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Cyfrinach Plas Hirfryn - Siân Lewis

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Nofel llawn dirgel a chyfrinachau.

Mysterious novel full of secrets.

Gwasg/Publisher: Gomer

Cyfres: Swigod

Cyhoeddwyd/Published: 2011

ISBN: 978-1-84851-399-0

*Cymraeg gwreiddiol - Welsh Original*

Iaith digon syml ond fwy addas i ddarllenwyr da

Easy enough language but more suited for proficient readers.


Yn ei guddfan crynai’r Tad Harri hefyd, a sŵn curiadau’i galon yn llenwi’r gell. Dim ots sawl gwaith oedd e’n cuddio fel hyn, roedd e’n dal i deimlo’n llawn arswyd.

“Ry’n ni’n gwybod ei fod e yma,” chwyrnodd capten y milwyr. “Mae rhywun wedi’i i weld e...”

Roeddwn ar bigau’r drain wrth ddarllen cychwyn nofel Cyfrinach Plas Hirfryn gan Siân Lewis. Gallwn deimlo’r panig a’r cynnwrf wrth i filwyr chwilio a chwalu drwy’r plasty - yn benderfynol o ffeindio’r dihiryn. Mae yntau’n cuddio mewn cwpwrdd cudd yng nghefn y lle tân, prin yn gallu anadlu gan fod y gofod mor gyfyng.

I ddweud y gwir, ar ddechrau’r nofel yma, roeddwn yn meddwl mai nofel hanesyddol fyddai hon ond mi aeth i gyfeiriad reit annisgwyl. Heb ddweud gormod, mae’r nofel yn ymdrin â phwc llosg cyfoes iawn, mewn ffordd hawdd i’w ddeall.

Yn y stori, rydym ni’n cyfarfod Hanna a Harri James, yr efeilliaid, sydd yn byw yn Llanaron. Mae pethau’n reit wael ar y teulu ers i’w tad golli ei swydd, ac mae eu mam wedi gorfod cymryd gwaith ychwanegol mewn gwesty lleol. Mae pres yn brin iawn.

Mae eu hewythr, Wncwl Hef, yn gweithio i wylwyr y glannau, sydd wedi cael nifer uchel o alwadau brys yn ddiweddar. Mae’r hofrenyddion wedi bod allan yn ddiddiwedd ganol nos mewn tywydd garw... ond pam? Galwadau ffug tybed neu oes rhywbeth mwy sinistr yn mynd ymlaen yma? Dirgelwch yn wir...

Mae byd y plant yn newid yn gyfan gwbl un diwrnod, wrth i’r teulu symud o’u cartref bychan yn Rhif 3, Stad Rhydwen i fynd i fyw mewn plas crand ar gyrion y pentref. Mae’r teulu yn symud ar ôl i’w tad dderbyn cynnig unwaith-mewn-bywyd gan ‘y wraig mewn Mercedes du’ ond dydi’r plant ddim yn hapus o gwbl. Sut fysa chi’n teimlo o glywed fod rhaid i chi adael eich cartref clyd i fynd i fyw mewn hen blasty oer?

Ar ôl setlo yn eu cartref newydd, mae’r plant yn digwydd crwydro ar dir y plasty ac yn dod ar draws rhywbeth od iawn. Buan iawn y daw’r teulu i sylweddoli fod ‘na rhywbeth o’i le ym Mhlas Hirfryn...

Rhaid i mi gyfaddef, roeddwn i wedi drysu ychydig tua’r diwedd ac roedd rhaid i mi ail ddarllen rhai darnau. Fodd bynnag, llwyddodd y stori i ddal fy sylw ac roedd rhaid i mi gael ateb i’r dirgelwch mawr.

Enillodd Siân Lewis dlws Mary Vaughan Jones yn 2015 am ei holl waith ym myd llenyddiaeth plant. Yn wir, doeddwn i ddim wedi sylweddoli ei bod hi wedi bod mor weithgar ac wedi ysgrifennu 250+ o lyfrau! Mae Cyfrinach Plas Hirfryn yn ychwanegiad cyffrous i’r casgliad.


I was on tenterhooks reading the start of Cyfrinach Plas Hirfryn, a novel by Siân Lewis. We can feel the panic and the agitation as soldiers ransack a mansion - determined to find the fugitive. He is hiding in a secret cupboard in the back of the fireplace, hardly able to breathe because the space is so confined.

To tell the truth, at the beginning of this novel, I thought this would be a historic novel but it went in a surprising direction. Without saying too much, the novel deals with a very contemporary hot topic, but in an easy-to-understand way.

In the story, we meet Hanna and Harri James, the twins, who live in Llanaron. Things are tough for the family since their dad lost his job, and their mum has even had to take on extra work at a local hotel. Money is scarce.

Their uncle, Hef, works for the Coastguard, who have recently received a high number of emergency calls. The helicopters have been out endlessly at night in bad weather searching. But for what? And why? Are they hoax calls or is there something more sinister going on here? A mystery for sure…

The children's lives are forever changed as the family move from their small home in No. 3, Rhydwen estate to go and live in a grand manor house on the outskirts of the village. The family must relocate after their father accepts a once-in-a-lifetime offer from 'the lady in a black Mercedes' but the kids aren't at all happy. How would you feel if you suddenly had to leave your cosy home to go and live in an old, cold mansion?

Just as they are settling into their new home, the children happen to wander on the grounds of the mansion and encounter something very strange. The family will soon come to realise all is not as it seems in Plas Hirfryn…

I must confess, I was confused a little towards the end and I had to re-read some passages. However, the story managed to sustain my attention throughout and I simply had to find the answer to the great mystery.

Siân Lewis won the Mary Vaughan Jones award in 2015 for all her contributions to children's literature. Indeed, I didn't realise that she had been so active and had written 250+ books! Cyfrinach Plas Hirfryn is an exciting addition to the ever-growing collection.

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