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Tawel Nos - John Townsend (addas. Elin Meek)

Writer's picture: sônamlyfrasônamlyfra

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Mae rhywbeth tywyll yng ngwesty Tawel Nos...

Something dark is going on in Tawel Nos hotel...

【Adolygiad o'r archif - From the archives】

Genre: Dark thriller, mystery, crime

Gwerth addysgiadol/educational value: ◉◉◉◎◎

Negeseuon positif/positive messages: ◎◎◎◎◎

Themau trist,anodd/upsetting,tough themes: ◉◉◉◎◎

Trais, ofn/violence, scary: ◉◉◉◉◎

Iaith gref/language: ◎◎◎◎◎

Rhyw/sex: ◎◎◎◎◎

Her darllen/reading difficulty:: ◉◉◎◎◎

Dyfarniad/verdict: ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆


Addasiad Cymraeg Ein Meek o lyfr Sweet Dreams gan John Townsend yw Tawel Nos. Roedd yn rhan o gyfres ‘Spirals,’sef cyfres boblogaidd Saesneg o’r 80au i ddarllenwyr anfodlon. Y bwriad oedd creu straeon byr, bachog, aeddfed eu cynnwys oedd fod i gyffroi darllenwyr fel bechgyn. Mae’r llyfrau yn addas iawn i adeiladu ac atgyfnerthu hyder a mwynhad mewn darllenwyr dihyder.

I ddechrau, mae’r clawr yn drawiadol iawn ac yn dipyn o ddirgelwch. Pwy yw’r ferch sy’n sefyll yn y glaw? Pam fod golwg betrus ar ei hwyneb? Mae ‘na olwg o frys a phryder yn ei llygaid. Fedrai ddim pwysleisio pwysigrwydd clawr wrth ddenu rhywun i ddewis llyfr ac mae hwn yn enghraifft dda o un sy’n denu sylw.

Ar ddechrau’r stori, daw Lowri i’r pentref i ddechrau swydd newydd fel dawnswraig mewn sioe leol. Yn fuan iawn (ym mhennod 1 a dweud y gwir) mae’r awdur yn dechrau gadael cliwiau fod rhywbeth braidd yn od am y lle. Gwela Lowri erthygl bapur newydd sy’n dweud: ‘PERSON IFANC ARALL AR GOLL. YR HEDDLU’N CHWILIO’R TRAETH.’ Yn syth, mae’r darllenydd yn cael teimlad anesmwyth fod rhywbeth mawr o’i le yn y pentref yma.

Wrth chwilio am lety a chysgod o’r glaw, mae Lowri’n dod ar draws rai o drigolion y pentref. Buan iawn mae eu geiriau caredig yn troi’n chwerw ac mae hi’n dod i ddeall nad ydy pethau fel maen nhw’n ymddangos. Mae rhywbeth ofnadwy yn mynd ymlaen... ond beth? A phwy sydd ar fai?

Dwi ddim yn mynd i roi gormod o gliwiau, dim ond dweud fod Lowri’n difaru’i henaid ei bod hi wedi dod ar gyfyl y pentref! Mae bywyd Lowri mewn perygl wrth iddi ddarganfod cyfrinach erchyll gwesty Tawel Nos...

Byr iawn yw’r nofel mewn gwirionedd ac mae llawer yn digwydd ym mhob pennod, gan mae dim ond 10 sydd yna. Bydd darllenwr sydd heb arfer cwblhau llyfrau’n gallu ymfalchïo wrth orffen y llyfr i gyd. Dwi wirioneddol wrth fy modd gyda’r awdur a’r gyfres yma - yn sicr y math o lyfrau dwi’n mwynhau eu darllen. Dwi wedi eu defnyddio gyda llawer o ddisgyblion tra roeddwn i’n dysgu ac maen nhw wastad yn mynd i lawr yn dda. Mi fydd unrhyw un ar bigau’r drain eisiau gwybod beth sy’n digwydd nesaf...

Efallai fod arddull yr ysgrifennu yn syml, gyda brawddegau a pharagraffau byr, ond coeliwch chi fi, mae hwn yn un o’r llyfrau mwyaf tywyll a sinistr dwi wedi darllen yn y Gymraeg. Bydd yn eich gadael chi’n teimlo’n anghyfforddus IAWN... Grêt!


Tawel Nos is the Welsh adaptation of Sweet Dreams by John Townsend. The original English title was part of a classic 80s series, 'Spirals,' which were popular with reluctant readers. The intention was to create short, catchy, unpatronizing stories that would appeal to boys. The exciting short books are well suited to building confidence and enjoyment in readers who lack confidence.

Let’s start with the front cover. I think it’s very impressive, quite dark and mysterious. Our heads fill with questions; Who is the girl standing in the rain? Why is she looking worried? Is she in a hurry? There’s a look of urgency in her eyes. I can’t emphasise enough the importance of the cover in attracting someone’s attention and creating intrigue and interest. I think this cover is a great example of one that works well.

At the beginning, Lowri comes to the village to start a new job as a dancer with a local show. Very soon (in Chapter 1 in fact) the author begins dropping hints that there’s something rather strange about the place. It’s not long before Lowri spots a newspaper article saying; 'ANOTHER YOUNG PERSON MISSING. POLICE SEARCH THE BEACH.' Immediately, you get that uneasy feeling that something is very wrong with this place.

Whilst searching for accommodation and shelter from the rain, Lowri encounters some residents. Very soon things turn sour and she comes to understand that things are not what they seem. What’s going on? Who is to blame?

I'm not going to give too much away, but I’ll just say that Lowri will regret the day she ever set foot in this village! Lowri's very life is in jeopardy as she learns the horrific secret of Tawel Nos hotel…

The novel is in fact very short and as a result the pace is quick and a lot happens in each chapter. (There are only 10!) A reader who is not used to completing books will be able to take pride in finishing the entire book. What a confidence boost! I really love the author and this series in particular – certainly the kind of books I enjoy reading. I've used them with lots of kids whilst I was teaching and they always went down well. I guarantee you’ll be ‘dying’ to find out what happens next…

The writing style may be simple, with short sentences and paragraphs, but I assure you, this is one of the darkest and most sinister books I have read in Welsh. It will leave you feeling VERY uncomfortable... Perfect!

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