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Sut dwi'n teimlo - addas. Elin Meek

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Y beibl ar gyfer trafod emosiynau.

The bible for discussing emotions.

Genre: ffeithiol, emosiynau, hunan-help / factual, emotions, self-help Gwerth addysgiadol/educational value: ◉◉◉◉◉ Negeseuon positif/positive messages: ◉◉◉◉◉ Themau trist,anodd/upsetting,tough themes: ◉◎◎◎◎ Trais, ofn/violence, scary: ◎◎◎◎◎ Iaith gref/language: ◎◎◎◎◎ Rhyw/sex: ◎◎◎◎◎ Her darllen/reading difficulty:: ◉◉◉◎◎

Dyfarniad/verdict: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★


Dwi’n meddwl fod Rily’n gyhoeddwr sy’n gwneud penderfyniadau ardderchog wrth ddewis llyfrau newydd i’w cyhoeddi. Mae gan y tîm y gallu i sylwi ar fylchau yn y farchnad Gymraeg. Dangosa ystadegau diweddar fod gorbryder (anxiety) ymhlith plant ifanc ar gynnydd ac felly mae’r gyfrol hollbwysig yma’n fwy amserol nac erioed. Mae’r pwysau gwaith a chymdeithasol sydd ar blant a phobl ifanc y dyddiau hyn yn golygu fod mwy o angen nac erioed am lyfr sy’n helpu plant i ddod i ddeall a dygymod a mynegi eu teimladau.

Mae’r llyfr yn trafod y pedwar prif emosiwn, sef hapusrwydd, dicter, ofn a thristwch ac yn ymhelaethu ar y wyddoniaeth sydd tu ôl i bob un a’r ystod enfawr o fewn pob prif emosiwn. Mae delio ac emosiynau’n sgil bwysig sy’n rhaid i blant eu dysgu ac mae’r llyfr yma’n arf a all helpu. Trafodai popeth mewn ffordd syml a gweledol drwy ddefnyddio ffotograffau ac inffograffegau Mae’r lluniau syml, lliwgar yn ddeniadol ac yn ddiddorol.

Fe geir argymhellion ymarferol ynglŷn â sut i ddelio gydag emosiynau gan gynnwys ymarferion anadlu, ioga a myfyrio. Mae’r llyfr yn addas i blant ei ddarllen yn annibynnol ond teimlaf y byddai’n adnodd hyd yn oed mwy gwerthfawr wrth ei gyd ddarllen gydag oedolyn, megis rhiant neu athro. Yn sicr, mae’r llyfr yn sbardun ardderchog i gychwyn sgwrs.

Un peth hynod o ddefnyddiol yw bod y llyfr yn trafod digwyddiadau a all godi ym mywydau plant sy’n gallu creu teimladau cryf a chymysglyd er enghraifft ysgaru, bwlio, symud ysgol a galar. Dwi hefyd yn hoffi'r geiriadur emosiynau yng nghefn y llyfr, sy'n ehangu geirfa plant ac yn helpu iddynt fynegi'n fwy clir eu teimladau.

Mae addaswr y gyfrol i’r Gymraeg, Elin Meek, yn dweud: “Gobeithio’n fawr y bydd plant yn cael budd o’r ffordd syml a hygyrch y mae’r llyfr yn ymdrin â'u teimladau. Beth sy’n bwysig yma hefyd yw’r arweiniad sydd yn y gyfrol o ran derbyn sut maen nhw’n teimlo– does dim beirniadaeth o gwbl, a does dim emosiwn nad yw’n ‘iawn’ i blant ei deimlo. Mae’r adran am ddicter yn esbonio sut gall dicter fod yn beth iach o’i sianelu’n gywir; gall fod yn sbardun i ddal at egwyddorion, a gweithredu dros gyfiawnder.”

Ers i’r cyhoeddwr gyhoeddi ar eu gwefannau cymdeithasol fod y llyfr ar fin cael ei lansio, bu cryn dipyn o ymateb ffafriol ac mae wir yn dangos cymaint o alw sydd amdano.

Mae’r llyfr yn bartneriaeth gyda’r elusen iechyd meddwl i blant, Place2Be, a bydd yn ganllaw defnyddiol i blant sy’n ceisio deall beth sy’n mynd ymlaen y eu pennau. Bydd yn tywys plant drwy ddryswch a chymhlethdod emosiynau yn y gobaith y bydd yn eu hannog i garu eu teimladau a charu eu hunain.


I think Rily is a publisher that makes excellent decisions when choosing new books for publication. Their team has the ability to spot gaps in the Welsh language market. Recent stats show that anxiety amongst young children is increasing and so this vital resource is timelier than ever. Work and social pressures on children and young people nowadays means that there is more need than ever for a book that helps children to understand, cope with and express their feelings.

The book discusses the four main emotions of happiness, anger, fear and sadness and elaborates on the science behind each one and the enormous range within each major emotion. Dealing with emotions are important skills that children have to learn and this book is certainly a tool that can help. Everything is presented in a simple, visual way through the use of photographs and infographics. The colourful pictures are both attractive and interesting.

There are practical recommendations on how to deal with emotions including breathing exercises, yoga and mindfulness reflection. The book is suitable for children to read independently but I feel that it would be an even more valuable resource when read with an adult, such as a parent or teacher. The book is certainly an excellent trigger to initiate conversations on emotions.

An extremely useful aspect is that the book discusses events that may arise in the day-to-day lives of children that can generate strong and confusing feelings for example divorce, bullying, new schools and grief.

The Welsh author-translator, Elin Meek, says: "I very much hope that children will benefit from the simple and accessible way in which the book addresses their feelings. What is also important here is the guidance contained in the volume in accepting how they feel – there is no criticism at all, and there is no emotion that it is not ' right ' for children to feel. The section about anger explains how anger can be a healthy thing when it is properly channelled; It can be a catalyst to stick to principles, and act for justice. "

Since the publisher revealed on their social websites that the book was about to be launched, there has been a great deal of favourable response and it really shows how much demand there is for this sort of thing. I really like the emotions dictionary in the back that teaches new vocabulary and helps children to better express specific emotions.

The book stems from a partnership with the child mental health charity, Place2Be, and will be an useful guide for children who are trying to understand what is going on in their minds. It will guide children through the confusion and complexity of emotions in the hope that it will encourage them to love their feelings and love themselves.


Gwasg/publisher: Rily

Cyhoeddwyd/released: 2019

Pris: £6.99

Teitl gwreiddiol/original title: My mixed Emotions by DK

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