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Douglas a'r Cywion Ciwt - David Melling (addas. Eurig Salisbury)

Writer's picture: sônamlyfrasônamlyfra

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Antur arall gyda Douglas yr Arth Frown.

Another adventure with Douglas.

Genre: llyfr lluniau, dwyieithog / picture book, bilingual Gwerth addysgiadol/educational value: ◉◉◉◉◎ Negeseuon positif/positive messages: ◉◉◉ Themau trist,anodd/upsetting, tough themes: ◎◎◎◎◎ Trais, ofn/violence, scary: ◎◎◎◎ Iaith gref/language: ◎◎◎◎ Rhyw/sex: ◎◎◎◎◎ Hiwmor/humour: ◉◉◉◎◎ Her darllen/reading difficulty: ◉◉◉◎◎

Dyfarniad/Rating: ★★★


Gwrandewch ar 'Amser Stori Atebol' lle mae'r stori'n cael ei ddarllen!

Listen to story time with Atebol, where the story is read aloud!

🔔 Hefyd - mae pecyn adnoddau ardderchog yn cyd-fynd gyda'r llyfr. Digon o weithgareddau hwyliog i gadw eich plentyn yn brysur.

Diolch Atebol am baratoi adnoddau gwych AM DDIM!

🔔 Also - here's a free pack to go with the book. Plenty of engaging activities to keep your child busy for ages. Thanks Atebol for preparing great FREE resources! Link below.


Ymunwch â’n hoff arth, Douglas, mewn antur newydd ar ddechrau’r Gwanwyn.

Pan mae’r wiwer letchwith yn achosi i nyth llawn wyau lanio am ben Douglas, sy’n gorffwyso dan goeden, mae o’n cynnig gofalu amdanynt nes bod Aderyn Dowcio wedi adeiladu nyth newydd. Mae Douglas yn sylweddoli’n reit handi fod angen mwy na chwtsh os yw’r wyau am droi’n gywion! Diolch byth fod ganddo gyfeillion ar gael i’w helpu i achub y dydd!

Dyma addasiad Eurig Salisbury o un o lyfrau’r gyfres Hugless Douglas gan David Melling. Dyma i chi gyfres hynod o boblogaidd sydd wedi gwerthu dros 1.6 miliwn o gopïau hyd yma mewn 26 iaith wahanol!

Mae’r llyfr yn llwyddo i gyfuno arlunwaith del gydag antur, cyffro a chwilfrydedd y byd o safbwynt plentyn. Er enghraifft, mae’r casgliad bach o eitemau cymysg sydd gan Douglas ar ddechrau’ stori yn rhywbeth dwi’n siŵr fod pob plentyn wedi ei wneud ar un pryd neu'i gilydd. Casglu pebbles hollol lyfn a chrwn ar y traeth oeddwn i’n wneud!

Mae’r stori yn un da iawn ar gyfer plant sy’n dechrau dysgu darllen (fel nifer fawr o lyfrau gwych Atebol) a dwi’n falch o weld ei fod yn llyfr dwyieithog hefyd, sy’n debygol o apelio at gynulleidfa ehangach. Plentyn yn dysgu darllen, a rhiant yn dysgu mymryn o Gymraeg ar yr un pryd- be gewch chi well?

Mae ‘na ddigon o gyfleoedd trafod yn deillio o’r stori e.e. cylch bywyd adar, tymhorau’r flwyddyn, byd natur, anifeiliaid a hyd yn oed disgyrchiant i ryw raddau! (y nyth yn syrthio)

Yn amlwg fel nifer o straeon i blant, maen nhw’n gerbyd i gyfleu negeseuon pwysig, e.e. pawb yn dod at ei gilydd i helpu Aderyn Dowcio. Efallai fy mod i bach yn picky, ond… wnaeth y wiwer ymddiheuro ar ôl taro nyth yr aderyn i’r llawr? Sgwn i pam wnaeth yr awdur ddim cyfeirio at hynny? Yn sicr, maen rhywbeth i drafod wrth ddarllen - fod ymddiheuro’n bwysig hyd yn oed os mai damwain oedd o. Wnaeth o gyfaddef mai fo oedd ar fai cyn rhedeg i ffwrdd?

Os wnaethoch chi fwynhau hiwmor gweledol Douglas a’r Cywion Ciwt, mi fyddwch chi’n falch o glywed fod sawl llyfr ar gael yn y gyfres!


Join our favourite Bear, Douglas, in a new springtime adventure!

When the clumsy squirrel causes an egg-filled nest not fall on Douglas, who’s resting beneath a tree, he offers to look after the eggs for Swoopy Birds until the nest is re-built. Douglas soon comes to realise that you need more than a hug if the eggs are going to hatch into chicks! He might be a bit big to sit on them and keep them warm, but thank goodness he has friends to help him save the day!

This is Eurig Salisbury's adaptation of one of David Melling’s Hugless Douglas books. This is an extremely popular series which has sold over 1.6 million copies so far in 26 different languages!

The book manages to combine lively and engaging artwork with a sense of adventure, excitement and curiosity about the world from a child's perspective. For example, the small collection of mixed items that Douglas has at the beginning of the story is something I’m sure we’ve all collected at one time or another. Totally round and smooth pebbles is what I used to collect!

The story is a good one for children who are starting to learn to read (as is true of many of Atebol’s great picture books) and I am pleased to see that it’s a bilingual book, which is likely to appeal to a wider audience. This way – a child can learn to read and parents can learn a bit of Welsh at the same time – what could be better?

There are plenty of discussion opportunities arising from the story e.g. the life cycle of birds, seasons of the year, nature, animals and even gravity to some extent! (when the nest falls)

Obviously, as is the case with most stories for young children, they are a vehicle for conveying important messages, e.g. everyone coming together to help Swoopy Bird. Maybe I'm a little bit picky, but... did the squirrel apologise after knocking over the bird's nest to the ground? I wonder why did the author made no mention of that? This is certainly something that can be discussed whilst reading – that an apology is important whether it was an accident or not. Did he even admit that he did it and own up – all I remember is squirrel running away…

If you enjoyed the visual humour of Douglas and the Baby Birds, you’ll be glad to hear that there are several books available in the series!


Gwasg/publisher: Atebol

Rhyddhawyd/released: 2018

Pris: £5.99


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