*Scroll down for English*
Stori am ysbryd sy'n ofn bopeth!
Story about a ghost who's scared of everything!

Genre: #ffuglen #dyfalbarhad / #fiction #perseverance
Gwerth addysgiadol/educational value: ◉◉◉◉◎
Negeseuon positif/positive messages: ◉◉◉◉◎
Themau trist,anodd/upsetting, tough themes: ◎◎◎◎◎
Trais, ofn/violence, scary: ◎◎◎◎◎
Iaith gref/language: ◎◎◎◎◎
Rhyw/sex: ◎◎◎◎◎
Hiwmor/humour: ◉◉◎◎◎
Her darllen/reading difficulty:: ◉◉◉◎◎
Casper the friendly ghost - dos i ganu! Mae ’na ysbryd newydd ar y sîn a’i enw fo ’di Ynyr. Y broblem fawr ydi, mae Ynyr druan yn rhy ofnus i godi braw ar unrhyw un, y cradur! Welsoch chi bâr o lygaid mor ciwt ar ysbryd ’rioed? Maen nhw gwneud i chi fod isio gafael ynddo a rhoi cwtsh mawr iddo fo, ond wrth gwrs, tasech chi’n trio gwneud hynny mi fysa chi’n syrthio syth drwyddo!

Plot syml y stori yw hyn: Mae Ynyr yn dod o linach sy’n enwog iawn am ddychryn pobl. Yn ôl y sôn, mae o’n perthyn i’r Ladi Wen a’r Lleian Ddu! Unrhyw gysylltiad â Glan Llyn tybed?
Yn anffodus, oherwydd ei anallu i ddychryn unrhyw beth, mae Ynyr druan reit down in the dumps. Mae o fwy neu lai wedi rhoi’r ffidil yn y to, ac mae’n datgan yn drist “Fedra i ddim.” Dyma dri gair dwi’n casáu eu clywed, ond yn aml iawn rydym ni’n tueddu i feddwl fel hyn os yw rhywbeth yn anodd ac yn rhoi give up cyn trio.
Er y protestio, gyda help ei fam mae’r ysbryd ifanc yn rhoi cynnig ar ddychryn pobl ac anifeiliaid yr ardal... ond tydi pethau ddim cweit yn mynd according to plan. Fedrith Ynyr druan ddim hyd yn oed dychryn Pws!

Neges graidd y llyfr yw dyfalbarhad. Dal ati ac mi wnei di lwyddo yw neges y fam bob tro. Drwy ddal ati mae Ynyr yn dysgu gwers BW-ysig iawn ac erbyn diwedd y llyfr, mae o’n giamstar ar godi ofn. Mae hon yn stori fydd yn addas i blant ifanc drwy’r flwyddyn, nid jest ar gyfer Calan Gaeaf.
Dywedodd Rhian Cadwaladr, yr awdur: “Roeddwn i wedi cael ar ddeall gan athrawon bwysigrwydd annog plant i beidio torri’u calonnau pan fo nhw’n gweld unrhyw waith yn anodd wrth ei gychwyn ac i fod yn barod i ddyfalbarhau er mwyn llwyddo.”
Mae stori Rhian yn un bositif, annwyl a chalonogol ac mae arlunwaith ei merch, Leri Tecwyn, yn mynd â’r llyfr i’r lefel nesaf. Yn wir, mae’r gwaith celf yn hyfryd, a fyddai’r llyfr ddim yr un fath heb ddarluniau Leri. Dyma enghraifft wych o lun a geiriau’n asio’n berffaith.
Mae’r llyfr ar gael rŵan yn eich siopau lleol am £6.50 - amseru perffaith ar gyfer Calan Gaeaf. Ac mi fydd Ynyr yn ymddangos eto yn ôl pob sôn...
Move over Casper, there’s a new ghost in town and his name is Ynyr. The problem is, little Ynyr is more scared than he is scary, and bless him, he seems to be failing miserably in his efforts to frighten people. Honestly, have you ever seen such puppy dog eyes on a ghost before? They make you want to grab him and give him a big hug, but of course, if you tried that you’d fall right through, wouldn’t you?

Anyway, the plot is as follows: Ynyr is descended from a ghostly family that are famous for scaring people. Apparently, he’s related to the Ladi Wen and the Black Nun! Any relation to the Black Nun of Glan Llyn I wonder?
Unfortunately, due to his inability to scare anyone or anything, poor Ynyr is quite down in the dumps. He’s more or less given up, and sadly declares "I can't do it." Here are some of the most unhelpful words in the English language! We often hear those words when the going gets tough, or if we find things difficult. Sometimes, we give up before even trying.
Despite his protests, with his mother's help the young ghost has another go at scaring the locals. Things don't quite go according to plan – turns out poor Ynyr can't even scare the cat!
The core message of this book is perseverance. ‘Keep going’ is always his mother’s message. By persevering, Ynyr learns a very important lesson and by the end, he’s quite adept at giving people the creeps. This story is perfect for young children all year round, and not just for Halloween.

Rhian Cadwaladr, the author, said: "I gathered from speaking to teachers about the importance of encouraging children when they find it difficult to get started and to help them persevere in order to succeed."
Rhian's story is a positive, endearing and uplifting tale and her daughter’s artwork takes the book to the next level. Indeed, Leri Tecwyn’s artwork is lovely as always, and the book wouldn’t’ be the same without her detailed illustrations. Yet another example of pictures and words coming together perfectly to create the perfect children’s picture book.
It’s available now in your local bookshops for £6.50 - perfect timing for Halloween. Oh, and Ynyr will be making a comeback soon…