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Llyfr sy'n cyflwyno ymwybyddiaeth ofalgar i blant bach.
A books that introduces mindfulness to young children.

Genre: #lles #iechyd / #wellbeing #health
Gwerth addysgiadol/educational value: ◉◉◉◉◎
Negeseuon positif/positive messages: ◉◉◉◉◉
Themau trist,anodd/upsetting, tough themes: ◎◎◎◎◎
Trais, ofn/violence, scary: ◎◎◎◎◎
Iaith gref/language: ◎◎◎◎◎
Rhyw/sex: ◎◎◎◎◎
Hiwmor/humour: ◎◎◎◎◎
Her darllen/reading difficulty:: ◉◎◎◎◎
Arlunwaith/artwork: Sïan Angharad
Addas i oed: 4-7
Suitable for ages: 4-7

CYMRAEG: https://www.s4c.cymru/cy/ysgol-cyw/

Ydych chi wedi clywed y geiriau ‘ymwybyddiaeth ofalgar’ [YO] neu ‘mindfulness’ o’r blaen? Efallai eich bod chi’n gyfarwydd â nhw, ond mae nifer o bobl yn clywed y geiriau yn aml, ond ddim wir yn deall eu hystyr. Na, dydi o ddim jest ar gyfer oedolion a dydi o ddim yn golygu plygu’ch corff yn bob siâp dan haul a mynd ‘ooooommm...’
Hwn yw fy nehongliad i o beth yw ‘ymwybyddiaeth ofalgar’ (dwi’m yn gado ei fod yn hollol gywir, chwaith!) I mi, mae YO yn golygu cymryd ‘chydig o amser allan o brysurdeb bywyd diddiwedd, a chymryd munud neu ddau i dalu sylw i’r foment bresennol er mwyn ymlacio. Hynny yw, bod yn ymwybodol o’n cyrff, ein meddyliau a’r byd o’n cwmpas. Hwnna yw’r diffiniad mwyaf syml ohono ond mae’n llawer mwy ‘na hynny mewn gwirionedd. Mae ymchwil yn dangos fod ymarfer YO yn fuddiol iawn, ac yn help mawr i’n lles meddyliol. Yn ôl sôn, rydych yn gallu ail-wifro eich ymennydd i fod yn fwy positif drwy ei wneud yn rheolaidd ac mi all lleihau stress a helpu gydag iselder ac ADHD. Mae’n sicr yn rhywbeth braf i’w wneud a dwi’n argymell unrhyw un i fynd i ddarganfod mwy amdano (Mi wna i atodi ambell i wefan ar ddiwedd yr adolygiad).

Mae’r llyfr Shwshaswyn newydd yn cyflwyno’r syniad yma i blant ifanc iawn, a’u galluogi nhw i gymryd rhan a manteisio ar YO. Rydym yn ffodus fod y Ganolfan Ymwybyddiaeth Ofalgar ym Mhrifysgol Bangor – reit ar ein stepen ddrws, ac mae’r awdur, Nia Jewell, wedi trafod cynnwys ac ymarferion y llyfr gyda’r arbenigwyr yno.
Mae amseriad y llyfr, yn sgil covid-19 yn berffaith! Chwalwyd trefn arferol pawb yn ystod y pandemig a'r cyfnod clo, ac mae’n parhau i fod yn adeg bryderus, yn enwedig i blant. Pa adeg well felly, i wneud ‘chydig o ymarferion YO?

Drwy gydweithio â Cwmni Da, roedd yn bosib defnyddio ‘brand’ Shwshaswyn sy’n debygol o fod yn gyfarwydd i nifer o blant ifanc. Er, cofiwch, mae’n bosib mwynhau’r llyfr heb fod wedi gwylio’r rhaglen o’r blaen. (os dio’n newydd i chi, ewch i Cyw i weld mwy). “Holl bwrpas creu byd Shwshaswyn yw i’n hysbrydoli’n dawel i blethu’r cyfnodau byr o feddylgarwch i mewn i’n bywydau prysur,” meddai Nia. Mae gweithgareddau i gyd-fynd â’r llyfr ar wefan Cyw S4C, a bydd hyn yn gyfle ychwanegol i fireinio sgiliau canolbwyntio, hunanreolaeth ac ymdrin ag emosiynau.
Garddio sydd dan sylw yn y llyfr, ac mae’r Capten, Seren a Fflwff wrthi’n plannu hadau. Wrth wneud hyn, fe sylwant ar y byd o’u cwmpas. Dyma gyfle gwych i ymarfer anadlu, arafu a thawelu gyda'u hoff gymeriadau. Mae garddio ei hun yn weithgaredd llesol, hamddenol sy’n wych ar gyfer ymlacio - cyfle i roi’r ffôn neu’r tabled i lawr a chysylltu â natur.
O ran y llyfr ei hun, yn debyg i’r rhaglen deledu, mae’r gwaith celf yn lliwgar ac yn gwneud defnydd o wahanol batrymau a gweadau sy’n ddymunol. Dwi’n meddwl mai’r gweithgareddau rhyngweithiol yw un o gryfderau’r llyfr, ond efallai byddai’r llyfr wedi elwa o gael mwy o ymarferion fel hyn? Mae ‘na ddigonedd o ymarferion byrion ar ffurf clipiau fideo ar wefan Cyw i gyd-fynd a’r llyfr.
Mewn byd sy’n llawn cyffro a phrysurdeb, rhaid i ni wneud amser i ymdawelu a thalu sylw i’r pethau bychain sy’n gallu mynd yn angof. Dyma gyflwyniad da i YO i blant ifanc.
Have you heard of ‘mindfulness' before? You may be familiar with it, but many people often hear about it, but don't really have a full understanding of it’s meaning. No, it's not a just for adults and it doesn't mean bending your body in every shape under a sun and going 'ooooommm...'

This is my interpretation of what ‘mindfulness’ is (Can’t promise it’ll be absolutely right mind you!) For me, mindfulness means taking a bit of time out of the hustle and bustle of everyday life, to pay attention to the present moment in order to relax. That is, to be become really aware of our bodies, our minds and the world around us. That is probably and overly-simplistic definition of it as it’s much more than that really. Research shows that mindfulness exercise is very beneficial, and a great boost to our mental wellbeing. Apparently, you can re-wire your brain to have more positive thoughts by doing it regularly and it can reduce stress, help with depression and ADHD. It's certainly a pleasant activity to do and I recommend you do some further research to find out more about it (I'll attach a few links at the end)

The new Shwshaswyn book introduces this idea to very young children, and enables them to participate and take advantage the benefits of mindfulness. We are fortunate that the Centre for Mindfulness Research and Practice is located here at Bangor University right on our doorstep, and the author, Nia Jewell, has discussed the content and exercises of the book with the experts there.
The timing of the book, in the wake of covid-19 is perfect! Everyone's routines went to pot during the lockdown, and it remains a worrying time, particularly for children. What better time then, to introduce mindfulness exercises?
By working with Cwmni Da, it was possible to use the Shwshaswyn 'brand' to produce a book with characters likely to be familiar to a number of young children. Although, it is possible to enjoy the book without having watched the programme before. (if you are new to Shwshaswyn, go to Cyw S4C to see more). "The whole purpose of creating a Shwshaswyn world is to inspire us to weave the short periods of thoughtfulness into our busy lives," says Nia. There are activities to accompany the book on S4C's Cyw website, and this will be an additional opportunity to refine concentration and self-control skills whilst learning how to deal with emotions.

Gardening is the main focus of the book, and the Captain, Seren and Flwff are in the process of planting seeds. In doing this, they notice the world around them. This is a great opportunity for readers to practice breathing and calming down with their favourite characters. Gardening itself is a beneficial, relaxing activity that is great for tranquility of mind and thought - an opportunity to put down the phone or tablet and connect with nature.
As for the book itself, similarly to the television programme, the artwork is colourful and makes use of various patterns and textures that are pleasing to the eye. I think the interactive activities are one of the strengths of the book, but perhaps the book would have benefited from more exercises like this? There are however plenty of short exercises in the form of video clips on the Cyw website to accompany the book.
In our mad and hectic world, we must make time to ‘chill out’ and pay attention to the little things that can often be overlooked. This is a good introduction to mindfulness.