*Scroll down for English*

Gwerth addysgiadol/educational value: ◉◉◉◎◎
Negeseuon positif/positive messages: ◉◉◉◎◎
Themau trist,anodd/upsetting, tough themes: ◎◎◎◎◎
Trais, ofn/violence, scary: ◎◎◎◎◎
Iaith gref/language: ◎◎◎◎◎
Rhyw/sex: ◎◎◎◎◎
Hiwmor/humour: ◉◉◎◎◎
Her darllen/reading difficulty:: ◉◉◎◎◎

Mae chwedl ‘Y Tri Mochyn Bach’ yn adnabyddus ar draws y byd, ac yn stori fydd pob plentyn (ac oedolyn) wedi dod ar ei draws yn ystod eu plentyndod. Mae dwsinau o fersiynau o’r stori wedi cael eu cyhoeddi dros y blynyddoedd, a dyma fersiwn fresh, newydd a modern ar gyfer 2020.
Dwi ddim yn mynd i’ch diflasu drwy sôn am y plot - dwi’n meddwl eich bod yn hen gyfarwydd â digwyddiadau’r stori erbyn hyn! Darluniwyd y llyfr gan Giuseppe Di Lernia, Eidalwr sy’n dda iawn am ei waith celf ddigidol. Ewch i <https://giuseppedilernia.com/projects> os am weld esiamplau o’i waith.

Ceir yma stori ar ei newydd wedd sy’n gyfoes ac yn syml – nid yw’r tudalennau’n rhy brysur felly mae’n haws canolbwyntio ar y stori. Bydd plant ifanc wrth eu boddau’n adrodd y llinellau enwog: “felly chwythodd a chwythodd....” - mae’r testun wedi cael ei chwyddo’n fwy yn y darnau yma i hwyluso cyd-ddarllen a chyd-adrodd.

Yn bersonol, mae’n well gen i’r fersiwn clasurol lle mae’r blaidd yn ‘bwyta’r moch, ond yn ôl sôn mae’r fersiwn sydd yn y llyfr yma’n bodoli hefyd, ble mae’r moch cyntaf anffodus yn dianc rhag y blaidd. Tybed os yw’r stori wedi cael ei newid er mwyn bod yn fwy ‘PC’?! Fy marn bersonol i yw hynny’n unig achos, yn y bôn, mae’r ‘wers’ yr un fath - ac efallai yn fwy effeithiol gan fod y moch bach dal yn fyw i ddysgu’r wers bwysig honno am ddyfalbarhad ac ymdrech. Dyma yw’r brif neges, fod llafur caled y trydydd mochyn (tŷ brics) wedi talu ar ei ganfed gan iddo allu gwrthsefyll ymosodiad y blaidd.
Doniol oedd gweld y moch bach yn llwyddo i dalu’r pwyth yn ôl i’r blaidd wrth iddo losgi ei ben ôl yn y crochan berwedig. Wneith o ddim meiddio mocha ‘fo’r moch bach byth eto! Roeddwn i’n hoffi’r ffaith fod un o’r moch bach yn ferch yn y fersiwn yma.
Bydd maint gweddol fawr y llyfr yn golygu ei fod yn berffaith ar gyfer darllen ar y cyd fel dosbarth ac yn ideal i’r Cyfnod Sylfaen. Dwi’n meddwl fod dewis y golygydd/wasg i wneud y llyfr yn ddwyieithog (ond symud y cyfieithiad i’r cefn) yn beth doeth. Mae cael y rhan Saesneg yn y cefn yn golygu fod mwy o le ar y tudalennau a gellir canolbwyntio ar y testun Cymraeg. Efallai byddai ‘side fold-out’ yn haws os yw rhiant di-Gymraeg am gyd ddarllen gan fod fflicio’n ôl ac ymlaen at y cefn braidd yn niwsans ac o bosib yn tarfu ar rediad y darllen.
Mae’r nodiadau i athrawon a rhieni yn ddefnyddiol tu hwnt fel canllaw i sbarduno trafodaeth ystyrlon gyda’ch plentyn. Byddai rhiant sy’n ddibrofiad wrth ddarllen â’u plant yn siŵr o werthfawrogi ambell broc fel hyn.

The fable of 'The Three Little Pigs' is well-known across the world and is a story that every child (and adult) will have encountered at some point during their childhood. Dozens, if not more, versions of the story have been published over the years, and this is a fresh, new and modern take on the classic tale, fit for 2020.

I'm not going to bore you by talking about the plot- I think we are all familiar with the events of this story! The book was illustrated by Giuseppe Di Lernia, an Italian who is very good at digital artwork. Check out his page <https://giuseppedilernia.com/projects if you want to see more.
We get here a story that is up-to-date and simple – pages are not too busy or cluttered so it's easier to focus on the story. Young children will love reciting the famous lines: "then I’ll huff and I’ll puff..” -the text here has been enlarged so will make reading together easier.
Personally, I prefer the classic version where the wolf devours the pigs, but I’ve learned that several versions of the story exist, including this one where the first two pigs manage to escape. I wonder if the story has been changed in order to be more ' PC these days? It’s just my personal opinion that one shouldn’t change a classic, however the moral message is essentially the same. If anything, the message is even better here as all three pigs are still alive and well having ‘learned their lesson.’ The main message is that the hard labour and persistence of the third pig (brick house) has paid dividends as it was able to withstand the wolf's attack.
It was funny to see the little pigs getting their own back over the wolf as he burned his bottom and tail in the boiling cauldron. He won’t dare mess with the pigs again! I also noted and was pleased to see that one of the little pigs was female in this version.
The relatively large size of the book will make it perfect for collective class reading as and its ideal for the Foundation Phase. I think that the editor/publisher’s choice to make the book bilingual (but move the translation to the back) was wise. Having the English part at the back means that it is there if needed but allows more space on the pages for focusing on the Welsh text. Perhaps a side fold-out for parents would be easier to use whilst reading, because flicking back and forth to the back can be a bit distracting.

The notes for teachers and parents are extremely useful as a guide for meaningful discussions with your child. A parent who is inexperienced in reading with their children would certainly appreciate these handy prompts.
All in all, a fresh and modern take on a classic tale.
Cyhoeddwr/publisher: Rily
Cyhoeddwyd/released: 2020
Pris: £5.99