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Addasiad/adaptation: Elin Meek
Oed diddordeb/interest age: 2-5

Mae’r defaid i gyd wedi gwirioni gyda Blodwen. A dweud y gwir, maen nhw’n meddwl mai hi yw’r ddafad orau maen nhw erioed wedi gweld... does ‘na ond un broblem...
Mae gan y ddafad yma gynffon hir a dannedd miniog... O diar.
Mae’r awdur, Morag Hood, wedi creu llyfr doniol iawn wedi’i seilio ar yr hen ddywediad Beiblaidd ‘A Wolf in sheep’s clothing.’ Er bod y defaid yn meddwl y byd o Blods, mae ganddi hi syniadau eraill- sef gweithio ar rysáit arbennig sy’n defnyddio saws mintys! Dwi’n meddwl ein bod ni gyd yn gwybod be sydd ganddi dan sylw ac mae gennym ni berffaith hawl i fod yn ddrwgdybus o Brenda a’i chynlluniau.
Gan ein bod ni fel darllenwyr yn gwybod rhywbeth dydi’r cymeriadau ddim (nad dafad yw Blodwen go iawn), mae gan y stori elfen o hwyl y pantomeim - fel y darn ‘na lle mae pawb yn gweiddi “Oh no he isn’t!... oh yes he is!!”

Dyma stori glyfar gyda thipyn o grim humour fydd yn siŵr o apelio at ddarllenwyr ifanc a’u rhieni fel ei gilydd. Sgwn i os fydd y defaid yn gallu perswadio Blodwen i droi’n llysieuwr cyn bod hi’n rhy hwyr...!?
Yn ogystal â stori sy’n cydio, mae arlunwaith Morag yn effeithiol iawn, ac yn reit wahanol i lyfrau mwy traddodiadol, gyda’r defnydd o oren a gwyrdd llachar. Gallwch fwynhau’r stori ar lefel syml, ond mae sawl thema a neges yn cuddio yno hefyd megis mistaken identity, twyll, cynhwysiad, y gadwyn fwyd a’r ffaith fod gan bobl yr hawl i uniaethu fel unrhyw beth maen nhw’n dymuno.
Roedd ‘na hyd yn oed ddiweddglo hapus sy’n dangos cyfeillgarwch annisgwyl ond annwyl iawn rhwng dau anifail go wahanol.

Ar ôl menthyg y llyfr o’r llyfrgell, mi wnes i ei fwynhau cymaint, mae o wedi cyrraedd fy rhestr ‘best of’ personol i, (sydd ddim yn digwydd mor aml â hynny!) ac mi fyddai’n prynu copi i roi’n anrheg Nadolig. Debyg y bydda i hefyd yn mynd i chwilota am fwy o deitlau gan Morag Hood.
All the sheep are thrilled with Blodwen. In fact, they think she's probably the best sheep they've ever seen... there’s just one teeny tiny problem...
This sheep has a long tail and sharp teeth... Oh dear.
The author, Morag Hood, has created a very funny book based on the old Biblical saying 'A Wolf in sheep's clothing.' Although the sheep adore Blods, she, on the other hand has other ideas – working on a special recipe using mint sauce! Have you guessed it yet? I think we all know what she’s got in mind for the big feast, and we’re quite rightly suspicious of Brenda and her motives.

As we as readers know something the characters don't (that Blodwen isn’t really a sheep), the story has an element of pantomime fun - like those bits where everyone shouts "Oh no he isn't!... oh yes he is!!"
This is a clever story with a bit of grim humour that will surely appeal to young readers and their parents alike. I only hope the sheep can persuade Blodwen to become a vegetarian before it’s too late!
In addition to a good little story with a wicked sense of humour, Morag's artwork is very effective, and rather different from your usual traditional books, making use of lots of bright neon orange and green. You can enjoy the story on a simple level, but there are also several themes and messages hiding in it such as mistaken identity, deception, inclusion, friendship - not to mention the food chain! It’s also worth noting that we as individuals have the right to identify as we choose.
There was even a happy ending that shows an unexpected yet endearing friendship between two quite different animals.
After borrowing the book from the library, I enjoyed it so much, it has made it onto my ‘best of' list, (which doesn’t actually happen that often) and I will be buying a copy to give to my cousin as a Birthday present. I’ll certainly be keeping my eye out for more titles by Morag Hood.