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Antur doniol gyda bachgen sy'n poeni... LOT!
Funny adventure with a boy who worries... a LOT!

Genre: ffuglen doniol, fiction humour, Gwerth addysgiadol/educational value: ◉◉◉◎◎ Negeseuon positif/positive messages: ◉◉◉◉◎ Themau trist,anodd/upsetting, tough themes: ◉◉◎◎◎ Trais, ofn/violence, scary: ◎◎◎◎◎ Iaith gref/language: ◎◎◎◎◎ Rhyw/sex: ◎◎◎◎◎ Hiwmor/humour: ◉◉◉◉◎ Her darllen/reading difficulty: ◉◉◉◎◎ Dyfarniad/Rating: ★★★★☆
Adolygiad gan Siwan Fflur Rees

Mae Wil yn fachgen sy'n poeni am BOPETH! Nawr mae Alun, dyn gwallgof dieflig, wedi symud i mewn i'r tŷ drws nesaf ac mae ganddo gynllun i ddinistrio'r byd. A fydd Wil yn gallu trechu ei ofnau er mwyn achub y dydd?
Dyma i chi un o lyfrau anturus gan Georgia Pritchett, sef Wil y Poenwr Penigamp yn achub y byd!; addasiad i’r Gymraeg gan Steffan Alun. Mae Wil yn poeni am bopeth drwy gydol yr amser. Un fel yna ydy Wil! Ond yn anffodus i Wil, mae cymydog newydd yn symud i fyw drws nesa iddo, sef Alun, dyn dieflig sydd ag anifail anwes, peiriant hedfan mecanyddol gwych arbennig hudolus, gwn mawr Betingalw a LRch2FL309FERSIWN 8.4 MARC III! Mae ganddo offer dieflig i ddinistrio’r byd ... ac felly mae dyfodol y byd yn dibynnu ar Wil, y poenwr penigamp. Cewch gyfle i gwrdd â ffrind pennaf Wil, sef Stiwart, y pry lludw sy’n achub y dydd, a Dot ei chwaer fach seimllyd sy’n gymeriad a hanner.

Mae cychwyn cyffrous i’r llyfr, sy’n cynnwys brawddegau byr er mwyn creu effaith ac yn annog y darllenwyr i ddarllen mwy. Roeddwn wrth fy modd gydag enwau doniol y penodau, er enghraifft 'pennod minws 1 (y dechrau un)'. Mae’r iaith yn loyw gyda nifer o newidiadau ym maint y print, sy’n ei wneud yn hawdd i’w ddarllen.

Dyma lyfr hwyliog sy’n addas i blant rhwng 9 ac 11 oed. Cawn lond trol o gymariaethau yn y diwedd, a'm hoff un oedd ‘rhedeg fel morgrugyn â’i ben-ôl ar dân’. Hoffais y ffordd mae Steffan Alun wedi chwarae gyda geiriau i ychwanegu at yr hiwmor. Bydd y lluniau cartwnaidd gwreiddiol yn sicr o ddenu diddordeb, gyda’r tudalennau cefndir tywyll yn effeithiol iawn.
Llwyddodd yr awdur i drafod pynciau sy’n creu trafferth i nifer o blant. Mae nifer o strategaethau yma er mwyn i blant ddelio gyda phroblemau sy’n eu poeni. Dyma lyfr campus i ddatblygu sgiliau lles a phersonol plant, a hubu eu hunanhyder. Ydy Wil yn gallu stopio poeni er mwyn achub y byd? Bydd rhaid i chi ddarllen y stori er mwyn cael yr ateb!
Adolygiad oddi arwww.gwales.com, trwy ganiatâd Cyngor Llyfrau Cymru.
Review by Siwan Fflur Rees
Will is a boy who worries about EVERYTHING! Now Alun, a diabolical and crazy man, has moved into the house next door, and he has a plan to destroy the world. Can will conquer his fears and save the day?

This is an adventure book by Georgia Pritchett, Wil y Poenwr Penigamp yn achub y byd! Welsh language adaptation by Steffan Alun. Wil worries about everything all the time. Wil is just like that. But unfortunately for Wil, a new neighbour moves to live next door to him, named Alun, a vicious man with a pet, a magical mechanical flying machine, a big gun thingamabob and LRch2FL309FERSIWN 8.4 MARK III! He has vicious tools to destroy the world... And so the future of the world depends on Wil, the worrier. You will have the opportunity to meet Wil’s best friend, Stiwart, the woodlouse that saves the day, and dot, his greasy little sister who is a character and a half.

The book has an exciting start, which includes short sentences in order to create effect and encourages readers to read more. I was delighted with the funny names of the chapters, for example ' chapter minus 1 (the beginning) '. The language is bright with a number of changes in the size of the print, which makes it easy to read.
This is a fun book suitable for children aged between 9 and 11 years old. We end up with a raft of comparisons, and my favourite was 'running like an ant with it's bum on fire'. I liked the way that Steffan Alun has played with words to add to the humour. The original cartoon style photos will certainly attract interest, with the dark background pages being very effective.
The author was able to discuss issues that cause trouble for many children. There are a number of strategies here for children to deal with problems that concern them. This is a good book to develop children's well-being and personal skills, and their self-confidence. Is Wil able to stop worrying in order to save the world? You will need to read the story in order to get the answer!
A review from www.gwales.com, with the permission of the Welsh Books Council.
Hoff lyfr Caio Gwilym o Parc, y Bala. 8 oed. "Doniol iawn!"