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Mis yr ŷd - Manon Steffan Ros

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♥Llyfr y Mis i Blant, Mawrth 2019 ♥

Children's Book of the Month March 2019

Crynodeb o’r cynnwys

Mae’r llyfr yn dilyn Tom wrth iddo gwrdd a Joni, sydd yn deithiwr. Mae rhan helaeth o drigolion Glannant wedi gwylltio wrth i’r teithwyr symud eu carafannau yno. Does neb wedi gwylltio mwy na Tad Tom.


Prif gymeriad y stori yw Tom. Mae ei ffrind Joni a’i deulu hefyd yn gymeriadau pwysig yn y llyfr. Mae rhieni Tom yn rhan bwysig hefyd

Fy hoff ran

Fy hoff ran yw’r brotest ar ddiwedd y llyfr. Mae Tom yn protestio’n ôl atyn nhw gan ddweud pa mor garedig mae Joni a’i deulu wedi bod iddo dros yr haf.

I bwy fyddet ti’n argymhell y llyfr? Pam?

Bydden i yn awgrymu’r llyfr yma i blant yn eu harddegau sydd eisiau darllen rhywbeth gwahanol iawn.


Summary of contents

The book follows Tom as he meets Joni, who is a traveller. Many of the residents of Glannant are outraged as the travellers move their caravans there. No one is outraged more than his father, Tom.


The main character in the story is Tom. His friend Joni and his family are also important characters in the book. Tom's parents are also an important part.

The best bit

My favourite part is the protest at the end of the book. Tom protests back at them and says how kind Joni and his family have been to him over the summer.

Who would you recommend the book to? Why?

I would suggest this book to teenagers who want to read something very different.

Adolygiad â ysgfirennwyd yn wreiddiol ar gyfer Cystadleuaeth Adolygwyr Ifanc CLLC

Gwasg/publisher: CAA Cymru

Cyhoeddwyd/released: 2019

Pris: £4.99


Yr awdur yn trafod y llyfr:

The author discusses the novel:


Gwybodaeth o Gwales:

Nofel wreiddiol, afaelgar ar gyfer yr arddegau cynnar, gan un o awduron mwyaf poblogaidd Cymru. Yn gefnlen i'r stori mae hanes cymuned o deithwyr sy'n symud eu carafannau i Gae Rhianfa. Dyma stori gref am ragfarnau, cyfeillgarwch a brawdoliaeth rhwng dynion ifanc.

Adolygiad Gwales gan Mared Llwyd

Rhaid i mi gyfaddef i mi wirioni ar nofelau Manon Steffan Ros ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc byth ers i mi brofi’r wefr o ddarllen Prism gyda chriw o ddisgyblion Blwyddyn 6, a rhannu eu mwynhad pur ohoni, rai blynyddoedd yn ôl. Heb os, mae gan Manon ddawn arbennig – y ddawn o fedru dweud llawer mewn ychydig eiriau, ac o ysgrifennu mewn arddull rwydd, ddarllenadwy gan dreiddio’n ddwfn o dan yr wyneb ar yr un pryd. Yn amlach na pheidio, yr hyn nad yw’n cael ei ddweud yw’r dweud mawr yn ei nofelau, a llwydda i siarad â darllenwyr ifanc mewn iaith maen nhw’n ei deall heb fod yn nawddoglyd na phregethwrol. Yn dilyn llwyddiant diweddar Llyfr Glas Nebo a Fi a Joe Allen bûm yn edrych ymlaen yn eiddgar at ddarllen Mis yr Ŷd. A chefais i ddim o fy siomi. Treiddia rhinweddau Manon fel awdur drwy’r nofel hon, unwaith eto – y cynildeb, y symlrwydd ymddangosiadol, y dwyster cudd ynghyd â’r gallu i ddarlunio cymeriadau cofiadwy, hawdd uniaethu â hwy a datblygiad arwyddocaol eu perthynas â’i gilydd. Nofel ar gyfer yr arddegau cynnar yw hon. Mae’r stori’n wedi’i hadrodd o safbwynt Tom, bachgen ifanc sy’n byw gyda’i dad a’i fam yn nhref ddychmygol Glannant. Unig blentyn yw Tom, a phlentyn unig. Ar ddechrau’r nofel, dysgwn fod ei dad, sy’n gynghorydd tref, wedi’i gythruddo gan ddyfodiad haid o deithwyr a’u carafannau i Gae Rhianfa ynghanol y dref. O dipyn i beth, daw Tom yn ffrindiau â Joni, un o’r teithwyr sydd yr un oed ag ef, wedi iddyn nhw gwrdd ar y traeth un diwrnod ar ddechrau gwyliau’r haf. Yn dilyn hynny cawn ddarlun o anghydfod mewnol Tom, a’i ddatblygiad yntau fel gŵr ifanc, wrth iddo ddewis brwydro yn erbyn rhagfarnau cul gweddill y pentrefwyr, a’i dad yn enwedig. Nofel gymharol fer yw Mis yr Ŷd. Mae’r stori’n ddigon syml ond wedi’i saernïo’n gelfydd. Mae hi’n hawdd iawn ei darllen o ganlyniad i’r iaith naturiol, rwydd a’r penodau byr, bachog. Er hynny, mae’r ysgrifennu’n gyforiog o ystyr ac o ddywediadau a throeon ymadrodd Cymraeg hyfryd. Gwneir defnydd o wahanol fathau o destunau – gan gynnwys blog, poster ac erthygl papur newydd – wrth adrodd y stori mewn mannau (techneg ddefnyddiol, heb os, wrth annog trafodaeth ar arddull mewn ystafell ddosbarth). Ymdrinnir â nifer o themâu pwysig ac amserol yn y nofel - themâu megis cyfeillgarwch, rhagfarnau, teyrngarwch a brawdoliaeth – ac mae’n ddarlun triw o fywydau arddegau heddiw. Ceir yma bortreadau hyfryd o’r gwahanol gymeriadau a’u perthynas â’i gilydd. Enghraifft berffaith o hyn yw’r darlun o berthynas gynnes, hapus Joni â’i deulu mewn cyferbyniad â pherthynas dan straen Tom â’i rieni: 'Er ein bod ni i gyd adref, fy nheulu i gyd, roedden ni ar ein pennau ein hunain.' Mae’r disgrifiad o dad Joni, â’i 'wên go iawn oedd yn cyrraedd ei lygaid' yn aros yn y cof, yn ogystal â’r awgrymiadau cynnil, sensitif o iselder mam Tom a geir gydol y nofel. Llongyfarchiadau i Manon Steffan Ros ar ysgrifennu chwip o nofel arall ar gyfer yr arddegau cynnar. Fedra i ond edmygu ei gwreiddioldeb, ei naturioldeb a’i dawn dweud dihafal. Edrychaf ymlaen yn barod at ddarllen y nesa! Adolygiad oddi ar, trwy ganiatâd Cyngor Llyfrau Cymru.


Info from Gwales

A gripping, original novel for young teenagers, by one of Wales' most popular authors. A story about prejudice, friendship and comradeship among young men set against the backdrop of a community of settlers moving their caravans to Cae Rhianfa.

Gwales Review by Mared Llwyd:

I must admit, I’m in love with Manon Steffan Ros’s novels for children and Young people ever since I read Prism with a Group of pupils from Year 6, and enjoyed it with them, some years ago. Without a doubt, she has the ability to convey meaning in a few words, whilst writing in an accessible way that is deep and layered in meaning at the same time. More often than not, the things that aren’t said are the most effective in her novels, and she successfully speaks to young readers in a way they understand without being preachy or patronising.

Following the success of Llyfr Glas Nebo and Fi a Joe Allen I was looking forward to Mis yr ŷd. I was not disappointed. Her style as an author permeates this book, once again, I refer to the perceived simplicity, the hidden meaning and the ability to create memorable characters that are easy to relate to and their developing relationships together.

This is a novel for early teens. The story is told from the viewpoint of Tom, a young boy who lives with his Father in the fictional town of Glannnant. Tom is an only child, and a lonely child at that. At the start of the novel, we learn that his Father, who’s a town councillor, is furious because a group of travellers and their caravans have descended on to the fields in the middle of town. Over time, Tom becomes friends with Joni, one of the travellers the same age as him after they met one day on the beach at the start of summer. Following this, we are told of Tom’s internal struggles and his development into a young man as he choses to fight against the prejudices of the other villagers, including his Father.

Mis yr ŷd is a relatively short novel. The story is simple enough but it has been well crafted. It’s easy to read because of the natural everyday language and short, catchy chapters. Despite this, the writing is full of meaning and Welsh sayings too. Use is made of different formats, including a blog, poster and a newspaper article which will inspire a discussion in the classroom.

Several important and timely topics are discussed in the novel, themes such as friendship, prejudice, loyalty and brotherhood – a fine portrayal of life as a teen today. There are wonderful portrayals of characters and their relationships with one another. For example, take Joni’s warm, happy relationship with his family as opposed to Tom’s strained relationship with his parents.

Well done to Manon Steffan Ros for writing such another excellent novel for teenagers. I can only admire her originality, and her natural and unrivalled ability to convey meaning. I look forward to the next!

A review from, with the permission of the Welsh Books Council.


Further information by the publisher:

One quiet Saturday, Tom is kicking his heels in the park after his best friend decides to go into town with the popular boys without inviting Tom. A young boy comes to the park, and the two start talking and laughing together. After a whole day in each other's company, Tom realizes that Joni is one of the travellers.

'Mis yr ŷd' is a novel about prejudice, friendship and brotherhood between young men as Tom learns to stand on his own two feet to protect his new friend and his kind community.

* An original novel for older readers (12-14 years), by one of Wales' most popular authors;

* It can be read independently for enjoyment, or used in a classroom with Key Stage 3 learners;

* There is a digital package available for free on the Hwb website, which includes questions to accompany the novel. The novel will help learners enjoy a novel by identifying, selecting and using information as well as responding to the material in a stimulating way - this will lead to an understanding of the novel as a prose medium and responding to new GCSE 2016 specifications in due course.



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