵer yn chwarae gyda bywydau’r dynion ifanc, yn eu cymell i ymladd ar faes y frwydr. Mewn gwirionedd, byddai wedi bod yn llawer gwell gan y bechgyn ifanc (o’r ddau ochr) chwarae gêm o ffwtbol a rhannu smôcs, na saethu ar ei gilydd. Dyna’r peth tristaf i gyd am yr holl beth. Gareth F Williams yw fy hoff awdur Cymraeg, gan fod ei lyfrau mor bwerus, ond eto, mor ddarllenadwy hefyd. Tydi byth yn faich darllen ei waith a dwi’n gwybod mod i mewn dwylo saff wrth bigo un o’i nofelau. Er mai oedran cynradd yw’r llyfr yma, mae o’n sicr yn fwy addas ar gyfer top yr Ysgol Gynradd neu efallai blynyddoedd cynnar yr Ysgol Uwchradd, heblaw bod arweiniad yr athro’n gallu bod o gymorth. Tydi’r iaith ddim yn anodd anodd, ond eto, mae angen rhywfaint o gymhwysedd darllen er mwyn gallu gwerthfawrogi’r nofel yn llawn. A powerful story about the tale of two friends, Alun Y Gelli and Tecwyn Tŷ’r Nant as they grew up in the village of Nantfechan before joining the army during the First World War. This is a historical novel, with some ghostly elements that includes a number of references to true facts and events. The author has interwoven this masterfully with a poignant fictional story about the life of the two very close friends. It is the sixth time that Gareth F. Williams has won the Tir na n-Og Award and it's easy to see why. The novel is divided into several parts. Firstly, we hear about a transformational day when the two friends ventured into the woods and happened upon an abandoned old house. Something frightening happened that changed their relationship forever. Now, Alun is an old man, who looks back over his life. This is how we find out about life in the village leading up to the war, and then the awful conditions of the trenches in Frelinghien, France. Following events in the old house, there had been bad blood between the two old friends. You could go so far and say that they are now enemies, which is a source of great confusion to his close friends. Football is the backdrop to the story, and as well as facing each other on the local football pitch, Alun and Tecs find themselves in each other's company once again in the trenches. I wonder if the two can forget about the past and become friends once again? The two experience something very special on Christmas Day 1914, in a short armistice between the British and German troops where the fighting stopped in order to celebrate. The day is remembered for the friendly game of football and exchange of gifts between the two sides. Recently, Christmas adverts such as Sainsbury's have highlighted this landmark event. The author discusses a number of important things such as the strong criticism of the minister, Erasmus Williams, using his community status to recruit young men into the army. There is also a reference to the despicable practice of giving boys that had stayed at home a white feather in order to shame them into joining the army. The chapter ‘Tadau’ [fathers] was very emotional as the men left behind expressed their pain and longing by going down to the empty football pitch to pray for their sons. It was clear that the fathers who did not return to the pitch the following week had lost their sons, and they would never again play football on the fields. Gareth F. Williams describes the horrors of the trenches as they were. A few descriptions are remarkably harrowing such as that of the wounded soldiers lying in bits on no-man’s land, crying for their mothers and begging to die. It is possible that the title refers to more than a simple game of football, but rather 'the game' is likely to be the war itself, where the people in power (and relative safety and comfort) played with young men's lives, compelling them to fight on the battlefield. In fact, the young lads (from both sides) would have much preferred playing a game of footy and sharing a few cigarettes together rather than killing each other. That is all the saddest thing about the whole thing; such a waste. It reminds me of the quote by Herbert Hoover; “Older men declare war. But it is the youth that must fight and die.” Gareth F Williams is my favourite Welsh writer, as his books are powerful and compelling, yet, so utterly readable as well. I know I’m in safe hands when picking up one of his novels. Although the book is for primary school age, it is certainly more suited to the upper end of the primary school or maybe the early years of secondary school. Teacher guidance could help with younger readers I suppose. The language isn’t hugely difficult, but again, a certain level of reading competence/ability is required in order to be able to fully appreciate the novel.

  • Y Gofod

    *Scroll down for English & comments* Llyfr ffeithiau lliwgar, syml am y gofod. Colourful, simple fact book about space. Genre: Ffeithiol/factual Gwerth addysgiadol/educational value: ◉◉◉◉◉ Negeseuon positif/positive messages: ◎◎◎◎◎ Themau trist,anodd/upsetting,tough themes: ◎◎◎◎◎ Trais, ofn/violence, scary: ◎◎◎◎◎ Iaith gref/language: ◎◎◎◎◎ Rhyw/sex: ◎◎◎◎◎ Her darllen/reading difficulty:: ◉◉◉◎◎ Dyfarniad/verdict: ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆ Ers yn blentyn dwi wedi gwirioni gyda’r gofod. Dwi dal wrth fy modd hefo unrhyw beth sy’n ymwneud ag ef, boed hyn yn newyddion neu’r ffilm ddiweddaraf. Mae’r syniad o wagle enfawr, di derfyn yn rhyfeddu ac yn cyffroi plant o unrhyw oedran. Allwch chi gredu fod ‘na fwy o blanedau yn y bydysawd ‘na sydd o ronynnau o dywod ar bob traeth ar y ddaear?! Anhygoel! Rydym ni’n ffeindio cysyniadau fel hyn yn anodd i’w prosesu. Yn enwedig i blant ifanc, mae rhai o’r syniadau yn anodd eu hesbonio ac yn mind-boggling a dweud y gwir! Dyna pam dwi wrth fy modd gweld llyfr fel hwn sy’n ceisio gwneud y pwnc mor hawdd â phosib i gynulleidfa oedran cynradd. Mi faswn i wedi bod wrth fy modd yn derbyn copi o hwn yn fy mhlentyndod! Mae dyluniad y llyfr yn lliwgar, yn syml ac yn siŵr o apelio at lygaid plentyn. Mae 'na lot o wybodaeth yn y llyfr ond dim gormod i ddrysu - mae’r print bras yn help mawr hefyd. Clawr caled sydd i’r llyfr ac o ganlyniad mae’n teimlo fel llyfr o ansawdd da. Mae’r llyfr wedi’i drefnu’n synhwyrol ac mae pob planed yn cael tudalen ei hun yn llawn ffeithiau diddorol. Yn dilyn hyn, mae gwahanol ddarnau’n sôn am rocedi, gofodwyr a phethau eraill perthnasol. Roeddwn i’n hoff o’r llinell amser ar y diwedd hefyd i roi popeth mewn cyd-destun. Mae glossary yn y cefn sy’n helpu i esbonio’r geiriau allweddol. Yn bersonol, byddwn wedi hoffi gweld y geiriau Saesneg cyfatebol yma hefyd. Byddai’r llyfr yma’n gwneud anrheg berffaith i unrhyw un sydd â diddordeb mewn gwyddoniaeth a phethau yn ymwneud â’r gofod. Er hyn, dwi’n meddwl mai prif gryfder y llyfr yw ei werth fel adnodd dysgu. Mae’r pwnc yn codi ym mhob ysgol fel rhan o wersi gwyddoniaeth, a gan fod hi braidd yn anodd mynd ar drip ysgol i’r gofod (mi fysa’n cŵl basa!), mae’n rhaid i ni fodloni ar ddarllen amdano yn y dosbarth. Yn aml, mae digon o wybodaeth am blanedau ar gael ar y we yn Saesneg, ac er bod trawsieithu yn sgil hynod o bwysig, mae’n braf gallu cael pethau yn Gymraeg. Mae ‘na nifer o dasgau dysgu gwerthfawr all ddeillio o’r llyfr; er enghraifft creu poster neu bas data gwybodaeth am blanedau. Byddai’r llyfr yn ddefnyddiol ar gyfer prosiect cyffredinol ar y gofod – gall y plant ymarfer sgiliau darllen drwy chwilio a chwalu am ffeithiau (yn enwedig plant iau fel blwyddyn 3 a 4). Rhieni – beth am brynu’r llyfr i’ch plentyn ac yna mynd am drip teulu i Ganolfan Jodrell Bank ger Manceinion? Since I was a child I have been captivated and enthralled by space. I still find myself fascinated with absolutely anything relating to space, be it newspaper articles or the latest sci-fi films! The idea of huge, unlimited, ever-expanding space amazes and excites children (and adults to be fair!) of any age. Can you believe that there are more planets in the universe than there are grains of sand on all of Earth’s beaches? Incredible isn’t it? We find such abstract concepts difficult to process. This is especially true for young children, who find some of the hard to grasp. It really is quite mind-boggling when you think about it! That's why I'm always pleased to see a book which aims to make the subject as easy as possible for primary age children. I’d have been delighted to get a copy of this when I was younger! The design of the book is both colourful and simple and is bound to appeal to children’s eyes. There's a lot of information contained in the book but not so much as to confuse – the large print is a big help too. The book has a hard cover and consequently feels like it’s of good quality. The book is sensibly organized and each planet gets its own page full of interesting facts. Following this, we have various sections about rockets, astronauts and other relevant stuff. I’m a big fan of the timeline at the end as it puts everything in context. A glossary at the back helps to explain the key words. Personally, I would have liked to have seen the corresponding English words here as well as it would be more useful. This book would make a perfect gift to anyone interested in science and all things space-related. However, I think the main strength of the book lies in its value as a learning resource. The topic arises in all schools as part of science lessons, and as it is rather difficult to go on a school trip to space (Would be amazing right?) we have to make do with reading about it in class instead. Often, we have plenty of information in English on the web and although translanguaging (reading in one language then writing in another) is a hugely important skill, it is nice to be able to get things in Welsh occasionally. There are a number of valuable learning tasks that can result from this book. For example; creating a poster or database with planetary facts. The book could be useful for a general space project – providing opportunities to practice reading/selecting skills whilst searching for facts (especially younger children such as Year 3 and 4). You can be assured that the book has been rigorously fact checked, unlike some internet sources. Parents – why not take the family on a day out to the Jodrell Bank centre near Manchester and have this book in the car to keep them occupied on the drive!?

  • Tawel Nos - John Townsend (addas. Elin Meek)

    *Scroll down for English & comments* Mae rhywbeth tywyll yng ngwesty Tawel Nos... Something dark is going on in Tawel Nos hotel... 【Adolygiad o'r archif - From the archives】 Genre: Dark thriller, mystery, crime Gwerth addysgiadol/educational value: ◉◉◉◎◎ Negeseuon positif/positive messages: ◎◎◎◎◎ Themau trist,anodd/upsetting,tough themes: ◉◉◉◎◎ Trais, ofn/violence, scary: ◉◉◉◉◎ Iaith gref/language: ◎◎◎◎◎ Rhyw/sex: ◎◎◎◎◎ Her darllen/reading difficulty:: ◉◉◎◎◎ Dyfarniad/verdict: ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ Addasiad Cymraeg Ein Meek o lyfr Sweet Dreams gan John Townsend yw Tawel Nos. Roedd yn rhan o gyfres ‘Spirals,’sef cyfres boblogaidd Saesneg o’r 80au i ddarllenwyr anfodlon. Y bwriad oedd creu straeon byr, bachog, aeddfed eu cynnwys oedd fod i gyffroi darllenwyr fel bechgyn. Mae’r llyfrau yn addas iawn i adeiladu ac atgyfnerthu hyder a mwynhad mewn darllenwyr dihyder. I ddechrau, mae’r clawr yn drawiadol iawn ac yn dipyn o ddirgelwch. Pwy yw’r ferch sy’n sefyll yn y glaw? Pam fod golwg betrus ar ei hwyneb? Mae ‘na olwg o frys a phryder yn ei llygaid. Fedrai ddim pwysleisio pwysigrwydd clawr wrth ddenu rhywun i ddewis llyfr ac mae hwn yn enghraifft dda o un sy’n denu sylw. Ar ddechrau’r stori, daw Lowri i’r pentref i ddechrau swydd newydd fel dawnswraig mewn sioe leol. Yn fuan iawn (ym mhennod 1 a dweud y gwir) mae’r awdur yn dechrau gadael cliwiau fod rhywbeth braidd yn od am y lle. Gwela Lowri erthygl bapur newydd sy’n dweud: ‘PERSON IFANC ARALL AR GOLL. YR HEDDLU’N CHWILIO’R TRAETH.’ Yn syth, mae’r darllenydd yn cael teimlad anesmwyth fod rhywbeth mawr o’i le yn y pentref yma. Wrth chwilio am lety a chysgod o’r glaw, mae Lowri’n dod ar draws rai o drigolion y pentref. Buan iawn mae eu geiriau caredig yn troi’n chwerw ac mae hi’n dod i ddeall nad ydy pethau fel maen nhw’n ymddangos. Mae rhywbeth ofnadwy yn mynd ymlaen... ond beth? A phwy sydd ar fai? Dwi ddim yn mynd i roi gormod o gliwiau, dim ond dweud fod Lowri’n difaru’i henaid ei bod hi wedi dod ar gyfyl y pentref! Mae bywyd Lowri mewn perygl wrth iddi ddarganfod cyfrinach erchyll gwesty Tawel Nos... Byr iawn yw’r nofel mewn gwirionedd ac mae llawer yn digwydd ym mhob pennod, gan mae dim ond 10 sydd yna. Bydd darllenwr sydd heb arfer cwblhau llyfrau’n gallu ymfalchïo wrth orffen y llyfr i gyd. Dwi wirioneddol wrth fy modd gyda’r awdur a’r gyfres yma - yn sicr y math o lyfrau dwi’n mwynhau eu darllen. Dwi wedi eu defnyddio gyda llawer o ddisgyblion tra roeddwn i’n dysgu ac maen nhw wastad yn mynd i lawr yn dda. Mi fydd unrhyw un ar bigau’r drain eisiau gwybod beth sy’n digwydd nesaf... Efallai fod arddull yr ysgrifennu yn syml, gyda brawddegau a pharagraffau byr, ond coeliwch chi fi, mae hwn yn un o’r llyfrau mwyaf tywyll a sinistr dwi wedi darllen yn y Gymraeg. Bydd yn eich gadael chi’n teimlo’n anghyfforddus IAWN... Grêt! Tawel Nos is the Welsh adaptation of Sweet Dreams by John Townsend. The original English title was part of a classic 80s series, 'Spirals,' which were popular with reluctant readers. The intention was to create short, catchy, unpatronizing stories that would appeal to boys. The exciting short books are well suited to building confidence and enjoyment in readers who lack confidence. Let’s start with the front cover. I think it’s very impressive, quite dark and mysterious. Our heads fill with questions; Who is the girl standing in the rain? Why is she looking worried? Is she in a hurry? There’s a look of urgency in her eyes. I can’t emphasise enough the importance of the cover in attracting someone’s attention and creating intrigue and interest. I think this cover is a great example of one that works well. At the beginning, Lowri comes to the village to start a new job as a dancer with a local show. Very soon (in Chapter 1 in fact) the author begins dropping hints that there’s something rather strange about the place. It’s not long before Lowri spots a newspaper article saying; 'ANOTHER YOUNG PERSON MISSING. POLICE SEARCH THE BEACH.' Immediately, you get that uneasy feeling that something is very wrong with this place. Whilst searching for accommodation and shelter from the rain, Lowri encounters some residents. Very soon things turn sour and she comes to understand that things are not what they seem. What’s going on? Who is to blame? I'm not going to give too much away, but I’ll just say that Lowri will regret the day she ever set foot in this village! Lowri's very life is in jeopardy as she learns the horrific secret of Tawel Nos hotel… The novel is in fact very short and as a result the pace is quick and a lot happens in each chapter. (There are only 10!) A reader who is not used to completing books will be able to take pride in finishing the entire book. What a confidence boost! I really love the author and this series in particular – certainly the kind of books I enjoy reading. I've used them with lots of kids whilst I was teaching and they always went down well. I guarantee you’ll be ‘dying’ to find out what happens next… The writing style may be simple, with short sentences and paragraphs, but I assure you, this is one of the darkest and most sinister books I have read in Welsh. It will leave you feeling VERY uncomfortable... Perfect!

  • Straeon Nos Da Sali Mali - Amrywiol/Various

    *Scroll down for English & Comments* Llyfr i ddathlu pen-blwydd Sali Mali yn 50! Book celebrating Sali Mali's 50th Birthday! Genre: straeon byrion/short stories Gwerth addysgiadol/educational value: ◉◉◉◉◎ Negeseuon positif/positive messages: ◉◉◉◉◎ Themau trist,anodd/upsetting,tough themes: ◎◎◎◎◎ Trais, ofn/violence, scary: ◎◎◎◎◎ Iaith gref/language: ◎◎◎◎◎ Rhyw/sex: ◎◎◎◎◎ Her darllen/reading difficulty:: ◉◉◎◎◎ Dyfarniad/verdict: ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ Adolygiad gan/review by: Mererid Haf Roberts Mae’r rhestr o awduron sydd wedi cyfrannu at y gyfrol hon yn amrywiol iawn, o Mererid Hopwood i Tudur Owen, o Eigra Lewis Roberts i Rhys Ifans, a llawer mwy. Ac mae gweld yr enwau cyfarwydd ar y clawr yn denu oedolion at y gyfrol yn sicr, gan wneud hwn yn anrheg berffaith i blant a'u teuluoedd. A beth am ddechrau gyda’r clawr? Mae’n wahanol i’r arfer am ei fod yn glawr realiti estynedig (augmented reality), sy’n golygu bod golygfa fach wedi ei hanimeiddio yn ymddangos pan fyddwch chi’n sganio’r clawr ar eich ffôn neu dabled trwy ap o’r enw Zappar – am ddechrau gwych i blant bach, cael gweld Sali Mali a Jac Do, cymeriadau hoffus a chyfarwydd, cyn agor y llyfr a darllen yr un gair, hyd yn oed! Ac er nad oes modd rhyngweithio â nhw, mae’n ychwanegiad bach difyr a deniadol i’r gyfrol. Rhwng y ddau glawr ceir amrywiaeth o straeon sydd yn wahanol yn eu harddull i’r llyfrau Sali Mali gwreiddiol a thraddodiadol, gan mai straeon i’w darllen i blant bach ydi’r rhain, yn hytrach na llyfrau i blant ddechrau dysgu darllen ar eu pen eu hunain. Serch hynny, mae hanfodion y cymeriadau rydyn ni wedi dod i’w hadnabod a’u caru’r un peth: Jac y Jwc a’i droeon trwstan ond â chalon fawr, Sali Mali drefnus a charedig, y Pry Bach Tew drygionus, ac mae’r criw i gyd yn ymddangos yn eu tro. Wrth gwrs, gall plant hŷn a darllenwyr iau hyderus ddarllen y rhain, ond teimlaf efallai fod rhai o'r straeon yn rhy syml neu'n blentynnaidd iddyn nhw, o bosib. Fel sy’n nodweddiadol o straeon i blant bach, mae neges syml i bob stori unigol wrth iddyn nhw drafod themâu megis cyfeillgarwch, caredigrwydd, dewrder a chydweithio. Roeddwn i’n falch iawn bod hiwmor yn elfen amlwg yn y rhan fwyaf o’r straeon hefyd, a chredaf y bydd plant yn mwynhau’r sefyllfaoedd sy’n codi ac yn chwerthin yn uchel ar rai o’r straeon. Fy hoff straeon i oedd 'Swigod a Sgorio' gan Gruffudd Owen, 'Y Picnic' gan Elen Pencwm, 'Triciau’r Pry Bach Tew' gan Bethan Gwanas ac 'Anrheg Jac y Jwc' gan Aneirin Karadog. Ond mae yma ddigon o amrywiaeth gan lu o awduron gwych, a bydd gan bob aelod o’r teulu ei ffefryn, yn bendant! Adolygiad oddi ar, trwy ganiatâd Cyngor Llyfrau Cymru. The list of contributing authors is vast, from Mererid Hopwood to Tudur Owen, from Eigra Lewis Roberts to Rhys Ifans, and much more. Seeing familiar, well known names will surely appeal to adults who will be buying. It makes it a perfect gift for children and their families. How about starting with the cover? It's different to the usual because it contains augmented reality, which means an animated scene can be displayed as you scan it with your phone or tablet using the free Zappar app. What a great start to see all the favourite characters brought to life before even opening and reading a word! Despite not being able to interact with them, it's an interesting and attractive little bonus. Between the two covers you get a variety of stories that are different in style to the original and traditional Sali Mali tales. This is because these stories are for young children, and not necessarily 'learning to read independently' resources. The things we know and love are present: Jac y Jwc and his clumsiness but big heart, the organized yet kind Sali Mali, the mischievous Pry Bach Tew. The whole crew turns up eventually! Of course, older children and more confident younger children can enjoy these, but perhaps some of the tales are too simple and childish for older readers. As is expected in stories for young children, each tale has a simple moral message as they discuss themes like friendship, kindness, bravery and cooperation. I was pleased that humour is employed in most of the stories, and I believe that kids will enjoy some of the situations that arise and will be laughing out loud! My favourites were 'Swigod a Sgorio' by Gruffudd Owen, 'Y Picnic' by Elen Pencwm, 'Triciau’r Pry Bach Tew' by Bethan Gwanas and 'Anrheg Jac y Jwc' by Aneirin Karadog. There's plenty of variety by the brilliant authors and each member of the family will have their own favourite stories for sure! A review from, with the permission of the Books Council of Wales. Gwasg/publisher: Gomer Cyhoeddwyd/released: 2019 Pris: £12.99

  • Llyfr Glas Nebo - Manon Steffan Ros

    *Scroll down for English & comments* Bywyd yn Nebo, ar ôl 'Y Terfyn.' Life in Nebo, after 'The End'. ★ Llyfr y Flwyddyn, 2019, Book of the Year ★ ❤ Cymraeg gwreiddiol, Welsh original ❤ Genre: Post-apocalyptic dystopian Gwerth addysgiadol/educational value: ◉◉◉◉◎ Negeseuon positif/positive messages: ◉◉◉◎◎ Themau trist,anodd/upsetting,tough themes: ◉◉◉◎◎ Trais, ofn/violence, scary: ◉◉◎◎◎ Iaith gref/language: ◉◎◎◎◎ Rhyw/sex: ◉◎◎◎◎ Her darllen/reading difficulty:: ◉◉◉◎◎ Dyfarniad/verdict: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Dwi ddim yn meddwl mod i wedi gweld cymaint o ‘hype’ a chyffro am lyfr Cymraeg ers talwm iawn… os erioed! Cafodd y llyfr yma ei grybwyll gan nifer fel llyfr gorau’r ddegawd! Ers iddo ennill y Fedal Ryddiaith yn Eisteddfod Genedlaethol 2018 a Llyfr y Flwyddyn 2019, mae o wedi cael ei ail-argraffu droeon! Yn ddiweddar iawn, wrth i gwmni theatr Frân Wen baratoi i fynd ag addasiad llwyfan o’r llyfr ar daith ledled Cymru, mae yna unwaith eto gyffro mawr am lyfr sydd wedi creu argraff enfawr ym myd llyfrau Cymraeg. Mae gen i sawl rheswm i ddiolch i Manon Steffan Ros. Yn gyntaf, am sgwennu whopar o nofel, ac yn ail, am ennyn fy niddordeb i fod eisiau darllen mwy o nofelau Cymraeg. I esbonio - cyn Llyfr Glas Nebo, anaml iawn fyddwn i’n dewis llyfr Cymraeg i’w ddarllen. Dwi wedi sylwi ar sawl un yn nodi sylwadau tebyg ledled Cymru. Dyma lyfr sydd wedi llwyddo i daro deuddeg hefo darllenwyr selog, ond hefyd, efo darllenwyr newydd. Mae hefyd yn boblogaidd ymysg dysgwyr Cymraeg. Dw i’n tybio eich bod yn gofyn pam ei fod yn cael ei gynnwys ar wefan adolygiadau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc. Wel, er mai nofel i oedolion oedd o yn wreiddiol, mae o’n llawer mwy na hyn bellach. Nofel yw hon sy’n gweithio i bawb gan ei bod mor hawdd i’w darllen. Stori sy’n ddigon ysgafn i’w mwynhau ar ôl diwrnod caled o waith, ond sydd hefyd yn cyflwyno negeseuon dwys sy’n aros yn y cof ymhell ar ôl cau’r clawr. Nofel post-apocalyptaidd dystopian ydi hi ar ffurf dyddiadur, sy’n trafod bywyd rhai blynyddoedd ar ôl ‘Y Terfyn.’ Swnio’n ominous dydi! Er bod manylion yn brin, down i ddeall fod gorsaf niwclear Wylfa ym Môn wedi ffrwydro neu ei tharo gan fom. Pwnc sy’n fy nychryn gymaint achos mae o mor gredadwy ac yn hollol bosib. Yn nyddiau Trump a thensiynau gydag Iran, Rwsia a Gogledd Korea; mae’n dod yn fwyfwy posib pob dydd! Heb ddatgelu gormod o fanylion, rydan ni’n cwrdd â Siôn, bachgen yn ei arddegau a’i fam, Rowenna. Mae bywyd yn anodd wedi’r Terfyn - prinder bwyd, nwyddau meddygol, diffyg trydan ac ati. Fodd bynnag, yng nghanol hyn i gyd, mae yna obaith ac mae yna gyfoeth newydd i’w bywydau. Ceir nifer o sylwadau sy’n beirniadu’r ‘hen ffordd o fyw’, y prysurdeb, y gwastraff a phawb ar ei sgriniau digidol. Tydi Manon Steffan Ros byth yn pregethu chwaith. Er bod hi’n gyfnod anodd a llwm, mae ’na brydferthwch a pharch tuag at y byd newydd. Mae’r ddau yn dod i werthfawrogi’r pethau bach syml mewn bywyd. Drwy’r nofel mae’n ddiddorol gweld Siôn yn tyfu ac yn aeddfedu, gan ddod yn fwyfwy annibynnol. Mae penodau Rowenna yn ddiddorol gan iddi sôn am y gorffennol, cyn Y Terfyn ac yn cyferbynnu’n dda gyda Siôn, sy’n trafod y presennol. Erbyn diwedd y nofel, mae’r ddau gymeriad yn bobl wahanol ac mae eu perthynas wedi newid. Roedd amrywio pwy oedd yn ’sgwennu yn y dyddiadur bob yn ail pennod yn cadw pethau’n ddifyr. Mae ’na ran ohonof yn teimlo rhwystredigaeth fod y nofel yn fyr, gan nad oedd amser i ymchwilio mwy ar y cyfnod sy’n arwain at y Terfyn a’r digwyddiad ei hun. Yn bersonol, byddwn wedi hoffi gwybod mwy am sut y bu i gyfraith a threfn ddadfeilio ar ôl i’r bomiau cyntaf daro Llundain a Manceinion. Fodd bynnag, nofel fer yw hi, ac yn y pen draw, dwi’n meddwl ei bod hi’n gweithio’n well fel hyn a bod hynny’n rhan fawr o’i llwyddiant. Fel y dywedodd Mark Twain, “I didn't have time to write a short letter, so I wrote a long one instead.” Mae’n hawdd iawn ’sgwennu llwyth, ond mae angen mwy o grefft wrth ysgrifennu’n gynnil. Dyma sgil y mae Manon Steffan Ros wedi’i mireinio i’r dim. Nofel yw hon sy’n gwneud i chi feddwl a sy’n codi cwestiynau dilys am ein ffordd o fyw presennol. Fyddwch chi ddim yn hir yn gorffen y llyfr, dwi’n gaddo. Un-put-downable. Mi wnes i ei gorffen mewn 3 eisteddiad! Bydd y nofel hefyd yn destun gosod ar gyfer TGAU Llenyddiaeth Cymraeg o 2021 ymlaen a dwi’n sicr y bydd nifer o ysgolion yn dewis ei hastudio. I don't think I've seen so much 'hype' and excitement about a Welsh book for a long time... if ever! This book is thought of by many as the ‘book of the decade!’ Since winning the prose medal at the National Eisteddfod, 2018 and the Book of the Year Award 2019, it has been reprinted many times and continues to sell well. Currently, as Cwmni Frân Wen prepares to take a stage adaptation of the book on tour across Wales, there is again a great excitement about a book that has created a huge impression in the world of Welsh books. I have many reasons to thank Manon Steffan Ros. First, for writing a whopper of a novel, and secondly, for engaging my interest in wanting to read more Welsh novels. To explain- before Llyfr Glas Nebo [The Blue Book of Nebo] I rarely chose a Welsh book to read. I have noticed a number of similar comments across Wales. This book has hit a note with faithful consumers of Welsh literature as well as bringing new readers on board. It is also very popular with Welsh learners for it’s easy-reading appeal. Why is an adult book included on this website I hear you ask! Well, even though it technically started as a book for adults, it has become much more than this. It’s a novel which works for everyone because it’s an easy read. A story that is light enough to be read after a hard day's work, but which also presents deeper, emotional messages that remain in the reader’s thoughts long after the covers are closed. We have here a dystopian, post-apocalyptic novel in the form of a diary, which discusses life some years after 'Y Terfyn’ [the End]. Sounds ominous doesn’t it! Although there isn’t great deal of detail, we understand that Wylfa nuclear power station in Anglesey has exploded – possibly hit by a bomb. It is a subject that frightens me so much because it’s both credible and entirely possible. In these days of Trump and tensions with Iran, Russia and North Korea; it is becoming increasingly possible every day! Right, enough doom-mongering! Without revealing too much detail, we meet Siôn, a boy in his teens and his mother, Rowenna. Life is difficult post-nuclear apocalypse. Food shortages, limited medical supplies, no electricity, etc. However, in the midst of all this, there is some hope and a new richness to their lives. There are a number of comments that criticise the old way of life; the busyness, the wasteful throw-away culture, everyone glued to their digital screens. The author shines a light on these aspects without ever preaching. Despite the bleakness of life, there is also beauty and respect for the new world. Both have come to appreciate the simple things in life. Throughout the novel it is interesting to see Siôn grow and mature, becoming increasingly independent. Rowenna's chapters are interesting as she talks about the past, and this contrasts well with Siôn’s writing, which discusses the present. By the end of the novel, the two characters are different people and their relationship has changed. A part of me feels a tad frustrated that the novel was so short, as there was little time to probe deeper into the period leading up to ‘Y Terfyn’ and to an extent, the event itself. Personally, I would have liked to know more about how law and order fell apart after the first bombings hit London and Manchester. This is however, a short novel and, ultimately, I think that was part of its appeal. As Mark Twain once said, "I didn't have time to write a short letter, so I wrote a long one instead." I think it’s much easier to write at length, but more skill and control is needed when keeping things brief. Manon Steffan Ros knows how to keep things succinct and breviloquent. This is a novel that makes you think and it raises legitimate questions about our current way of life. You won't be long finishing the book, I promise. You could say it is un-put-downable. I finished it in three reading sessions! I am happy that the novel will also be a set text for GCSE Welsh Literature from 2021 onwards. I’m hopeful schools will choose to study it and thus giving the book a whole new audience. Gwasg/publisher: Y Lolfa Cyhoeddwyd/released: 2018 Pris/price: £8.99

  • Cwmwl Cai - Nia Parry

    *Scroll down for English & comments* Llyfr sy'n trafod ymwybyddiaeth ofalgar. Mindfulness-based storybook. Gwasg/publisher: Gomer Cyhoeddwyd/released: 2019 Pris: £6.99 ISBN: 978-1-78562-297-7 ★ ★ Cymraeg gwreiddiol - Welsh Original ★ ★ Mae Cai yn cael dyddiau da, ac mae’n cael dyddiau gwael. Mewn ffordd, dwi’n meddwl fod hyn yn wir i ni gyd i raddau. Dyna yw bywyd weithiau ynte. You take the highs with the lows. Mae Nia a thîm o arbenigwyr yn y maes wedi datblygu llyfr sy’n sôn am rai o’r technegau sydd ar gael i helpu Cai deimlo’n well mewn iaith syml a hawdd i’w ddeall. Mae hyd yn oed y ffont sy’n cael ei ddefnyddio yn addas i blant. Adiwch y cyngor da a’r stori ei hun at luniau bendigedig Gwen Millward, ac mae gennych lyfr gwerth chweil yma. Er enghraifft, weithiau pan mae’r felan ar Cai, mae’n ysgwyd ei snowglobe ac yn gwylio’r gliter yn ofalus. Mae meddyliau Cai yn tawelu ac yn setlo fel y gliter. Ymarferion syml iawn. Mae’r esiamplau ar dudalennau 12 a 13 yn hynod o berthnasol achos mae sefyllfa’r dosbarth yn gallu cynhyrfu nifer o blant, fel Cai. Wrth gwrs, mae ‘na ddyddiau da, ond weithiau, yn yr union yr un sefyllfa, am ryw reswm neu'i gilydd, mae’n teimlo’n isel neu mewn panig. Mae’r pwysau sydd ar blant yn yr ysgol y dyddiau hyn, i ganolbwyntio, i gadw i fyny neu i fod yr un fath a phawb arall yn gallu bod yn ormod i rai. Dwi’n cofio fy nghalon yn curo a fy mochau’n poethi wrth i’r athrawes alw fy enw i ateb mewn gwers mathemateg. Gêm 24! Mochyn o beth! Mae’r llyfr yn sôn am rai o’r teimladau ac mae’n dysgu plant i adnabod rhai o’r cliwiau yn eu cyrff fod rhywbeth o’i le. Yna, mae’n cynnig strategaethau i ddelio a rhai problemau. Mae ymwybyddiaeth ofalgar yn rhywbeth sydd wedi cael cryn dipyn o gyhoeddusrwydd yn y blynyddoedd diwethaf, ac mae mwy o bobl yn dod i ddeall y buddion o’i wneud. Mae’n dysgu ni sut i sylwi ar ein corff, sut mae’n symud wrth i ni anadlu. Rydym ni’n gallu tawelu’r corff a'r meddwl er mwyn ymlacio. Dwi’n cofio pan oni’n dysgu, roeddwn i’n gwneud ymarferion tebyg gyda fy nosbarth yng nghyfnod y Profion Cenedlaethol. Mae o YN gweithio! Roedd y plant wrth eu bodd yn cael switch off am ‘chydig a chau llygaid ac ymlacio. Sitting Still Like a Frog oedd y llyfr+CD oeddwn i’n ei ddefnyddio. Rŵan, mae Cwmwl Cai yn rhoi adnodd Cymraeg i ni. Yn amlwg, byddai’r llyfr yn ddefnyddiol iawn i’w ddarllen adref gyda phlant sy’n cael trafferth rheoli emosiynau, neu sy’n dueddol o boeni neu or- bryderu. Fodd bynnag, dwi’n meddwl byddai’n werth defnyddio ymwybyddiaeth ofalgar yn yr ysgol gyda phawb. Fel oedolyn, mae gen i dechnegau fy hun hefyd - dwi’n hoffi cael cawod mewn tywyllwch llwyr gan ganolbwyntio ar wres a sŵn y dŵr yn unig. Efallai eich bod yn meddwl fod hynny’n od - ond mae o’n gweithio i mi! (wnâi ddim argymell hyn rhag ofn i chi lithro!) Dwi’n meddwl bydd pawb yn gallu uniaethu gyda Cai. Mae bywyd yn gallu bod yn hen beth unpredictable, a’r peth pwysig yw bod gennym ni’r strategaethau yn eu lle i ddelio gyda stress a phrysurdeb bywyd bob dydd. Beth am ddefnyddio’r llyfr fel sbardun i drafod strategaethau newydd, gwahanol unigryw? Y plant ei hunain fydd gan y syniadau gorau. Ym Mhrifysgol Bangor mae’r Ganolfan Ymarfer ac Ymchwil mewn Ymwybyddiaeth Ofalgar. Cliciwch yma i ddarganfod mwy. Mae 'na draciau sain ar gael i roi blas i chi a dwi’n gwybod fod 'na glipiau da ar Youtube (ond dim yn Gymraeg yn anffodus).Oedolion, mae Ap Cwtsh yn un da r gyfer myfyrio tawel. Cai has good days and has some bad days. In a sense, I think this is true of us all to a degree. That’s life sometimes! You take the highs with the lows. Nia and a team of experts in the field have developed a book about some of the techniques available to help you feel better in simple and easy to understand language. Even the font used is child-friendly. Add all that good advice, the story itself to the wonderful illustrations by Gwen Millward, and you have yourself a very useful book. For example, sometimes when Cai has the blues, he shakes his snowglobe and watches the glitter carefully. Cai's thoughts calm and settle like the glitter. Very simple exercises really. The examples on pages 12 and 13 are particularly pertinent today because a number of children, such as Cai, find the classroom a difficult environment to navigate. Of course, there are good days, but sometimes, in exactly the same situation, for some reason or other, he feels depressed and anxious. The pressure on children in schools nowadays - to concentrate, to keep up or to fit in can be too much for some. I remember my heart beating and my cheeks flushing as the teacher called my name to answer in a maths lesson. The 24 game! Awful thing! The book mentions some of the feelings and teaches children to recognize some bodily clues that something is wrong. It then proposes strategies to deal with some of these issues. Mindfulness is something that has received a great deal of publicity in recent years, and more people are coming to understand the benefits of doing it. It teaches us how to focus on our body, how it moves as we breathe. We can calm the body and mind in order to relax. I remember when I was teaching, I was doing similar exercises with my class during the national tests period. It works - honestly! The children thoroughly enjoyed switching off for a while and relaxing. Sitting still Like a Frog was the book+CD I used. Now, we have a Welsh resource to use. Obviously, the book would be very useful to read at home with children who are struggling to control their emotions, or who are prone to worry. However, I think it would be worth using mindfulness techniques at school with everyone. As an adult, I also have techniques myself- I like to shower in complete darkness concentrating only on the water's heat and sound. You might think that's strange – but it works for me! (I won’t recommend this in case of slips and trips!) I think everyone will be able to identify with Cai. Life can often be quite unpredictable. The important thing is that we have the correct strategies in place to deal with the stress, hustle and bustle of everyday life. Why not use the book as a springboard to discuss new, unique, tailor-made strategies? The best ideas will no doubt come from the children themselves. At Bangor University the Centre for Mindfulness Research and Practice is based. Click here to find out more. They have some good sound clips available to give you a taste and I know there are good clips on Youtube (but unfortunately not in Welsh). Parents, the Cwtsh app is a good one for quiet reflection.

  • Hwyaden Bluog - Llinos Dafydd (addas.)

    *Scroll down for English & comments* Llyfr pyped bys hwyliog! Fun, fluffy finger puppet book! Gwasg/publisher: Rily Cyhoeddwyd/released: 2019 Originally published by: Igloo Books Ltd Pris: £4.99 ISBN: 978-1-84967-452-2 Dyma lyfr llawn hwyl i fabanod ifanc iawn. Mae’n llyfr rhyngweithiol gan fod yna byped bys ciwt a fflwfflyd sy’n mynd drwy dwll ym mhob tudalen. Stori syml am hwyaden ifanc yn cwrdd â nifer o anifeiliaid eraill drwy hwylio’r afon gyda Mami Hwyaden. Yn y diwedd, mae’r cywion bach eraill yn deor ac mae ganddo frodyr a chwiorydd! Llyfr bach lliwgar sy’n helpu i ymgyfarwyddo plant ifanc iawn gyda llyfrau. Edrychwch allan am deitlau eraill yn y gyfres Pitw Bach. Nid yw hwn yn llyfr dwyieithog, ond mae fersiwn Saesneg ar gael. Mae’n dweud addas i oedran 2+, ond byddai’n addas i rai iau. Hwyaden Bluog = Fluffy Duck. Here’s a fun little book for very young toddlers. It’s quite interactive and stimulating as it contains a fluffy finger puppet that goes through a hole in each page. A simple story about a young duckling who meets several other animals as he travels the river with his Mother. Eventually, the other eggs hatch and he gets brothers and sisters! A small, colourful little book that helps to get young children used to seeing and handling books. The hard cardboard pages will withstand some chewing! Look out for other titles in the ‘Pitw Bach’ series. This book is not bilingual, although an English version is available. It says it’s appropriate for age 2+ but I think it would be ok for younger children.

  • Arhosfan ym mhen draw'r byd - Dan Anthony

    *Scroll down for English & comments* Adolygiad Cymraeg gan Awen Schiavone English review by Helen Perdikis. [Both refer to the Welsh version of the novel.] Antur gyffrous... mewn bus stop! Crazy adventure... that starts in a bus stop! Gwasg/publisher: Gomer Cyhoeddwyd/released: 2019 Addasiad/adaptation: Ioan Kidd ISBN: 978-1-78562-258-8 Pris: £5.99 Lefel her/reading challenge level: ❖ ❖ ◤ ◤ Fersiwn Cymraeg a Saesneg ar gael- Welsh and English editions available ◢ ◢ Wrth yr arhosfan bws, hanner ffordd rhwng ei gartref newydd a'i ysgol, mae Rhys yn digwydd dod ar draws yr union fan lle mae byd chwedlau a helyntion y byd go iawn yn cwrdd. Cowbois yn canu, creadur gwyrdd o'r cloddiau, y ferch gyflymaf ar ddwy olwyn, ymhlith eraill - a fydd y criw brith yma'n ddigon i'w achub rhag y gelyn peryclaf y gwyddon ni amdano? Yr hyn sy’n taro rhywun ar unwaith am y gyfrol hon yw’r clawr deniadol. Mae yma grafanc enfawr du fel pe’n anelu at fachgen sy’n eistedd mewn arhosfan bws, tra bo degau o barau o lygaid yn gwylio o’r cysgodion. Mae’r darlun, ynghyd â’r teitl anarferol – Arhosfan ym Mhen Draw’r Byd – yn denu sylw unrhyw ddarllenydd sy’n chwilio am stori unigryw ac annisgwyl. Ni chaiff darllenydd o’r fath ei siomi! Cawn ein cyflwyno i fachgen ifanc o’r enw Rhys, sy’n byw gerllaw’r arhosfan bws gyda’i dad, Siôn, sy’n methu â gweithio oherwydd anabledd. Mae Rhys yn gymeriad hoffus, ond nid yw’n cael llawer o fwynhad o fywyd ar hyn o bryd – mae’n cael trafferth darllen, nid yw’n adnabod llawer o bobl, ac mae pawb yn chwerthin ar ei ben yn yr ysgol. Mae Rhys yn teimlo’n arbennig – ond arbennig o anobeithiol yw hynny, gan ei fod yn arbennig o dda am wneud pethau’n anghywir. Ond, daw tro ar fyd gyda dyfodiad cyfres o ddieithriaid i’r dref a’r ardal gyfagos, ac yn benodol i’r arhosfan! Gydag ymddangosiad llond llaw o gymeriadau unigryw a rhyfedd, mae bywyd Rhys yn datblygu’n fywyd diddorol tu hwnt! Dywedir wrtho fod ganddo bwerau arbennig, sef y gallu i weld bydoedd eraill – bydoedd sy’n bodoli yn yr un gofod â’r dimensiwn dynol. Ni all Rhys gredu ei glustiau, ond mae’n gwybod fod rhywbeth rhyfeddol ar droed pan mae’n cyfarfod cymeriadau mor amrywiol â Doc Penfro a Kid Welly – sy’n gwisgo fel cowbois; Mrs Prydderch a Rhiannon, sy’n ymhel â dewiniaeth ddu gwrachod; Beth, y ddraig sy’n groes rhwng Lamborghini a roced; dyn bach gwyrdd o’r enw Wdig; y Wraig Wlanog; dafad ddu o’r enw Dafi; ellyllon; coblynnod; ysbrydion; a brân fusneslyd! O fewn cloriau’r gyfrol hon, cewch fynd ar antur dra gwahanol – i fyd ffantasi a mytholeg – ymysg cymysgedd o gymeriadau a digwyddiadau difyr a gwallgof. Mae yma hud a lledrith, gyda’r cwbl yn canolbwyntio ar bŵer honedig carreg arbennig. Mae’r awdur yn llwyddo i ddal sylw’r darllenydd hyd y diwedd, gan gadw’r datgeliad am ddirgelwch y garreg a’r holl gymeriadau rhyfedd nes y tudalennau olaf. Dyma stori llawn cyffro a dirgel, gyda’r arddull ysgrifennu’n caniatáu i’r stori lifo’n gyflym o bennod i bennod – y llinyn storïol yw elfen gryfaf y nofel. Nid eir i fanylder gyda’r disgrifiadau – sy’n caniatáu rhyddid i ddychymyg y darllenydd – tra bo’r darluniau difyr hwnt ac yma’n cynorthwyo’r dychymyg. Os ydych am ddianc i fyd anturus, llawn dirgel a ffantasi, bachwch y gyfrol hon. Adolygiad oddi ar, trwy ganiatâd Cyngor Llyfrau Cymru. The novel begins with a red sweet and ends with a rice pudding, or at least the image of one. What lies in between is a veritable roller coaster of a bus ride with Rhys, the rather reflective hero and all round sensitive 12-year-old facing the challenges of secondary school and being a “one off”. Set in Pembrokeshire with a deep sense of nature and landscape, the novel explores Rhys’s life with his wounded veteran father, Jamie, a single parent. Despite loving his father deeply, the emptiness at the centre of his life draws Rhys to many solitary hours at the bus stop arranging stones into imaginary armies, his own Camp Bastion. At this “intersection”, Rhys is not alone: “the bus stop ... had chosen him.” Here Rhys's adventures begin with a host of vivid characters, including supportive bus drivers and dubious cowboys, Woody the woodland creature and rampant spanner men. Naturally there are witches. Anwen “Bike” is a worthy and feisty heroine although never quite evocative enough to upstage Rhys. Rhys’s encounters at the bus stop will appeal to readers in the middle years and are rather more engaging than the slightly stereotypical and less finely drawn school scenes. It is the imagination which triumphs here and a special effort has been made to appeal to boys with plenty of pace, excitement and humour. The themes of otherness, loneliness and bullying are offset by a lively and tantalising glimpse into other worlds where time and place can be turned upside down. Rhys's trials, the build up to the last battle and the promise of a mysterious King ensure the reader is never bored. There is much to enjoy in the novel although some adult characters feel overly predictable and a little flat at times. With an all-knowing crow and a brooding black sheep keeping an eye on proceedings, however, readers will find much fun to focus on here. A review from, with the permission of the Welsh Books Council. Parents! If your child is reading the Welsh copy in school and you'd also like to join in, then grab yourself an English copy and read along too.

  • Dyma Ni: Sut i Fyw ar y Ddaear - Oliver Jeffers

    *Scroll down for English & comments* Pecyn croeso i'r ddaear i bobl bach newydd! Welcome pack to earth for new humans! ♥ Llyfr y Mis Ionawr 2020, January Book of the month ♥ Gwasg/publisher: Atebol Cyhoeddwyd/released: 2019 Addasiad/adaptation: Eurig Salisbury ISBN: 978-1912261987 Pris: £12.99 Yn ôl sôn, mae’r awdur yn Dad newydd, ac ar ddychwelyd o’r Ysbyty gyda’i fab newydd fe aeth a fo ar daith o gwmpas y tŷ yn cyflwyno’r amgylchedd newydd. Mae’r stori yma yn estyniad o’r syniad hwnnw, sef cyflwyno ein byd anhygoel i blentyn ifanc sy’n ceisio gwneud synnwyr o bopeth. Dim wir yn stori, ond mae hwn fwy fel rhyw fath o becyn groeso i bobl sy’n newydd i’r ddaear! Yn wir, ‘sa chi’n gallu rhoi copi o hwn i aliens wrth iddyn nhw lanio ar y ddaear am y tro cyntaf! (gan gymryd yn ganiataol fod nhw’n darllen Cymraeg, wrth gwrs!) Pwy sydd erioed wedi cael amser i eistedd yn ôl a jest meddwl pa mor anhygoel ac eang yw ein byd? Wel, mae’r llyfr yn gwneud hyn. Mae’r blaned yn ein hamddiffyn ni ac yn ein cynnal ni. Weithiau, dydyn ni, ddynol ryw, ddim bob amser yn parchu ein cartref cynnes saff. Mae’r llyfr yma’n cynnwys nifer o negeseuon sy’n annog pobl ifanc i barchu a gwarchod eu cartref. Mae’r ddaear yn llawn o systemau cymhleth a bregus, sy’n gweithio’n dda ac yn dibynnu ar ei gilydd. Rhaid sicrhau fod o’n cael ei amddiffyn. Mae 'na negeseuon hefyd am barchu ein gilydd a derbyn a dathlu ein gwahaniaethau. Diddorol oedd clywed fod yr awdur bellach yn byw yn Brooklyn - efallai y byddai Mr Trump yn hoffi copi o’r llyfr yma ‘Dolig nesa! Mae’r llyfr yn mynd a’r darllenydd ar wibdaith o amgylch y glôb, gan gyflwyno nifer o syniadau newydd ond heb fynd i ormodedd o fanylder. Wedi dweud hyn, dwi’n falch fod 'na fwy o fanylion gwyddonol yno na sydd wir ei angen ar blant ifanc iawn, achos wedyn, mae’r llyfr hefyd yn addas i blant ‘chydig yn hyn hefyd. Yn sicr dwi’n meddwl fod hwn yn llyfr sy’n gweddu’n well i’w gyd-ddarllen. Gan ddibynnu ar oed y plentyn, ond mae’r cysyniadau yn siŵr o sbarduno llwyth o gwestiynau eraill. Dwi’n hoff iawn o lyfrau sy’n tanio dychymyg a chwilfrydedd plant ac yn eu hannog i ofyn cwestiynau am y byd o’u cwmpas. Dwi’n siŵr fydd 'na oedolion fydd yn darllen y llyfr yma ac yn dysgu rhywbeth newydd hefyd (fel fi!) Mae geiriau’r awdur yn addfwyn ac yn dyner, ac mae’n siarad yn uniongyrchol gyda’r plentyn ifanc sy’n darllen. Yr awdur sydd hefyd wedi gwneud y lluniau, a dwi’n gwybod y byddwch yn cytuno, maen nhw’n brydferth iawn. Dwi’n hoff iawn o’r llong, y bont a skyline Efrog Newydd. Petai gennyf blant, mi fyddai’r llyfr hwn yn sicr ar fy rhestr siopa, gan fod ynddo gymaint o wyddoniaeth a daearyddiaeth a mwy. Yn wir, mae’n byrlymu â ffeithiau diddorol thu hwnt. Llyfr dwyieithog yw hwn, ac er bod ambell dudalen braidd yn brysur gyda’r ddwy iaith, mae’n syniad gwych i rieni sydd un ai’n dysgu, neu sydd eisiau cefnogi eu plant wrth ddarllen. Clawr caled, tudalennau o ansawdd da. The author, reportedly a new Dad, who upon returning from the hospital with his new son went on a tour of the house; introducing his son to his new environment. and F oar a tour of the house introducing the new environment. This book is an extension of that idea, which presents our incredible world to a young child trying to sense of everything. Not so much a story, but more of a ‘welcome to Earth pack’ for new residents! I’m sure you could hand out copies of this book to newly arriving aliens on their first visit! (assuming they read Welsh, of course!) Who has ever had time to sit back and think just how incredible and vast our world is? Well, the book does just this. The planet protects us and sustains us. Sometimes we humans, do not always respect our warm, safe home. This book contains a number of messages that encourages young minds to respect and protect our home. The earth is full of complex, delicate and fragile systems, that work well and depend on each other. It must be protected. There are also messages about respecting each other and tolerating and celebrating our differences. It was interesting to hear that the author now lives in Brooklyn – perhaps Mr. Trump could do with a copy of this book next Christmas! The book takes the reader on a tour of the globe, introducing a number of new ideas but not going into ridiculous detail. Having said this, I am pleased that there is still a certain level of scientific detail (probably beyond a younger child’s understanding), but it makes the book also appropriate for older children, say up to about 7-9. I certainly think that this book is better-suited to read with an adult. Depending on the age of the child, some of the concepts are bound to trigger a whole load of further questions. How exciting – parent and child could search together for answers not found in the book! I love anything that sparks children's imagination and curiosity; encouraging them to ask questions about the world around them. I'm sure there will also be adults who will read this book and pick up something new (like me!) The author's words are warm and gentle, he speaks as a father would, directly with the young child. The author is also responsible for the artwork, and I am sure you will agree, they are beautiful. I particularly love the ship, the bridge and the New York skyline! If I had children, this book would certainly be on my book-shopping list, as it has so much science and geography going on. Never mind the kids, it interests me! Indeed, it is bursting with interesting facts. This is a bilingual book, and although a few pages are rather busy with both languages, it’s a great idea for parents who are learning, or just want to support their children in reading. The book is hardcover, solid with good quality pages.

  • Nain Nain Nain - Rhian Cadwaladr a Jac Jones

    *Scroll down for English & comments* Llyfr hyfryd sy'n trafod heneiddio a dementia. Beautiful book discussing growing old and dementia. Gwasg/publisher: Gwasg y Bwthyn Cyhoeddwyd/released: 2019 Pris: £5.95 ISBN: 978-1-91212730-3 Themau dwys ond yn cael eu trafod yn sensetif. Sensitive approach to at times, difficult topics. ☆ ☆ Cymraeg Gwreiddiol - Welsh Original ☆ ☆ Llyfr hyfryd yw hwn sy’n trafod cyfeillgarwch, heneiddio a dementia mewn ffordd sensitif ac annwyl. Mae yna ‘chydig o hiwmor yn y llyfr sy’n helpu i gyfleu’r neges (sy’n gallu bod yn un dwys) ond mewn ffordd gain ag effeithiol iawn. Dwi’n licio fod gan Nedw (fel mae’r teitl yn awgrymu) dair Nain. Lwcus ‘ynte! Yn lle’r syniad traddodiadol o ddwy set o neiniau a theidiau, mae’r stori yn gwneud pethau mymryn yn wahanol ac yn teimlo’n fwy modern o ganlyniad. Bechod fod Nain Dre heb gael mwy o airtime, achos roedd hi’n edrych fel dynes ddiddorol iawn ac yn dipyn o gymeriad. (Yn fy atgoffa o Vera o Gwlad yr Astra Gwyn. Yr high heels ma’ raid!) Mae’r stori yn canolbwyntio ar Nain Llan, sef Nain Nedw (mam ei Dad) a Hen Nain Elsi (Nain ei Dad). Wedi drysu eto? Wel, mae Nedw’n lwcus iawn o gael y cyfle i ddod i nabod ei hen nain, ac mae’n dipyn o ffrindiau â hi. Dyma Nain sy’n llawer hŷn ac yn fwy fel Nain ‘draddodiadol’. Dwi’n licio’r ffordd tydi Mam Nedw byth yn cymeradwyo hwyl Nedw a’i hen Nain - yn bennaf, gan iddi boeni am ei ddannedd ar ôl y brechdanau siwgr! Yum! Mae o’n lyfli sut mae Nedw a’i hen Nain yn gymaint o fêts, er ei bod hi’n perthyn i genhedlaeth hollol wahanol. Wrth i’r stori fynd yn ei flaen, cawn wybod bod Nain Elsi yn gwneud pethau gwirion weithiau, ac mae hyn yn gyfle gwych i gyflwyno plant ifanc i’r syniad o ddementia. Peth da fod y llyfr yn cadw pethau’n light hearted dwi’n meddwl, ac mae’r teulu yn gwneud y gorau o’r sefyllfa. Dwi’m yn meddwl fod angen bod yn rhy ‘deep’ yn yr achos yma, ac mae’r llyfr yn taro balans dda. Wrth gwrs, mae 'na ddarnau trist, sy’n dangos y problemau sy’n dod gyda chyflwr meddwl o’r fath a’i effaith ar y teulu. Er bod rhaid i Nain Elsi fynd i gartref, rydym ni’n gweld mai hyn oedd y penderfyniad iawn ac mae’r llun olaf (arlunwaith ffantastig Jac Jones unwaith eto) yn crisialu’r cyfan. Tydi’r ffaith fod hi wedi symud i’r cartref yn newid dim, ac mae’r teulu yn dal i allu mynd yno i’w gweld. Dwi’n meddwl fod llinell ola’r llyfr yn hynod o bwerus, ac yn ddigon i ddod a deigryn i lygad. Os oes rhywun yn eich teulu yn dioddef o’r cyflwr creulon yma, neu sy’n awyddus i drafod perthnasau’n newid wrth iddynt heneiddio, dyma lyfr gwych er mwyn sbarduno trafodaeth gyda phlant ifanc. Dwi’n meddwl fod y llyfr yn gweithio’n dda er mwyn agor y drws ar gyfer nifer o gwestiynau eraill gan feddyliau chwilfrydig, ifanc. Athrawon, llyfr perffaith os mai chi sy’n gwneud y gwasanaeth boreol. Beth am ddefnyddio’r llyfr mewn uned o waith? Gellir trefnu taith i gartref henoed i’w diddanu gydag adloniant ysgafn… This is a lovely, heartfelt book that discusses friendship, ageing and dementia in a sensitive and sympathetic manner. It has a sense of humour which helps to convey the message (which can be rather intense) but in a highly effective way. I like that Nedw (as the title suggests) has three Nains. What a lucky lad! Instead of the traditional idea of two sets of grandparents, the story does things a little different and feels more modern as a result. It’s a shame that Nain Dre didn't get more airtime, because she looked like a very interesting character. (She reminds me of Vera from S4C’s Gwlad yr Astra Gwyn. Must be the heels!) Anyway, no time for that; the book is here to discuss something more meaningful… The story focuses on Nain Llan, who is Nedw’s Nain (his father's mother) and his Great Nain Elsi (his father's grandmother). Confused yet? Well, as I said, Nedw is very lucky to have the chance to get to know his Great Gran, and they are good friends. This Nain is much older as is more akin to the ' traditional ' idea of Nain. I find it amusing that Nedw’s Mum never condones their antics- especially the sugar sandwiches!! Yum! It's lovely to see that Nedw and Nain Elsi are such good mates, despite the huge age gap and that she belongs to a completely different generation. As the story progresses, we find out that Nain Elsi sometimes does silly things, and this is a great opportunity to introduce young children to the idea of dementia. It's good that the book keeps things light hearted I think, and the family makes the most of the situation without being too gloomy. I don’t think it’s necessary to make things too 'deep' in this instance, and the book strikes a good balance. Of course, there are sad bits, which highlights some of the not-so-good days that come with such a condition; particularly it’s impact on the rest of the family. Although Nain Elsi has to go to a home, we can see this was the right decision and the last picture (once again the fantastic work of illustrator, Jac Jones) perfectly encapsulates the ‘feel’ of the whole novel. Despite the fact that she has moved into the home; it changes nothing and the family continue to visit her and have fun. I think the last line of the book is immensely powerful, and brings a tear to the eye! If someone in your family suffers from this cruel condition, this is a fantastic book to stimulate discussion with young children. I think the book works well to open the door to more questions from children’s inquisitive young minds. Teachers, this is a perfect book if you are in charge of the daily assembly. Why not use the book in class for an unit of work? Perhaps a follow up visit to a care home can be arranged… you could do an afternoon of light entertainment for the elderly…

  • Sgubo - Louise Greig

    *Scroll down for English & comments* Llyfr i blant ifanc sy'n trafod 'hwyliau drwg'. Book for young children discussing 'bad moods.' Gwasg/publisher: Atebol Cyhoeddwyd/released: 2018 Addasiad/adaptation: Eurig Salisbury Pris: £7.99 ISBN: 978-1912261314 Lefel her/challenge level: ❖ Dyma stori sy’n taclo emosiynau mawr, cymhleth a heriol mewn ffordd sydd mor ddealladwy â phosib i blant ifanc. Mae ‘hwyliau drwg’ Daf yn cychwyn fel rhywbeth bach - dros ddim byd a dweud y gwir. Sgwn i os oedd deilen wedi chwythu yn ei wyneb? Ta waeth, mae’r hwyliau drwg yn sgubo drosto fel storm fawr, gan dyfu a thyfu. Mae’r bachgen yn cynhyrfu gymaint ag yn mynd mor flin, does dim posib dod yn ôl, ac mae’n mynd o ddrwg i waeth. Rhywbeth bach i gychwyn, sydd wedi mynd yn rhywbeth llawer mwy. Mae gwaith yr awdur a gwaith y darlunydd yn mynd llaw yn llaw yma, ac mae’r ddau yn plethu gyda’i gilydd yn dda i greu trosiad (metaphor) sy’n helpu i drafod teimladau mewn ffordd ddealladwy a gweledol. Mae emosiwn a thymer yn gysyniad abstract ac mae’r syniad o sgubo dail yn un diddorol, gwahanol ac effeithiol. Wrth i’r hwyliau drwg dyfu, mae Daf yn sgubo popeth i fyny; y dail, y bobl, y beics, yr adeiladau, nes mae o’n bentwr anferthol. Y neges: mae pethau wedi mynd rhy bell. Dwi’n teimlo dros Daf, a dwi’n siŵr fydd plant yn gallu uniaethu gyda theimlad Daf o fod yn euog, ac yn helpless gan ei fod wedi colli pob rheolaeth. Tybed fydd Daf yn gallu dod yn ôl o hyn? Dwi’n licio’r ffaith fod gan yr hwyliau drwg gymeriad, neu lais. Debyg i’r syniad traddodiadol o ddiafol ar yr ysgwydd. Mae Daf yn cwestiynu: “ydi hyn werth o?” ond mae’r hwyliau drwg yn ei annog ymlaen, yn mwynhau’r holl beth. Erbyn diwedd y nofel, mae Daf wedi penderfynu mai digon yw digon ac mae’r storm wedi chwythu’i blwc. O’r diwedd mae’r byd yn olau eto. Dangosai hyn eich bod chi’n gallu dod yn ôl o hwyliau drwg a does dim rhaid i’r storm lyncu popeth. Erbyn y diwedd, mae gan Daf fwy o reolaeth os yw’r hwyliau byth yn bygwth dod yn ôl. Mae nifer o blant yn cael trafferth rheoli eu tymer, a dwi’n meddwl fod y llyfr yma’n un da er mwyn eistedd gyda phlentyn a thrafod eu teimladau i drio gwneud synnwyr ohonynt. Mae’r copi llyfrgell sydd gen i wedi cael ei fenthyg 11 gwaith mewn jest dros blwyddyn! Ceir yma arlunwaith bendigedig sy’n gwneud defnydd llawn o liwiau llwm a hydrefol. Maent yn fy atgoffa o luniau L.S.Lowry braidd. Mae’r text wedi ei osod mewn siapiau diddorol ac mae’r ffaith eu bod yn ddwyieithog yn dda iawn. Ella bod y tudalennau tywyll angen ffont sy’n fwy darllenadwy e.e. lliw gwyn. Dyfarniad: Llyfr dwyieithog da i rieni neu athrawon i’w ddefnyddio i drafod ‘hwyliau drwg.’ This is a story that tackles big, complex and challenging emotions in a way that is as understandable as possible to young children. Daf’s ‘bad mood’ starts out as something small – about nothing to tell the truth. Perhaps a stray leaf blew in his face? Regardless of how it started, the foul mood sweeps over him like a thunderstorm, growing and growing. The boy gets more wound up and is in a temper that seems impossible to come back from. It goes from bad to worse. The author's work and that of the illustrator go hand in hand here, and the two work together well to create a visual metaphor that helps to discuss an abstract concept such as feelings in an understandable and relatable way. Strong emotions such as anger are difficult to explain to young minds and so the sweeping of leaves is an interesting, different yet effective way of doing this. As the bad mood grows, Daf sweeps everything up; the leaves, the people, the bikes, the buildings, until it is a huge pile. The anger consumes everything essentially. Things have gone too far. I feel for poor Daf, and I'm sure children will be able to identify with feelings of guilt and helplessness when all control is lost. Will Daf be able to come back from this? I was pleased that the bad mood was given a character voice. Similar to the traditional idea of a devil on the shoulder. Daf questions: ‘Is this really worth it?’ but the ‘bad mood,’ influences him and encourages it, almost thriving on it. By the end of the book, Daf has decided that enough is enough and the storm has blown over. At last the world is bright again. This shows that you can come back from a bad mood and the storm doesn't have to swallow everything. By the end, he has more control if it ever threatens to come back. A good opportunity to talk about calming and distraction techniques. Many children have trouble managing their temper and I think this book is a good one to sit down with a child to try to make sense of these feelings. The library copy that I'm using has been borrowed 11 times in just over a year! The images make full use of Autumnal colours and they remind me a little of L.S. Lowry paintings. The text is set in interesting shapes and the fact that it’s bilingual is handy.Perhaps the dark pages could do with more readable font colours, e.g. white Verdict: A good bilingual book for parents or teachers to discuss ‘bad moods.’ About the original author: Louise Greig is a poet and children's picture book author. She lives in Aberdeen, Scotland, and when she's not busy telling stories, she is the director of a rescue home for dogs.

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