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Y Goeden Ioga - Leisa Mererid

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Y llyfr ioga gyntaf yn y Gymraeg.

The first Welsh yoga book.

Genre: iechyd a lles, hunan-help, health & wellbeing, self-help Gwerth addysgiadol/educational value: ◉◉◉◉◎

Negeseuon positif/positive messages: ◉◉◉◉◎ Themau trist,anodd/upsetting,tough themes: ◎◎◎◎◎ Trais, ofn/violence, scary: ◎◎◎◎◎ Iaith gref/language: ◎◎◎◎◎ Rhyw/sex: ◎◎◎◎◎ Her darllen/reading difficulty:: ◉◉◎◎◎


Adolygiad gan Elen Roberts

Dyma’r llyfr cyntaf o’i fath yn y Gymraeg sy’n cyflwyno ioga i blant a’u teuluoedd. Mae’r clawr yn denu’r llygad yn syth, gyda’i liwiau modern, heddychlon. O agor y clawr, mae yno gyflwyniad byr yn egluro beth yn union yw ioga, pam ei fod yn neud lles i ni, ac ychydig o hanes yr ymarfer sydd wedi bod o gwmpas ers o leiaf 5000 o flynyddoedd! Yn y croeso hefyd mae gair am beth i’w wisgo a sut dylid mynd ati i gael y gorau allan o sesiwn ioga.

Fel ymarferydd ioga (achlysurol!) fy hun, roeddwn wrth fy modd o ddarganfod y llyfr hwn. Wedi hen arfer ar gael fy mhlant yn neidio ar fy nghefn yn ystod fy ymgais at wneud y symudiad downward facing dog, roedd hi’n hen bryd iddynt gael tro eu hunain! Mae Leisa Mererid wedi taro ar arddull hyfryd i esbonio ioga syml i blant trwy ein harwain ar daith hedyn bychan yn tyfu’n ara deg mewn i goeden gadarn, gan gwrdd y creaduriaid sy’n chwarae oddi tani ar hyd y ffordd. Mae darluniau tawel, arbennig Cara Jones yn serennu, gan gynnig rhywbeth newydd ar bob darlleniad.

Yn wir mae’n bosib darllen y llyfr hardd hwn fel stori cyn gwely ar ei ben ei hun, neu ei ddilyn fel canllaw gyfleus ar gyfer y siapiau ioga yn unig. Ond fel cyfuniad o’r ddau oedd orau gan fy merch 7 oed a minnau. Roeddem yn darllen y stori gan wneud y symudiadau ioga ar yr un pryd, ac ar ôl sawl darlleniad, roedd penillion y testun yn dechrau aros yn y cof a ninnau’n gallu aros a mwynhau’r siâp heb orfod codi pen. Mae cyfle yma am gyfres yn fy marn i. Gyda mwy a mwy o bwyslais yn cael ei roi ar iechyd meddwl ac ymwybyddiaeth ofalgar plant a phobl ifanc y dyddiau hyn, gobeithio cawn weld mwy o lyfrau tebyg i Y Goeden Ioga yn cael eu cyhoeddi yn fuan iawn.

Adolygiad oddi ar, trwy ganiatâd Cyngor Llyfrau Cymru.


This is the first book of its kind in Welsh that introduces yoga to children and their families. The cover immediately attracts the eye, with modern, peaceful colours. From the opening of the cover, there is a short introduction explaining exactly what yoga is, why it’s beneficial to us, and a little history about the exercise that has been around for at least 5000 years! The intro also includes some words about what to wear and how to get the best out of a yoga session.

As an (occasional!) yoga practitioner myself, I was delighted to discover this book. After being used to having my children jump on my back during my attempt to make the downward facing dog movement, it was high time they tried it for themselves!

Leisa Mererid has developed a lovely style to explain simple yoga for children by leading us on the journey of a small seed growing up into a sturdy tree and meeting the creatures that play beneath them along the way. Cara Jones's quiet, simple and beautiful artwork offers us something new with each reading.

It is possible to read this pretty book as a pre-bedtime story on its own, or to use it as a handy guide for the yoga shapes only. But a combination of the two was preferred by my 7-year-old daughter and myself. We were reading the story and making the yoga movements at the same time, and after several readings, the verses of the text were beginning to stay in the memory and we were able to hold and enjoy the shapes without having to raise a head.

There’s an opportunity for a series here in my opinion. With more and more emphasis placed on children and young people's mental health and mindfulness these days, let’s hope we see more books such as Y Goeden Ioga published very soon.

A review from, with the permission of the Books Council of Wales.


Gwasg/publisher: Gomer

Cyhoeddwyd/released: 2019

Pris: £5.99


Os wnaethoch fwynhau'r llyfr yma, edrychwch ar y teitlau o dan yr adran 'iechyd a lles' yn 'Rhestr themau' ar ein gwefan.

If you enjoyed this book, look for similar books under the health & wellbeing section of our website. This can be found in 'Topic lists' section.

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