*Scroll down for English & comments*
Llyfr ffeithiau lliwgar, syml am y gofod.
Colourful, simple fact book about space.

Genre: Ffeithiol/factual
Gwerth addysgiadol/educational value: ◉◉◉◉◉
Negeseuon positif/positive messages: ◎◎◎◎◎
Themau trist,anodd/upsetting,tough themes: ◎◎◎◎◎
Trais, ofn/violence, scary: ◎◎◎◎◎
Iaith gref/language: ◎◎◎◎◎
Rhyw/sex: ◎◎◎◎◎
Her darllen/reading difficulty:: ◉◉◉◎◎
Dyfarniad/verdict: ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆

Ers yn blentyn dwi wedi gwirioni gyda’r gofod. Dwi dal wrth fy modd hefo unrhyw beth sy’n ymwneud ag ef, boed hyn yn newyddion neu’r ffilm ddiweddaraf. Mae’r syniad o wagle enfawr, di derfyn yn rhyfeddu ac yn cyffroi plant o unrhyw oedran. Allwch chi gredu fod ‘na fwy o blanedau yn y bydysawd ‘na sydd o ronynnau o dywod ar bob traeth ar y ddaear?! Anhygoel! Rydym ni’n ffeindio cysyniadau fel hyn yn anodd i’w prosesu. Yn enwedig i blant ifanc, mae rhai o’r syniadau yn anodd eu hesbonio ac yn mind-boggling a dweud y gwir! Dyna pam dwi wrth fy modd gweld llyfr fel hwn sy’n ceisio gwneud y pwnc mor hawdd â phosib i gynulleidfa oedran cynradd. Mi faswn i wedi bod wrth fy modd yn derbyn copi o hwn yn fy mhlentyndod!

Mae dyluniad y llyfr yn lliwgar, yn syml ac yn siŵr o apelio at lygaid plentyn. Mae 'na lot o wybodaeth yn y llyfr ond dim gormod i ddrysu - mae’r print bras yn help mawr hefyd. Clawr caled sydd i’r llyfr ac o ganlyniad mae’n teimlo fel llyfr o ansawdd da.
Mae’r llyfr wedi’i drefnu’n synhwyrol ac mae pob planed yn cael tudalen ei hun yn llawn ffeithiau diddorol. Yn dilyn hyn, mae gwahanol ddarnau’n sôn am rocedi, gofodwyr a phethau eraill perthnasol. Roeddwn i’n hoff o’r llinell amser ar y diwedd hefyd i roi popeth mewn cyd-destun. Mae glossary yn y cefn sy’n helpu i esbonio’r geiriau allweddol. Yn bersonol, byddwn wedi hoffi gweld y geiriau Saesneg cyfatebol yma hefyd.

Byddai’r llyfr yma’n gwneud anrheg berffaith i unrhyw un sydd â diddordeb mewn gwyddoniaeth a phethau yn ymwneud â’r gofod. Er hyn, dwi’n meddwl mai prif gryfder y llyfr yw ei werth fel adnodd dysgu. Mae’r pwnc yn codi ym mhob ysgol fel rhan o wersi gwyddoniaeth, a gan fod hi braidd yn anodd mynd ar drip ysgol i’r gofod (mi fysa’n cŵl basa!), mae’n rhaid i ni fodloni ar ddarllen amdano yn y dosbarth. Yn aml, mae digon o wybodaeth am blanedau ar gael ar y we yn Saesneg, ac er bod trawsieithu yn sgil hynod o bwysig, mae’n braf gallu cael pethau yn Gymraeg.

Mae ‘na nifer o dasgau dysgu gwerthfawr all ddeillio o’r llyfr; er enghraifft creu poster neu bas data gwybodaeth am blanedau. Byddai’r llyfr yn ddefnyddiol ar gyfer prosiect cyffredinol ar y gofod – gall y plant ymarfer sgiliau darllen drwy chwilio a chwalu am ffeithiau (yn enwedig plant iau fel blwyddyn 3 a 4).
Rhieni – beth am brynu’r llyfr i’ch plentyn ac yna mynd am drip teulu i Ganolfan Jodrell Bank ger Manceinion?
Since I was a child I have been captivated and enthralled by space. I still find myself fascinated with absolutely anything relating to space, be it newspaper articles or the latest sci-fi films! The idea of huge, unlimited, ever-expanding space amazes and excites children (and adults to be fair!) of any age. Can you believe that there are more planets in the universe than there are grains of sand on all of Earth’s beaches? Incredible isn’t it? We find such abstract concepts difficult to process. This is especially true for young children, who find some of the hard to grasp. It really is quite mind-boggling when you think about it! That's why I'm always pleased to see a book which aims to make the subject as easy as possible for primary age children. I’d have been delighted to get a copy of this when I was younger!
The design of the book is both colourful and simple and is bound to appeal to children’s eyes. There's a lot of information contained in the book but not so much as to confuse – the large print is a big help too. The book has a hard cover and consequently feels like it’s of good quality.

The book is sensibly organized and each planet gets its own page full of interesting facts. Following this, we have various sections about rockets, astronauts and other relevant stuff. I’m a big fan of the timeline at the end as it puts everything in context. A glossary at the back helps to explain the key words. Personally, I would have liked to have seen the corresponding English words here as well as it would be more useful.

This book would make a perfect gift to anyone interested in science and all things space-related. However, I think the main strength of the book lies in its value as a learning resource. The topic arises in all schools as part of science lessons, and as it is rather difficult to go on a school trip to space (Would be amazing right?) we have to make do with reading about it in class instead. Often, we have plenty of information in English on the web and although translanguaging (reading in one language then writing in another) is a hugely important skill, it is nice to be able to get things in Welsh occasionally.

There are a number of valuable learning tasks that can result from this book. For example; creating a poster or database with planetary facts. The book could be useful for a general space project – providing opportunities to practice reading/selecting skills whilst searching for facts (especially younger children such as Year 3 and 4). You can be assured that the book has been rigorously fact checked, unlike some internet sources.
Parents – why not take the family on a day out to the Jodrell Bank centre near Manchester and have this book in the car to keep them occupied on the drive!?