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Coronaeirws: Llyfr i Blant - Elizabeth Jenner, Kate Wilson a Nia Roberts

*scroll down for English*

Llawlyfr handi i esbonio'r feirws i blant.

Handy guide to explain the virus in kid-friendly speak.


Genre: iechyd a lles, ffeithiol / factual, health & wellbeing Gwerth addysgiadol/educational value: ◉◉◉◉ Negeseuon positif/positive messages: ◉◉◉◉ Themau trist,anodd/upsetting, tough themes:◎◎◎◎ Trais, ofn/violence, scary:◎◎◎◎ Iaith gref/language: ◎◎◎◎◎ Rhyw/sex: ◎◎◎◎◎ Hiwmor/humour: ◎◎◎◎◎ Her darllen/reading difficulty: ◉◉◉◎◎ Dyfarniad/Rating: ★★★



Dyma lyfr newydd sydd wedi cael ei gyfieithu i’r Gymraeg gan Atebol. Yn gyntaf, diolch Atebol am wneud hyn a'i wneud yn sydyn hefyd! Mae’n wych cael adnodd arall sy’ trafod y firws ond yn gwneud hyn drwy’r Gymraeg.

Mae hwn yn gyfnod anodd, na welwyd mo’i debyg ers yr Ail Ryfel Byd. Mae’r newid i routines dyddiol yn effeithio ar fywydau pawb. Tra bod miliynau ohonom wedi diflasu ar ôl bod yn styc gartref, rhaid cofio am y gweithwyr allweddol dewr sy’n dal i weithio i frwydro’r anghenfil ‘anweladwy’ yma. Mae’n bwysig hefyd meddwl am y teuluoedd sy’n galaru ar ôl colli rhywun sy’n annwyl.

Mae hyd yn oed plant ifanc iawn yn mynd i sylwi fod bywyd yn wahanol iawn rŵan, ac yn debyg o fod am amser hir. Maen nhw’n siŵr o fod yn llawn cwestiynau ac yn gofyn pethau fel ‘Pam fod nain a thaid ddim yn cael dod draw?’ a “Pryd ga i weld fy ffrindiau yn y parc?” Efallai eich bod chi’n ei chael hi’n anodd ateb rhai o’r cwestiynau hyn…. Wel, rŵan mae ‘na lyfr ar gael i helpu gyda’r drafodaeth… ac mae o AM DDIM!

Mae’ bwysig iawn trafod popeth yn agored. Bydd plant sy’n deall y sefyllfa YN IAWN yn poeni llai yn y pen draw am fod yr elfen o ddryswch a’r fear of the unknown yn cael ei leihau. Bydd y llyfr yma’n siŵr o ateb rhan fwyaf o’u cwestiynau ond mae’n bosib fydd rhai yn parhau.

Mae’r llyfr yn fwy o information booklet ‘na stori, ac yn mynd i mewn i gryn dipyn o fanylder e.e. yn trafod antibodies a phethau gwyddonol fel yna. Yn bersonol, dwi’n hoffi’r ffaith fod y llyfr yn reit fanwl, matter-of-fact a ffeithiol achos dwi’n meddwl fod cael mwy o wybodaeth yn well na dim digon.

Un pwynt i’w nodi am y llyfr yw, er mwyn cael y gwerth gorau ohono, y bod hi’n syniad da i’w darllen gydag oedolyn. Bydd hyn yn caniatáu trafodaeth ystyrlon ac yn gwneud yn siŵr fod popeth yn eglur.

Ysgrifennwyd y llyfr gan arbenigwyr yn y maes iechyd a gofal, felly gallwch fod yn hyderus fod y wybodaeth ynddo yn gywir (ar hyn o bryd, beth bynnag!) Mae’r lluniau cartŵn ar gefndir gwyn felly mae’n reit syml (sy’n beth da).

Mae’r llyfr yn:

· Esbonio beth ydi’r coronafeirws

· Beth yw ei effaith

· Sut allwn ei stopio rhag lledaenu

· Argoel ar gyfer y dyfodol

· Sut a ble i gael MWY o wybodaeth


This is a new book which has been translated into Welsh by Atebol. Firstly, thank you for doing this and turning it around quickly! It's great to have another resource that discusses the virus and does this in Welsh.

This is a difficult and unprecedented period, the likes of which we have not seen since the Second World War. The change to daily routines affects everyone's lives. Whilst millions of us are bored after being stuck at home, we must remember the brave key workers who are still working to fight this ' invisible ' monster. It is also important to take a moment to think of the bereaved families who have lost a loved one.

Even very young children are going to notice that life is very different now, and probably for a long time to come. They are sure to be full of questions and may ask things like “Why are nain and taid not allowed to come to visit?” and "When can I see my friends in the park?" You may find it difficult to answer some of these questions.... Well, now there's a book to help you along with the discussion... And it's absolutely FREE!

It is very important to discuss everything openly. Children who understand the situation PROPERLY will be less worried at the end of the day because the elements of confusion and fear of the unknown are removed/reduced. This book will probably answer most of their questions but some may remain.

The book is more an information booklet than a story, and goes into great detail e.g. discussing antibodies and scientific things like that. Personally, I like the fact that the book is quite scientific, matter-of-fact and factual because I think having more information is better than not enough.

One point to note about the book is that, in order to get the best from it, I think it should certainly be read with an adult. This will allow for meaningful discussion and also ensures everything is clear and understood with no misconceptions.

The book was written by experts in health am medical fields, so you can be confident that the information contained within it is correct (at this stage anyway!) The cartoon pictures are on a white background so it's quite simple (which is a good thing).

The book:

1. Explains what the coronavirus is

2. What is its impact

3. How can we stop it spreading

4. An indication for the future

5. Where and how to get even more information



Gwasg/publisher: Atebol

Cyhoeddwyd/released: 2020



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