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Taro'r Targed - John Townsend

Writer's picture: sônamlyfrasônamlyfra

Updated: Feb 4, 2020

*Scroll down for English & comments*

Ysbiwr ifanc yn erbyn terfysgwyr!

Young spy vs the terrorists!

Addasiad/adaptation: Elin Meek

Gwasg/publisher: Gomer

Cyhoeddwyd/released: 2009

Cyfres: Yr Hebog

Pris: £4.99

ISBN: 9781848510005

Lefel her/challenge level:

Dyslecsia-gyfeillgar, addas i ddarllenwyr amharod

Dyslexia-friendly, suitable for reluctant readers


Dyma addasiad o’r llyfr Saesneg ‘Deadline’ gan hen law, John Townsend. Fel y mae’r clawr yn awgrymu, llyfr antur ysbïwr (Spy Adventure) ydi hwn ac mae’n sicr o apelio’n fwy at fechgyn.

Mae’r awdur yn reit glyfar yma, ac mae’r llyfr yn digwydd fel cyfres o countdowns, felly mae’r ffaith fod yna ras yn erbyn amser yn adio elfen o gyffro i’r darllen.

Mae Bleddyn ar drip ysgol, a thra mae’r dosbarth yn y gwesty, mae gêm ddiniwed o chwarae cuddio’n troi’n rhywbeth llawer mwy sinistr. Drwy hap a damwain, mae Bleddyn (a’i ffrind gorau, Lowri) yn dod ar draws dynion yn ymddwyn yn rhyfedd iawn. Mae yna gynllwyn tywyll i ffrwydro awyren gyda channoedd o deithwyr. Tybed all Bleddyn rybuddio’r awdurdodau ac achub y dydd cyn bod pobl yn marw?

Y broblem yw, bachgen 13 oed yw Bleddyn a does neb yn ei gredu. Er mwyn atal y terfysgwyr, rhaid i Bleddyn wneud penderfyniadau mawr, ac mae ei fywyd ei hun mewn perygl. Mae ei athrawes, Mrs Prys, yn meddwl ei fod o’n ffŵl, ac am ei yrru adref o’r trip…

Mewn ffordd, mae 'na nifer o bethau typical yn y llyfr yma. Yr oedolion ddim yn credu’r plant, plant yn achub y dydd yn erbyn oedolion drwg. Math yna o beth. Ond dyma be fydd yn apelio dwi’n meddwl. Mae’r llyfr yn dangos fod plant yn gallu bod yn ddewr, yn glyfar, yn gyfrwys ac yn ddyfeisgar… yn union beth sydd ei angen mewn Spy.

Mi wnes i fwynhau’r stori yma. Mae’r naratif yn syml ac mae’r terfyn amser yn symud y stori yn ei flaen yn handi. Cafodd y llyfr ei gyhoeddi’n wreiddiol gan Barrington Stoke, sy’n arbenigo mewn llyfrau i fechgyn, darllenwyr amharod, dihyder a rhai sydd â dyslecsia. Dydi’r stori ddim yn hir, mae’r penodau yn fyr, ac mae yna ddigon o antur a sôn am anti-aircraft missiles ynddo! Mae’r cyhoeddwyr wedi datblygu ffont arbenigol sy’n ddyslecsia-gyfeillgar, ac mae hyn i fod i wneud y darllen yn haws, gan adael digon o fylchau a pharagraffau byrion.

Dwi’n argymell y llyfr yma fel un da ar gyfer bechgyn sydd yn newydd i ddarllen, er mwyn iddyn nhw gael mwynhau llyfr, a chael y teimlad o falchder ar ôl ei gwblhau. Be dwi’n hoffi am y llyfr yma, yw bod hi’n stori reit syml, mewn iaith hawdd i ddeall, ond dydi’r cynnwys a’r thema ddim yn patronizing ac yn blentynnaidd. Mae angen mwy o lyfrau fel hyn i ddenu darllenwyr newydd. Biti fod mwy o waith yr awdur heb gael ei addasu i’r Gymraeg... eto.

ADNODDAU DYSGU: Cliciwch yma i'w llawrlwytho.

Dyma ‘chydig o wybodaeth amdano:

John Townsend worked as a Secondary School teacher before becoming a full-time writer of children's books and a writer-in-residence in a primary school tree-house. He specialises in fun, exciting information books for reluctant readers, as well as fast-paced fiction, reading schemes and 'fiction with facts' books. He visits schools around the country to encourage excitement in all aspects of reading and writing. He has published about 300 titles, including the 'Truly Foul Facts and Cheesy Jokes' non-fiction laugh and learn series.


Here is an adaptation of the English title ' Deadline ' by experienced, but not hugely well-known author, John Townsend. As the cover suggests, this is a Spy adventure and is bound to appeal more to boys.

The author has been quite clever and has set the book against a series of countdowns. The race against time factor adds an element of tension and excitement to the story.

Bleddyn is on a school trip, and while the class is in the hotel, an innocent game of hide-and-seek becomes something much more sinister. By chance, Bleddyn (and his best friend, Lowri) come across a group of men behaving very strangely. Together, they uncover a dark conspiracy to blow up an aircraft with hundreds of passengers. I wonder if Bleddyn can warn the authorities in time and save the day?

The problem is, Bleddyn is just a 13-year-old boy and no one believes a word he says. To prevent the terrorists, Bleddyn must make big decisions, find some evidence and he must put his own life in jeopardy. His teacher, Mrs Prys, thinks he’s a fool, and wants to send him home from the trip...

In a way, there are a number of typical things in this book. The adults don't believe the children, children save the day against evil adults. That sort of thing. But this is what I think will be appealing - the “I told you so” moment at the end. The book shows that children can be brave, clever, cunning and resourceful... Exactly what is needed in a Spy.

I enjoyed this story. The narrative is simple and the time limit moves the story forward and keeps the pace going. The book was originally published by Barrington Stoke, specialising in books for boys, reluctant, unconfident readers and those with Dyslexia. The story is not long, the chapters are short, and there is plenty of adventure and references to anti-aircraft missiles! The publishers have developed a specialist dyslexia-friendly font, which is supposed to make the reading easier. (spacing between words, shorter paragraphs etc.)

I recommend this book as a good one for boys who are new to reading, so that they can enjoy a book, together with the feeling of pride when it is completed. What I like about this book, is that it's quite a simple story, in easy to understand language, but the content isn’t patronizing and childish. More books like this are needed to attract people who wouldn’t normally choose to read. It’s also a shame that more of the author’s work has not been adapted to Welsh… yet.

Some information about the author:

John Townsend worked as a Secondary School teacher before becoming a full-time writer of children's books and a writer-in-residence in a primary school tree-house. He specialises in fun, exciting information books for reluctant readers, as well as fast-paced fiction, reading schemes and 'fiction with facts' books. He visits schools around the country to encourage excitement in all aspects of reading and writing. He has published about 300 titles, including the 'Truly Foul Facts and Cheesy Jokes' non-fiction laugh and learn series.

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