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Genod Gwych a Merched Medrus - Medi Jones-Jackson

Writer's picture: sônamlyfrasônamlyfra

Updated: Mar 8, 2021

*Scroll down for English & comments*

Hanes 14 o ferched rhyfeddol!

The stories of 14 remarkable women!

Rhestr fer Gwobr Tir na n-Og 2020 / Shortlisted for the Tir na n-Og Award 2020

Rhest fer Gwobr Llyfr y Flwyddyn: Plant a phobl ifanc 2020 /

Shortlisted for Children & Young People's Book of the Year 2020

Negeseuon positif/positive messages: ◉◉◉◉◉

Themau trist,anodd/upsetting, tough themes: ◎◎◎◎◎

Trais, ofn/violence, scary: ◎◎◎◎◎

Iaith gref/language: ◎◎◎◎

Rhyw/sex: ◎◎◎◎

Hiwmor/humour: ◎◎◎◎◎

Her darllen/reading difficulty:: ◉◉◉◎◎

Dyfarniad/Rating: ★★★★★

Gan y Cyngor Llyfrau Cymru


Dyma lyfr ysbrydoledig ar gyfer pob merch gan Medi Jones-Jackson ar gyfer Y Lolfa. Dwi’n falch iawn fod y wasg wedi cydnabod cyfraniad aruthrol merched i’n bywydau – ac mae’n anhygoel meddwl fod cymaint o’r rhain, sydd wedi siapio’r byd, yn rhannu rhyw gysylltiad â Chymru.

Mae’r llyfr yn canolbwyntio ar bedair ar ddeg [14] o ferched arbennig sydd wedi cyfrannu at feysydd di-ri fel mathemateg, chwaraeon, meddygaeth, llenyddiaeth, ffasiwn, busnes a mwy! Mae’r ystod eang o ferched, rhai’n hanesyddol a rhai mwy diweddar, yn sicrhau y bydd rhywbeth at ddant pawb.

Caiff pob merch dudalen ddwbl sy’n BYRLYMU â ffeithiau diddorol o bob math, wedi eu cyflwyno mewn ffordd hynod o effeithiol. Mae llyfrau heddiw yn edrych mor atyniadol o gymharu â rhai ers talwm, ond mae’r llyfr yma’n gwthio’r ffiniau ac yn mynd â phethau i lefel arall. Mae gwaith dylunio Dyfan Williams a lluniau modern Telor Gwyn yn ffantastig ac yn gweddu’r llyfr i’r dim. Dwi’n falch fod cymaint o sylw wedi cael ei roi at y dyluniad - maen hynod o drawiadol a chyffrous!

Mae ‘na restr geirfa sydd o gymorth i ddysgwyr ac yng nghefn y llyfr mae llu o weithgareddau difyr i gadw unrhyw un yn brysur am oriau! Ceir hefyd linell amser sy’n rhoi’r cyfan mewn cyd-destun yn daclus.

Y tu mewn i’r cloriau mae enwau llwyth o ferched ifanc o Gymru - sy’n anfon neges bwerus fod pob merch yn ddawnus ac yn rhyfeddol mewn rhyw ffordd neu’i gilydd! Rydym ni’n disgwyl pethau mawr gan y merched yma - efallai y cawn eu hanes yn y gyfrol nesaf ymhen 10 mlynedd!

Er bod y gyfrol yn canolbwyntio ar ferched, peidiwch â meddwl fod y llyfr yn addas i ferched yn unig. Dwi’n meddwl ei bod yn bwysig fod bechgyn hefyd yn cael y cyfle i ddysgu am rai o’r merched nodedig hyn. Fel bachgen, fe wnes i fwynhau darllen y llyfr yn arw a dwi wedi dysgu llawer! (hanes Betsi oedd fy ffefryn)

Byddai’r llyfr yn gwneud anrheg da, neu arf bwerus yn yr ysgol i ddangos nad oes terfyn ar yr hyn y gall merched ei gyflawni. Anelwch am y sêr! Dwi’n sicr y bydd y llyfr yma’n ysbrydoli ac yn annog cenhedlaeth newydd o ferched medrus a genod gwych! Unig anfantais y llyfr yw mai dim ond hanes 14 merch sydd yno!!

Bydd rhaid cyhoeddi cyfrol arall, felly!


Dyma beth mae eraill yn ei ddweud am y gyfrol:

"Rydyn ni gyd wir wedi mwynhau dysgu am y menywod medrus a phwerus, yn enwedig- Angharad Tomos, Jade Jones, Betsi Cadwaladr - mae'r straeon wir wedi ein hysbrydoli ni i ddilyn ein breuddwydion." - Disgyblion Ysgol Gynradd Mynydd Bach

"Dysgais lawer iawn wrth ddarllen y llyfr, fe ddenodd sylw fy merch 8 oed a bu fy mam yn pori drwyddo gan ganmol, o safbwynt athrawes, llyfr mor werthfawr ydi o. Tair cenhedlaeth o ferched hapus felly!" - Gwenan Mared, Cylchgrawn Barn

"Yn sicr mi fyswn i'n argymell y gyfrol hon i bob un sydd eisiau tanio dychymyg ac ysbrydoli eu plant i feddwl yn uchelgeisiol. Mae'r gyfrol yn addas i ferched a bechgyn ac yn fy marn i." - Heulwen ac Elsi Davies,


This is an inspirational book for girls of all ages by Medi Jones-Jackson for Y Lolfa. I'm very pleased that this publisher has recognised the huge contribution women make to our lives – and it is incredible to think that so many of these, which have shaped the world, share some link with Wales.

The book focuses on fourteen special girls who have contributed to countless fields such as maths, sports, medicine, literature, fashion, business and more! The wide range of women, some historical and others more recent, ensures that there will be something of interest to everyone.

All the girls get a double page spread which is BURSTING with interesting facts of all kinds, presented in a very effective way. Today's books look so attractive compared to those of yesteryear, but this book pushes the boundaries and takes things to another level. The design work of Dyfan Williams and Telor Gwyn's modern illustrations are fantastic and really add to the reading experience. I'm pleased that so much attention has been paid to the design- it’s remarkably impressive and exciting!

Included is a vocabulary list that helps learners and at the back of the book there are lots of fun activities to keep anyone busy for hours! There's also a timeline that puts it all into a neat context.

On the inside covers are the names of loads of young Welsh girls – who send a powerful message that every girl is gifted and amazing in one way or another! We expect great things from these women – maybe we will get their history in the next volume in 10 years’ time!

Although the volume focuses on women, don't make the mistake of thinking that this book is just for girls. I think it's important that boys also have the opportunity to learn about some of these distinguished women. Even as a boy, I thoroughly enjoyed reading the book and I've learned a lot! (My favourite story was that of Betsi Cadwaladr)

The book would make an excellent gift, or a powerful teaching tool to show that there's no limit to what women can achieve. Aim for the stars! I'm certain that this book will inspire and encourage a new generation of highly skilled females, from the arts to the sciences! The book's only disadvantage is that it's only got room for 14 girls. They'll just have to write another one then, won't they?


This is what others had to say about the volume:

"We have all really enjoyed learning about the skilled and powerful women, in particular-Angharad Tomos, Jade Jones, Betsi Cadwaladr-the stories have really inspired us to follow our dreams." -Mynydd Bach Primary school pupils

"I learned a great deal from reading the book, it attracted the attention of my 8-year-old daughter and my mum grazed through it, praising, from a teacher's point of view, such a valuable book. Three generations of happy girls!" -Gwenan Mared, Cylchgrawn Barn

"I certainly would recommend this volume to all those who want to spark imagination and inspire their children to think ambitiously. The volume is suitable for girls and boys and in my opinion. " -Heulwen and Elsi Davies, Mamcymru.Wales


Gwasg/publisher: Y Lolfa

Cyhoeddwyd/released: 2020

Pris: £5.99


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