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Bwch- Anni Llŷn

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Stori am afr sy'n darganfod ei dalent.

Story about a billy-goat who finds his talent

Genre: ffuglen / fiction Gwerth addysgiadol/educational value: ◉◉◉◎ Negeseuon positif/positive messages: Themau trist,anodd/upsetting, tough themes: ◎◎◎◎ Trais, ofn/violence, scary: ◎◎◎◎◎ Iaith gref/language: ◎◎◎◎◎ Rhyw/sex: ◎◎◎◎◎ Hiwmor/humour: ◉◉◉◎◎ Her darllen/reading difficulty: ◉◉◉◎◎ Dyfarniad/Rating: ★★★


Ydach chi wedi gweld Geifr Y Gogarth, Llandudno ar y newyddion yn ddiweddar? Tra mae gweddill trigolion y dref yn swatio yn eu cartrefi rhag y corona, mae’r geifr yn crwydro’r strydoedd heb ffiniau na neb i darfu ar eu hwyl! Braf yw cael mymryn o newyddion ysgafn, yng nghanol cyfnod anodd iawn, a chymerodd hi fawr o amser i’r stori ddal sylw’r byd! Yn wir, gallwch ddweud fod y peth wedi mynd yn ‘viral.’ (rhy fuan?)

Mae hyd yn oed Ellen DeGeneres (cyflwynydd enwog o America) wedi dweud ei bod hi am ymweld â’r dref pan fydd y pandemig wedi gorffen!

Doedd hi ond yn briodol, felly, i ni adolygu’r llyfr Bwch gan Anni Llŷn, sy’n rhan o gyfres Roli Poli gan wasg Gomer. Mae arlunwaith cain Petra Brown yn dangos bwch gafr ciwt a chyfeillgar yr olwg ar y clawr – arwydd y bydd hwn yn plesio unrhyw un sy’n caru anifeiliaid.

Pan ddarllenais y broliant, roeddwn i’n meddwl mai dewin go iawn oedd perchennog Bwch gydag enw fel Cefin y Dewin. Ond na, nid felly. Mewn gwirionedd, hen sglyfath tew, cas a blin yw Cefin. Mi oedd o’n dipyn o loser, yn byw mewn fflat druenus, cyn i’w dad farw a gadael fferm iddo. Cefin yn etifeddu’r fferm yw’r peth sy’n dod a fo a Bwch at ei gilydd. Cyfeillgarwch newydd ar fin cychwyn yma? Na, dim wir.

Mae Cefin yn rhedeg sioe debyg i syrcas yn Fferm Tyddyn Od yn llawn anifeiliaid rhyfeddol sydd wedi torri rhyw fath o record. Anifeiliaid ‘anasbaradigaethus’ ydyn nhw i gyd! (dwnim faint o weithia gafodd y gair yna ei ddefnyddio!….less is more efallai?) Mae 'na barot sy’n gallu agor caniau diod a phob math o greaduriaid eraill sy’n berchen ar ryw fath o dalent. Pawb ond Bwch druan. Tydi o ddim yn teimlo’n sbeshial o gwbl ac mae ei berchennog yn treulio’i amser yn ei fychanu -ddim yn neis o gwbl!

Heb ddweud gormod, o’r diwedd mae Bwch yn ffeindio ei ‘dalent’ a diolch i Nith Cefin am ffilmio’r cyfan ar ei ffôn symudol, daw Bwch yn enwog ar y we – tebyg iawn i eifr Llandudno!

Rhaid i mi gyfaddef, mi oni wedi synnu gyda’r diweddglo achos ron i’n siŵr byddai Bwch a’i berchennog yn ffrindiau erbyn y diwedd, ond, er bod Bwch yn boblogaidd erbyn diwedd y llyfr, does gan Cefin ddim diddordeb ynddo (achos nad ydi o’n mynd i wneud pres iddo, debyg). Yr anifeiliaid eraill sy’n gwneud i Bwch deimlo ei fod o’n perthyn a bod ganddo ffrindiau. Neis neis. Dwi’n falch fod pawb yn ffrindiau, ond mi faswn i wedi hoffi gweld Cefin yn derbyn rhyw fath o comeuppance am fod yn gymaint o fochyn hefo Bwch druan!

Neges lyfli’r stori yw i garu eich hun, ac i beidio â phoeni - mae gan bawb dalent arbennig. Peidiwch â gadael i bobl eich tynnu i lawr.

Llyfr bach doniol sy’n addas iawn ar gyfer bl.3/4 (i ddarllen yn annibynnol) ond bosib y byddai plant ieuengach yn mwynhau rhywun yn darllen y stori iddynt.


Have you seen the Great Orme goats, Llandudno on the news recently? While the rest of the town's residents are huddled up in their homes away from the corona, the goats now roam the streets without limits or anyone to spoil their fun! It's nice to have a little bit of ‘light’ news, in the midst of such troubling reports, and it took little time for the story to grab the world's attention! In fact, you could even say the thing went 'viral. ' (sorry! too soon?) Even Ellen DeGeneres (a renowned American presenter) has said she wants to visit the town when the pandemic has finished!

It was only appropriate, therefore, for us to review Bwch by Anni Llŷn, which is part of Gomer's Roli Poli series. Petra Brown's delicate cover artwork shows a friendly looking billy-goat – an indication that this book will please animal lovers.

Initially, upon reading the blurb, I thought that Bwch’s owner Cefin y Dewin (Kevin the wizard) was a real magician with a name like that. But no, not so. In fact, Cefin is an old, fat, nasty and rather angry man. He was a bit of loser, living in a miserable flat, before his father died and left him a farm. Cefin inheriting the farm is the event that brings them together. Is a new friendship about to start here? No, not really.

Cefin runs a circus-like show at Tyddyn Od Farm full of amazing animals that have broken some sort of record. They are all 'ansbaradigaethus' animals! (not sure how many times that word came up….!!! less is more maybe?) By the way, if you didn’t know, it’s a made-up, fun word like the one from Mary Poppins) There’s a parrot that can open up drink cans and all sorts of other talented creatures. Everyone but poor Bwch – he doesn’t think he’s special in any way. All his owner seems to do is remind him of that – not nice at all.

Not to give too much away, but eventually, Bwch discovers his ' talent ' and thanks to Cefin’s niece filming it all on her phone, he becomes a bit of a star on the web – very similar to Llandudno's goats!

I was a bit surprised with the ending because for some reason, I thought that Bwch and his owner would become friends after Cefin realizes Bwch is special. But that doesn’t happen. Even though Bwch is ‘famous,’ Cefin still doesn’t appreciate him (probably because he doesn’t make him money). It is in fact, the other animals that make Bwch feel like he belongs and they all become good friends. I’m glad the animals are all friends at the end, but I would have liked to see Cefin get some sort of comeuppance for being so mean!

The story's message is to love yourself, and no to worry – everyone has their own special talent. You just might not have found it yet! Don’t let anyone get you down, basically.

A funny little book that is very suitable for yrs.3/4 (to read independently) but younger children would appreciate it being read to them.


Cyhoeddwr/publisher: Gomer

Rhyddhawyd/released: 2018

Pris: £4.99


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