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Deg o Chwedlau Dyffryn Conwy ~ Myrddin ap Dafydd

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Mewn brawddeg: Straeon byrion am fwystfilod a chewri, gwrachod a môr-forwynion!

In a nutshell: Short tales of monsters and giants, witches and mermaids!

Gwasg: Carreg Gwalch

Cyhoeddwyd: 2019

ISBN: 978-1-84527-708-6

*Gwreiddiol Cymraeg ~ Welsh Original*

Lefel: ❖ ❖

Iaith ddim rhy anodd/straeon byrion.

Language not too difficult/short stories

Dyfarniad/Verdict: ★ ★ ★ ½


Fel un sydd wedi byw yng Nghonwy ar hyd ei oes, mae’n syndod nad ydw i wedi clywed rhai o chwedlau’r Dyffryn. Wel, o’r diwedd, dyma gyfrol sy’n dod â rhai o chwedlau gorau’r ardal at ei gilydd mewn un man. Wrth ddarllen dw i’n teimlo fel fy mod i yng nghanol yr hud a’r lledrith ac yn dysgu am hanes yr ardal ar yr un pryd. Mae’r llyfr yn byrlymu gyda lluniau gwych a ffeithiau hanesyddol diddorol.

Peidiwch â gadael i deitl y llyfr eich twyllo; nid llyfr i drigolion Dyffryn Conwy yn unig ydi hwn, ond llyfr i unrhyw un sydd eisiau dysgu mwy am hanesion bro Eisteddfod Genedlaethol 2019. Mae yna luniau hardd a map i’ch helpu i leoli pob chwedl hefyd.

Mae stori Llys Helig yn debyg iawn i chwedl ‘Cantre’r Gwaelod’ ond bod yma stori o dwyll, llofruddiaeth a dial enbyd. Mae’n anodd credu fod tonnau’r môr wedi llyncu tir ffrwythlon Tyno Helig i gyd. Wrth fynd heibio Penmaenmawr ar yr A55, pan mae’r llanw allan, edrychwch i weld os daw’r hen waliau sgwâr i’r golwg yng nghanol y tywod.

Neu beth am ddarllen hanes y telynor anffodus a gafodd anlwc mawr ar y ffriddoedd a’r corsydd yn ystod ei daith beryglus yn ôl i’r Bala. Roeddwn i ar bigau’r drain eisiau gwybod ei dynged pan aeth pethau o chwith…

straeon byrion/ short stories

Mae rhywbeth at ddant pawb yma – straeon am fwystfilod, cewri, môr forynion, gwrachod ac anifeiliaid hudol o bob math. Mae’r straeon yn fyr hefyd– perffaith ar gyfer darllen gyda’r nos cyn mynd i’r gwely. Dyma lyfr bendigedig i astudio’r hen hanesion yn y dosbarth ac i ailddarganfod yr hud a’r lledrith fu’n perthyn i’r Dyffryn rhyfeddol hwn. Gall fod yn sbardun i chi fynd ati i greu eich chwedlau eich hunain!


As someone who has lived in Conwy all his life, it came as a surprise that I hadn’t heard some of these myths and legends of the Dyffryn. Well, at last, we have a volume that brings them together in one place. As I read, I feel that I’m being transported back into the middle of the magic and wonder, whilst having a really exciting history lesson at the same time. The book is bursting with wonderful images and historical facts.

Don’t let this book fool you; this is not only for the people of Conwy Valley, but for anyone in Wales who wants to discover the rich history of the home of the National Eisteddfod 2019. There’s a handy map to help you find these hidden places too.

y cefn/ the back

The story of Llys Helig is similar to the well-known legend of ‘Cantre’r Gwaelod’, but this story takes a darker turn, with tales of deceit, murder and revenge. It’s hard to believe that the sea has swallowed the fertile lands of Tyno Helig. When you go past Penmaenmawr on the A55, if the tide is out, have a look to see if you can make out the square remains of the walls in the sand.

How about reading of the misfortunes of the harpist who got into some considerable bother on the moorlands and marshes on his way back to Bala in the perilous fog. I was on the edge of my seat as I read about his fate...

There’s something for everyone here – tall tales of monsters, giants, mermaids, witches, magical animals and more. The stories are short too- perfect for bedtime reading, one a night. This is a wonderful book to study these myths and legends in the classroom too, rediscovering the magic that belongs to this great Valley. It may even serve as an inspiration for you to create all new myths and legends for the next generation!

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