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Cynllun i ddwyn diemwnt werth £350 miliwn!!
Daring heist of a £350 million jewel!
【【Adolygiad o'r archif - From the archives】】

Genre: ffeithiol, trosedd, ditectif / factual, crime, detective
Gwerth addysgiadol/educational value: ◉◉◉◎◎
Negeseuon positif/positive messages: ◉◎◎◎◎
Themau trist,anodd/upsetting,tough themes: ◎◎◎◎◎
Trais, ofn/violence, scary: ◉◉◎◎◎
Iaith gref/language: ◎◎◎◎◎
Rhyw/sex: ◎◎◎◎◎
Her darllen/reading difficulty:: ◉◉◎◎◎
Dyfarniad/verdict: ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Un o lyfrau ffeithiol gan John Townsend yw Lladron Diemwnt y Gromen. Rhan o’r gyfres ‘I’r byw,’ sy’n addasiadau o hen gyfres boblogaidd Saesneg, ‘Spirals.’ Roedd y llyfrau yma’n bwrpasol ar gyfer darllenwyr anfodlon/amharod, yn bennaf gan dargedu bechgyn gydag anawsterau darllen. Ceir brawddegau, paragraffau a phenodau byr a straeon difyr gyda chynnwys aeddfed. (yn aml, roedd llyfrau haws i’w darllen yn rhy blentynnaidd eu cynnwys) Er mai ceisio annog darllenwyr sydd ddim yn or-hoff o ddarllen yw prif fwriad y llyfrau, mae’r straeon yn dda iawn ac yn addas ar gyfer unrhyw un sy’n hoffi stori gyffrous.

Efallai fod rhai elfennau o’r stori yma wedi heneiddio braidd, gan iddo gyfeirio at Gromen y Mileniwm, sydd wedi bod yn un o eiconau Llundain ar lannau’r Afon Tafwys ers tro’r Mileniwm. Y dyddiau hyn fodd bynnag, nid yw’n cael ei adnabod fel y Millennium Dome, ond yn hytrach, yr 02 Arena. Yng nghyfnod y stori yma, sef 2000, roedd arddangosfa fawr yno lle'r oedd diemwnt anferth yn cael ei arddangos i’r cyhoedd.

Gan mai 9 oed oeddwn ar y pryd, doeddwn i ddim wedi clywed am y stori yma, ond ar ôl darllen y llyfr, mi es i chwilio ar google, a ffeindio fod y stori wedi digwydd go iawn! Roedd y digwyddiadau yn Lladron Diemwnt y Gromen yn swnio mor anghredadwy, ond wir i chi, fe ddigwyddodd hyn!! [chwiliwch am Millennium Dome Raid]
Stori sydd yma am Ray Betson a’i giang, a gynllwyniodd i ddwyn un o’r gemau mwyaf gwerthfawr yn y byd o dan drwynau staff y gromen! Petai hwn wedi llwyddo, hwn fyddai’r lladrad mwyaf enwog mewn hanes. Yn anffodus i’r lladron, roedd Ditectif Jon Shatford, oedd yn rhan o’r Flying Squad o Scotland Yard, yn barod amdanyn nhw! Darllenwch y stori fer, i weld pa mor gyfrwys a daring oedd y lladron, a sut arweiniodd eu gor-hyder a’u barusrwydd at chwalu un o’r cynlluniau mwyaf uchelgeisiol erioed! Dwi’n gwybod mai troseddwyr oedden nhw, ond mae rhan ohonof yn eu hedmygu am fod mor hy i geisio gwneud y fath beth!

Mae’r stori’n teimlo fatha rhywbeth allan o Mission Impossible neu James Bond. Yn wir, mae ‘na gyfeiriad yn y stori at ffilm James Bond, The World is Not Enough, sy’n cynnwys y Gromen a boat chase gyffrous!
Bydd y stori’n apelio at fechgyn yn bennaf, ond unrhyw un sy’n hoff o straeon ditectif fel hyn - a chofiwch - mae’n stori wir! Mae’n ddigon hawdd i’w darllen, yn adrodd hanes cyffrous, a dylid gallu gorffen y llyfr yn reit sydyn. Bydd hyn yn destun balchder i unrhyw un sydd heb arfer darllen llyfr cyfan. Dwi wedi cael tipyn o lwyddiant gyda’r gyfres yma yn fy nosbarth fy hun yn y gorffennol.
Lladron Diemwnt y Gromen is a factual story book by John Townsend and forms part of the ‘i’r byw’ series of books. These are adaptations of a hugely popular old English series called ‘Spirals.’ They were primarily targeted towards boys and reluctant readers. They were also highly suitable for learners with some reading difficulties. This is because they feature short and simple sentences, paragraphs and chapters that feature exciting stories with mature, un-patronizing content. (often, you’d find that easier-to-read books were rather childish and it was embarrassing to have to go down to the lower classes to get easier books) Even though the main aim of these books was to try and encourage readers not normally fond of reading, they are truly excellent stories and are suitable for anyone.

Although some elements of this story haven’t particularly aged well – the story takes place in the Millennium Dome. This was one of London’s icons on the shore of the River Thames. Nowadays, it’s still there, but has been re-branded and re-purposed into the 02 Arena concert venue. At the time of this story, the year 2000, it was a large visitor exhibition space. During this time, an expensive and precious diamond was displayed there for the public.

As I was 9 years old at the time, I don’t recall this event when it happened but after reading the book, I went to search Google and found out that it was a true story. The events in the book sounded so unbelievable, (like something out of a film) but honestly, it really did happen!!
This is the story of Ray Betson and his gang, who tried to steal one of the most precious gems in the world right from under everyone’s nose in broad daylight! Had this succeeded, it would have been the most famous robbery of all time. Sadly, for the thieves, Detective Jon Shatford, who was part of the Scotland Yard’s Flying Squad, was ready for them! Read the short story, to see how the daring, cunning thieves conspired to ram-raid through with a digger and escape with the jewel on a speed boat. Learn how their arrogance and over-confidence led to their downfall and the collapse of one of the most ambitious raids ever! I know they were criminals, but part of me still admires them for having the audacity to try such a feat!

The story feels like something out of Mission Impossible or James Bond. In fact, there is a reference in the story to the James Bond film, the World is Not Enough, featuring the Dome and a thrilling boat chase scene!
The story will mainly appeal to boys, but also to anyone who likes detective/crime stories- remember it’s a true story! It’s easy to read, tells an exciting story, and it should be possible to finish the book in no time at all! This will boost the confidence of any reader who never normally manages to finish books. I've had quite a bit of success with this series with my own class in the past. Following on from the story, you could prepare newspaper articles or TV reports about the heist.