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Y Boced Wag - Eurgain Haf

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Stori annwyl am fabwysiadu i blant ifanc.

Lovely story about adoption for young children.

Gwasg/publisher: Y Lolfa

Cyhoeddwyd/released: 2019

Lluniau: Siôn Morris

ISBN: 978-1-78461-746-2

Lefel her/challenge level:

Llyfr byr a syml. Un da i ddarllen gyda phlentyn.

Short and simple book. A good one to read with children.


Dyma lyfr annwyl newydd gan Eurgain Haf sy’n trafod thema mabwysiadu mewn ffordd sy’n ddealladwy i blant ifanc. Yn ôl sôn, hwn yw’r llyfr cyntaf ar y pwnc yma yn y Gymraeg i blant bach – dwi’n falch o’i weld ar y silffoedd. Fel dwi’n deall, mae gan yr awdur brofiad o fabwysiadu ei hun, felly hi yw’r person perffaith i ysgrifennu’r llyfr yma. Mae ynddo luniau hyfryd a syml gan Siôn Morris.

Ar ddechrau’r stori mae Cadi’r cangarŵ yn drist achos mae ei phoced hi’n wag a does ganddi ddim cangarŵ bach i ofalu amdano. Mae hi’n mynd am dro o gwmpas y wlad yn chwilio am ‘hapusrwydd’ ac yn dod ar draws nifer o anifeiliaid Awstralia.

Mae rhai o’r anifeiliaid yn fwy na pharod i helpu ond mae ambell un yn trio ei thwyllo. (Cyfle da yma i drafod sut mae’r dihiryn yn trio ei thwyllo). Yn y pen draw, mae arth coala clên yn ei helpu ac erbyn diwedd y stori, mae Cadi wedi mabwysiadu Jo Bach.

Tydi’r stori ddim yn dweud yn union fod Jo Bach wedi colli ei Fam, ond yn hytrach, ei roi mewn ffordd sensitif sy’n addas i blant bach. Mae’r stori’n gynnil felly gallwch ei ddarllen mewn un eisteddiad. Dwi’n meddwl fod y llyfr yn cynnig sbardun da ar gyfer trafodaeth. Anrheg lyfli am £4.99.


This is a charming new book by writer Eurgain Haf which discusses the theme of adoption in a way that young children understand. I’m told that this is the first book on this subject in Welsh for young children – I'm glad to see it on the shelves. As I understand, the author has experience of adopting herself, so she is the perfect person to write this book. It contains lovely and simple drawings by Siôn Morris.

At the start of the story Cadi the kangaroo is sad because her pouch is empty and she doesn't have a little joey to look after. She goes for a walk around the country looking for ' happiness ' and encounters a number of Australian animals on the way.

Some of the animals are more than happy to help but one tries to trick her. (a good opportunity here to discuss how the rascal tries to do this). Eventually, a nice koala bear helps her out and by the end of the story, Cadi has adopted Jo Bach.

The story doesn't exactly say that Jo Bach lost (or no longer has) his mum, but instead puts it in a sensitive way that suits small children. The story is nice and short, with each word being chosen carefully, so you can read it in one sitting. I think the book provides a good stimulus for discussion. A lovely gift at £4.99.

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