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Dosbarth Miss Prydderch a Silff y Sarff [Llyfr 2] - Mererid Hopwood

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Antur arall ar y carped hud i Goedwig y Tylluanod.

Another adventure to the magic forest.

Gwasg/publisher: Gomer

Cyhoeddwyd/released: 2017

Pris: £5.99

ISBN: 978-1-78562-100-0

Lefel her/challenge level:

✩ ✩ Cymraeg Gwreiddiol - Welsh Original ✩ ✩

Iaith digon syml, a llyfr efo graffeg diddorol

Simple enough language, with interesting graphics


Dyma’r ail lyfr yn nhrioleg hynod o boblogaidd Dosbarth Miss Prydderch gan Mererid Hopwood! Mae hi wedi bod yn brysur iawn dros y blynyddoedd diwethaf achos erbyn hyn mae ‘na chwe theitl yn y gyfres! Hwn yw’r ail lyfr yn y drioleg gyntaf ac mae’n parhau yn syth o’r nofel ddiwethaf. Dydi hi ddim yn angenrheidiol eich bod chi wedi darllen yr un cyntaf ond mae’r awdur yn awgrymu hyn yn gryf.

Yn fras, mae Miss Prydderch wedi troi allan i fod yn athrawes arbennig iawn! Mae hi’n gallu tywys y dosbarth i lefydd anhygoel, fel Coedwig y Tylluanod, ar ei charped hud. Ar ddiwedd y nofel ddiwethaf, mae ein prif gymeriad, Alfred, ar goll yn y goedwig, achos mae’r ‘badi’, Dr Wg ab Lin, wedi ei herwgipio! Mae Wg ab Lin yn fy atgoffa o Kaa, y neidr seimllyd o Jungle Book sy’n trio twyllo Mowgli!

Yn yr antur yma, mae’n rhaid i Alfred ddianc o afael y sarff slei, achub ei ffrind gorau Elen Benfelen, cyrraedd yn ôl i’r ysgol mewn un darn a helpu i rwystro Ysgol y Garn rhag cael ei gau! Mae dipyn yn mynd ymlaen yn y stori yma i gadw sylw’r darllenydd.

Dwi’n hoffi’r ffaith fod 'na fwy nag un stori’n mynd ymlaen yma. Mae gennych chi antur Dosbarth Blwyddyn 6 yn y goedwig, wrth iddyn nhw frwydro yn erbyn y neidr er mwyn helpu’r anifeiliaid gael eu lleisiau’n ôl. Rhwng y stori yma, mae 'na is-stori yn mynd ymlaen yn y byd go-iawn. Mae’r ‘awdurdodau’ (gair pwysig, ond swnio’n ominous!) yn trio cau ysgol y Garn oherwydd bod niferoedd yn lleihau.

Mae ‘na ddwy frwydr yma: y frwydr i achub y goedwig rhag Dr Wg ab Lin a’r frwydr i stopio’r Cyngor rhag gau’r ysgol. Mae clywed y ddau hanes yn cadw pethau’n ddifyr drwy gydol y llyfr.

Mae gan Mererid Hopwood ffordd hyfryd o egluro teimladau anodd eu trafod yn syml ac mewn modd sy’n ddealladwy i blant. Gall yr awdur wneud hwn yn effeithiol heb dreulio gormod o amser arno cyn mynd yn ôl at y stori. (Gweler esiampl)

Mae’r llyfr yn gorffen ar cliffhanger sy’n cadw ni ar bigau’r drain isio gwybod beth sy’n mynd i ddigwydd nesaf. Mae'r awdur yn ein herio i brynu'r llyfr nesaf i ffeindio allan!

O ran sut mae’r llyfr yn edrych, dwi’n hoffi fod 'na ddim gormod o ysgrifen ar bob tudalen, ac mae’r penodau’n eithaf byr. Mae 'na sgwigls yn dod allan o eiriau er mwyn esbonio rhai geiriau (sy’n syniad brilliant rhaid ‘mi ddeud) ac mae 'na weithgareddau ar-lein i gyd fynd â’r llyfr.

Os ydych chi’n dysgu Cymraeg, neu’n ddihyder yn darllen llyfrau Cymraeg, mae’r stori’n ddiddorol ac mae’r iaith yn ddigon syml i chi allu deall a mwynhau’r stori. (dim byd gwaeth nag iaith or-gymhleth sy’n sbwylio llif y darllen!)

Ymlaen i nofel rhif 3!!!


This is the second book in the hugely popular trilogy Dosbarth Miss Prydderch by Mererid Hopwood. She has been very productive lately because there are now six titles in the series! It is the second book of the first trilogy and continues straight from the last novel. It is not necessary that you have read the first one as there is a brief re-cap but the author strongly advises this.

In broad terms, Miss Prydderch has turned out to be a very special teacher! She is able to take the class to some amazing places, such as Coedwig y Tylluanod (forest of the owls) on her magic carpet. At the end of the last novel, our main character, Alfred, is missing in the woods, because the bad guy, Dr. Wg ab Lin, has kidnapped him! Wg Ab Lin reminds me of Kaa, the seedy snake from Jungle Book who tries to trick Mowgli.

In this adventure, Alfred has to get out of the grip of the evil snake; save his best friend Elen Benfelen; arrive back to school safely and help prevent the closure of Ysgol Y Garn! As you can see, there’s quite a lot going on in this story to keep the reader's attention.

I like the fact that there is more than one story going on here. You have the main Year 6 class adventure in the woods, as they fight the snake in order to help the forest creatures get their voices back. Between this story, another sub-story is going on back in the real world. The ' authorities ' (an important word, but sounds ominous!) are trying to close the school because numbers are falling.

There are two battles here: the battle to save the forest from Dr. Wg ab Lin and the fight to stop the council closing the school. The two stories intertwined keeps things interesting.

Mererid Hopwood has a lovely way with words to explain difficult feelings in an easy to understand manner. The author does this effectively without dwelling too much on it before going back to the story.

The book ends on a cliffhanger that keeps us on edge wanting to know what is going to happen next. She teases us at the end by telling us we’ll have to buy the next book to find out!

In terms of how the text looks, I like that there’s not too much writing on every page, and the chapters are quite short. There are squiggles coming out of words to explain some meanings (which is a brilliant idea I have to say) and online activities to compliment the book.

If you are learning Welsh, or lack confidence in reading Welsh books, the story is interesting and the language is simple enough for you to be able to understand and enjoy the story. (Nothing worse than overly complex language that stops the flow of reading!)

Onwards to novel No.3!!!

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