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Tomos, Llygoden y Theatr a'r anrheg Nadolig gorau erioed - Caryl Parry Jones & Craig Russell

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Antur Nadoligaidd gyda'r lygoden fach hoffus!

Christmas adventure with this likeable little mouse.

Gwasg/publisher: Carreg Gwalch

Cyhoeddwyd/released: 2019

Pris: £4.95

ISBN: 978-1-84527-715-4

Lefel her/challenge level:

Addas i blant ifanc ond efallai bydd angen help oedolyn. Suitable for very young readers but may need an adult to read.

☆ ☆ Cymraeg Gwreiddiol - Welsh Original ☆ ☆


Dyma’r drydedd nofel yng nghyfres Tomos: Llygoden y Theatr. Llygoden fach hapus a hoffus yw Tomos sy’n meddwl mwy am helpu eraill nac ydi o am ei hun. Mae’r stori yn cychwyn yn y theatr, yn dilyn perfformiad blynyddol y Panto ‘Dolig. Mae’r cast a’r staff i gyd yn mynd adref at eu teuluoedd dros yr Ŵyl, heblaw am Mr Noel, y gofalwr. Ar ôl siarad gyda fo, mae Tomos wedi dychryn i feddwl y bydd ei ffrind yn treulio’r Nadolig ar ben ei hun, heb deulu na ffrindiau.

Mae Tomos yn cael syniad ac yn penderfynu cuddio ym mhoced Mr Noel fel ei fod yn gallu rhoi sypreis iddo ar fore Nadolig a threulio’r diwrnod gyda fo a’i gi. Dydi Tomos ddim yn gwybod fod gan Mr Noel gynlluniau eraill ac mae’r ddau yn mynd ar antur anhygoel gyda neb llai na…. Siôn Corn!!!

Mae hwn yn llyfr clawr meddal hynod o ddel gyda lluniau ciwt, hardd gan Leri Tecwyn. Mae cyfuniad o ddywediadau o’r Gogledd a’r De ac mae digon o gyfleoedd i rieni sy’n darllen y llyfr wneud lleisiau gwahanol i ddod a’r stori’n fyw.

Dwi’n cytuno gyda Bethan Gwanas, y byddai golygu gwell (mwy o dorri) wedi bod yn syniad da. Tybed os allwch ffeindio’r camgymeriad printio yn y llyfr? Efallai fod y llyfr wedi cael ei ruthro braidd er mwyn ei ryddhau erbyn y Nadolig.

Ta waeth, mae’r prif gymeriad, Tomos, yn gosod esiampl dda iawn i blant am sut i ymddwyn ac maen braf darllen am garedigrwydd Tomos at ei ffrindiau, mewn byd sy’n llawn casineb.

Dwi’n meddwl y byddwch chi’n gwenu i chi’ch hunain wrth ddarllen hon. Ar ddiwedd y llyfr, mae’r awduron hefyd yn gado y byddwn yn clywed eto gan Tomos ar anturiaethau pellach…


This is the third novel in the Tomos: Llygoden y Theatr series. Tomos is a happy and likeable little mouse who thinks more about helping others than himself. This story begins in the theatre, following the annual Christmas Pantomime. The cast and staff all go home to their families over the holidays, with the exception of Mr Noel, the caretaker. After talking to him, Tomos is shocked to learn that his friend will spend Christmas on his own, without family or friends.

Tomos gets a big idea and decides upon hiding in Mr Noel's coat pocket so he can give him a surprise on Christmas morning and spend the day with him and his dog. What Tomos doesn't know is that Mr Noel has other plans for Christmas Eve. Unexpectedly, they both end up going on an adventure with the man himself…. Father Christmas!

This is an elegant soft-cover book with cute, beautiful drawings by Leri Tecwyn. There are combinations of phrases from North and South Walian dialects and there are plenty of opportunities for parents who read the book to make different voices to make the story come alive.

I agree with Bethan Gwanas, that better editing (some bits could be further cut) would have improved the book. I wonder if you can find the typo in the book? I get the distinct feeling the book may have been slightly rushed in order to release it by Christmas.

Despite this, the main character, Tomos, sets a very good example for children about how to behave and is a joy to read about his kindness to his friends, in a world that is full of hatred.

I think you will smile to yourself whilst reading this. At the end of the book, the authors promise that we will hear again from Tomos in future adventures…

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