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Al - Manon Steffan Ros

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Cyfres/series: Copa

Oed darllen/reading age: 12+

Oed diddordeb/interest age: 13+

Five short novels for teen readers dealing with difficult, contemporary themes.

Pum nofel fer sy'n ymdrin â themâu cyfoes, anodd, sy'n addas ar gyfer yr arddegau hŷn.


Ydych chi’n hoff o nofelau sy’n ymdrin a themâu o lofruddiaeth a rhyfeddodau? Dyma nofel am y trawma sy'n gysylltiedig â gorfod delio â'r ffaith bod ffrind yn lladd ei gariad. Mae Cai yn darganfod bod Al wedi lladd Meg a’r ôl noson feddw a chawn ddarganfod mwy am hanes Al drwy lygaid ei ffrind.

Mae Al yn gymeriad blin ac ymosodol ac mae Manon Steffan Ros yn cyfleu cymhlethdod ei gymeriad drwy gyfosod ei natur balch ei blentyndod a’r ffaith na welwn ei euogrwydd o gwbwl. Gwelwn hyn ymhellach ym mherthynas Al a Cai. Mae Al yn ymddangos fel hogyn aeddfed a chyfeillgar ond yn y bôn o dan arwyneb ei gelwyddau nid dyma’r Al y mae ef yn meddwl ei fod yn ei adnabod. Dyma’r Al a lofruddiodd un ei gariad dan adael ei ffrind gorau Cai mewn storm o gwestiynau.

Roedd hon yn noson annisgwyl iawn i Cai. Roedd Cai yn deall bod gan Al ochr blin iddo ond erioed wedi cymryd llawer o sylw o’r peth gan ei fod wastad mor barod i helpu Cai a’i Fam. Ond ar y noson feddw hon ym Mangor roedd Al yn wallgof ac wedi yfed gormodaeth alcohol! Pan adawodd Cai nid oedd modd iddo ragweld beth fyddai’r dyfodol yn ei gynnig i Meg. Nid oedd ef i’w wybod y byddai Al yn troi yn lofrudd dros nos.

Dyma sut y gwnaeth noson allan droi yn safle o drosedd a thor-calon.

Nofel yw hon sydd yn dal llygad y darllenwr yn syth o’r cychwyn cyntaf ac mae’r ddeialog yn addas ar gyfer plot. Mae yna fwy o gwestiynau nag atebion yn y nofel a dyw hon ddim yn nofel mae rhywun yn gorffen ei darllen ac yna'n anghofio amdani'n syth.


Do you like novels that deal with murder and mysteries? This is a novel about the trauma of coming to terms with the fact that a friend has killed his lover. Cai finds out that Al has killed Meg after a drunken night and we hear more about Al through the eyes of his friend.

Al is an angry and confrontational character and Manon Steffan Ros conveys his complex personality through the interplay between his proud childhood and the fact that we see little remorse. We see this further through Cai and Al's relationship. Al appears to be a mature, pleasant individual but deep down, underneath the surface layer of lies, this Al is a far cry from the friend he thought he knew. This is the Al who killed his partner whilst leaving his best friend with a raft of unanswered questions.

This night was most unexpected for Cai. He knew Al had a dark, angry side but he never took much notice as he was always so willing to help Cai and his mum. But on this drunken night out in Bangor Al was crazy and off his head on booze. When Cai left that night, he had no idea what was in store for Meg. Little did he know his friend would turn murderer overnight!

This is a story of how a harmless night out turned into a crime scene full of tragedy and pain.

This is a novel that keeps the reader's attention from start to finish and the dialogue is appropriate for the plot. There are more questions than answers and it's certainly not a novel that you can read and forget about in a hurry!


Cyhoeddwr/publisher: Y Lolfa

Cyhoeddwyd/released: 2014

Pris: £2.95




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