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Llyfr i'r synhwyrau i'w rannu gyda'ch babi.
First sensory book to share with your baby.

Gwasg/publisher: Rily
Cyhoeddwyd/released: 2018
Addasiad: Catrin Wyn Lewis
Pris: £7.99
ISBN: 978-1-84967-422-5
*Llyfr dwyieithog - Bilingual Book*

Llyfr cyntaf i fabi sy’n llawn gweithgareddau difyr i ddeffro ac ysgogi’r synhwyrau. Mae’n llyfr perffaith i riant a babi fwynhau dysgu gyda’i gilydd. Dyma lyfr da iawn ar gyfer gweld, clywed, cyffwrdd a theimlo. Mae yna weadau a siapiau newydd a diddorol er mwyn iddyn nhw allu teimlo’r patrymau gwahanol. Dwi’n hoffi’r drych ar y dudalen olaf. Mae’r brawddegau’n fyr ac mae’r cyfieithiad Saesneg ar gael hefyd oddi tanodd. Cyfle gwych i riant a babi ddysgu 'chydig o eiriau Cymraeg newydd.

A first book for a baby with fun activities to stimulate the senses. It's a perfect book for a parent and baby to enjoy learning together. This is a very good book for seeing, hearing, touching and feeling. There are new and interesting textures and shapes so they can feel the different patterns. I like the mirror on the last page. The sentences are short and the English translation is also available underneath. A great opportunity for parent and baby to learn a few new Welsh words.