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Twll Bach yn y Niwl - Llio Elain Maddocks

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Nofel 'milenial' gyntaf y Gymraeg!

The first novel for Millennials in Welsh!

Negeseuon positif/positive messages: ◉◉◉◎◎

Themau trist,anodd/upsetting, tough themes: ◉◉◉◉◎

Trais, ofn/violence, scary: ◉◉◉◉◎

Iaith gref/language: ◉◉◉◉◎

Rhyw/sex: ◉◉◉◉◉

Hiwmor/humour: ◉◉◉◉◎

Awgrym oed: 16+ - cynnwys themau aeddfed

Suggested age: 16+ - mature themes

Trigger warning: scenes of a sexual nature and depictions of rape


Dyma nofel gyntaf Llio Elain Maddocks, ac am gychwyn da! Dilyn stori hunan ddarganfod Lowri ydyn ni, wrth iddi geisio dianc o’r twll sy’n fywyd iddi, ac mae’r cyfan o’i safbwynt hi. Mae hi’n ddi-waith, yn gorfod ymdopi â salwch ei mam, yn sengl ac yn treulio pob noson yn yr un dafarn efo’r un ffrindiau: Aled, Huw a Llŷr.

Bywyd cyfoes sy’n driw i Gymry heddiw sydd i’w weld yma: diffyg Cymraeg, diweithdra, salwch a chymdeithas feirniadol ac mae darllen amdano’n ddirdynnol iawn. Trwy gydol y nofel, rydyn ni’n gweld nad yw Lowri wedi aeddfedu o fod yn fyfyrwraig ac mae’r addasiad i fod yn oedolyn yn profi’n heriol iddi. Wrth i’w chariad ei gadael am ddynes arall, mae’r digwyddiad yma’n creu llwybr tyllog i Lowri ddyfalbarhau â’r holl heriau sydd yn ei hwynebu.

Y berthynas rhwng cymeriadau sy’n ddiddorol iawn yma gan eu bod bron a bod yn deulu. Mae’r deialog a’r deinameg rhyngddyn nhw yn adloniadol ond yn ddwys weithiau ac mae’r cyferbyniad rhwng y ddau fath o ddeialog yn realistig ac onest felly yn hwyl i ddarllen. Cawn adegau yn y nofel lle mae perthynas Lowri ag Aled, Huw, Llŷr a Manon yn fregus ond mae hynny’n ychwanegu drama difyr. Llwydda’r awdur i greu grŵp o ffrindiau teimladwy, ymatebol, cyfeillgar ond cymhleth sy’n naturiol ac yn gyfoes.

Un o’r elfennau mwyaf unigryw ydi’r ffeithiau am anifeiliaid ar gychwyn pob pennod, a beth sy’n fendigedig am rhain ydi eu bod yn ffitio fel darnau jig-so efo’r hyn sy’n digwydd i Lowri, sut y mae hi’n teimlo neu’r hyn sydd o’i chwmpas. Mae’n dechneg effeithiol sydd erioed wedi cael ei ddefnyddio. Annhebygol y byddwn i wedi dysgu bod eliffantod yn hoff iawn o alcohol mewn unrhyw nofel arall.

Heb os, mae’r nofel yn un dwys a chignoeth ond ysgafn ac yn hawdd i’w ddarllen. Dyma nofel hollol unigryw, a nid oes nofel Gymraeg tebyg wedi’i hysgrifennu. Mae’n fywiog, yn llifo’n fendigedig, yn onest, doniol, torcalonnus a chyffrous i gyd ar yr un pryd. Yn sicr, Twll Bach yn y Niwl ydi un o’r nofelau sy’n mynd i aros gyda chi am weddill eich oes!


This is the first novel from Llio Elain Maddocks – and what a great start! We follow the journey of Lowri's self-discovery, as she tries to escape from life’s struggles, and the novel is set from her point of view. She is unemployed, has to cope with her mother’s illness, is single and spends every night in the same pub with the same friends: Aled, Huw and Llŷr.

This is a reflection of contemporary life in Wales: a lack of Welsh, unemployment, illness and a judgmental society. Throughout the novel, we see that Lowri hasn’t matured from being a student and the adjustment to adulthood is proving to be a challenge for her. After her boyfriend leaves her for another woman, this event creates a rocky road for Lowri to navigate and to cope with all the challenges she faces.

It’s the relationship between characters that is very interesting here because they are almost a family. The dialogue and dynamics between them is entertaining yet intense at times and the realistic contrast between the two types of dialogue is honest and fun to read. There are times in the novel where Lowri's relationship with Aled, Huw, Llŷr and Manon is fragile but that adds to the entertaining drama. The author succeeds in creating a group of friendly yet complex friends who are depicted in a very natural way which reflects modern day friendships.

One of the most unique elements about the book are the facts about animals at the beginning of each chapter, and what is wonderful is that they fit in with what happens to Lowri, how she feels or what is around her like jigsaw pieces. It is an effective technique that has never been used in Wales. It is unlikely that I would have learned that elephants love alcohol in any other novel.

Undoubtedly, the novel is intense and but light-hearted and easy to read. This is a completely unique novel, and there’s nothing quite like it in Welsh. It's lively, honest, funny, heart-breaking and exciting all at the same time. Certainly, Twll Bach yn y Niwl is one of the novels that is going to stay with you for a long time.


Cyhoeddwr/publisher: Y Lolfa

Cyhoeddwyd/released: 2020

Pris: £8.99

ISBN: 978178461956


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Dec 08, 2020

Cytuno - chwip o nofel dda.

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