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Na, Nel! ~ Meleri Wyn James

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Mewn brawddeg: Anturiaethau gyda'r ferch fach ddrygionus!

In a nutshell: Adventures with a loveable but mischievous girl!

Gwasg: Y Lolfa

Cyhoeddwyd: 2014

ISBN: 978-1-84771-895-2

*Gwreiddiol Cymraeg ~ Welsh Original*

Lefel: ❖

Iaith hawdd/pennodau byr

Easy, clear text/short chapters

Dyfarniad/Verdict: ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆


Mae Nel wedi glanio ar y ddaear!! Mi ddaeth i’r byd ar lawr archfarchnad gredwch chi fyth! A tydi bywyd erioed wedi bod yn ddiflas ers i Nel gyrraedd! Dyma’r llyfr cyntaf yng nghyfres Na, Nel gan Meleri Wyn James! Dyma’r geiriau mae oedolion wastad yn gweiddi ar Nel wrth iddi greu hafoc o gwmpas y lle! O safbwynt oedolyn (diflas!) mae Nel yn gallu ymddangos fel rêl poen weithiau gyda’i holl antics a blerwch! O safbwynt plant, mae hi’n ymeising!

Mae’r gyfres yma, ond yn hytrach, cymeriad Nel, wirioneddol wedi cydio ym mhlant Cymru ac mae o bellach wedi dod yn un o’r cyfresi mwyaf poblogaidd. Mewn amser byr iawn, mae hi wedi datblygu i fod yn glasur!

I ddechrau, fel dwi’n deall, gŵr Meleri Wyn James sydd wedi dylunio’r clawr a rhaid i mi ddeud, mae o wedi gwneud job bril. Mae 'na ddigon o liw i ddenu’r llygaid ond eto mae o’n syml hefyd. Mae lluniau John Lund hefyd yn wych ac yn adio cymaint i’r llyfr e.e. weithiau maen nhw’n dod gyda speech bubbles doniol! Mae’r ysgrifen yn reit fawr ac yn amlwg gyda phenodau byrion sy’n gwneud y gwaith darllen yn haws.

Mae ‘na dair stori fer o fewn y cloriau ac mae hyn yn gweithio’n berffaith! Mae’n gweithio fel llyfr yr all rhieni ddarllen i blant iau, a hefyd fel llyfr i ddarllenwyr 'chydig yn hŷn. Mae’n nodi yn rhywle fod o’n addas i blant 7+ i ddarllen yn annibynnol ond 5+ os oes rhywun arall yn darllen. Mae’r cynnwys yn addas beth bynnag ac mae antics Nel yn sicr o apelio at fechgyn a merched, er ei fod yn mynd i apelio mwy at ferched, dybiwn i.

Dydi Meleri Wyn James ddim yn ofn defnyddio hiwmor toiled (sydd wastad yn mynd lawr yn dda gyda phlant - ac oedolion fel fi!) ac mae 'na ddigon o sôn am chwerthin cymaint nes mae hi’n gwlychu ei nicyrs!

Mae Nel yn llawn bywyd ac mae hi’n gwibio o gwmpas fel corwynt! Mae’r golwg ar wyneb ei rhieni yn dweud y cyfan!! Mi wnân nhw un rhywbeth dros Nel - ac mae hi’n gwybod hynny’n iawn! Mae ‘na ddigon o hiwmor yn y llyfr a digon o lanast wrth i Nel drio gwneud cacen ben-blwydd! Mae’r awdur yn llwyddiannus iawn wrth roi ‘blas’ Gymraeg i’r straeon gyda chyfeiriadau at y Capel, Sali Mali, Pobl y Cwm a Straeon y Wibli-wobli!! (Mabinogi!!) Mae 'na debygrwydd rhwng y gyfres yma a Horrid Henry yn y Saesneg. Mae Nel weithiau yn gwylltio ei rhieni yn racs ac yn hollol anhylaw, ond un peth sy’n sicr, mae hi’n hoffus iawn, iawn. Mae hi wedi dysgu’r dric o siffrwd ei hamrannau er mwyn cael ffordd ei hun!

Ar ôl i mi ddarllen Na Nel, dwi’n gweld apêl y llyfr yn syth! Efallai tydi Nel ddim y role model gorau, ond dyna pam mae hi mor boblogaidd! Edrych ymlaen at yr anturiaethau nesaf!!


Nel has landed! Would you believe that she was in such a rush to get here, she was born in a supermarket aisle? Life has never been boring- or indeed the same -since she arrived! This is the first book in the ‘Na, Nel!’ series by Meleri Wyn James. These are the words adults are always shouting at Nel as she goes about like a hurricane creating havoc wherever she goes! From a (boring) adult’s standpoint, I’m sure Nel can be a right pain with all her antics and messiness. From a child’s viewpoint, I’m sure she’s amazing! This series, or rather, Nel’s character, has totally gripped the children of Wales and this has quickly become one of the most recognizable and popular children’s book series. In a short space of time, this has developed into a children’s classic!

To start, as I understand, it’s the author’s husband who designed the covers and I have to say what a good job he’s done of it. Plenty of colour to catch the eye but also quite simple too. John Lund’s illustrations are great and add so much to the book. I love the ones that come with funny little speech bubbles. The writing is in a large, easy to read font and its short chapters make it much easier to read.

There are three short stories contained within the book and this works perfectly. It works as a book that parents and children could enjoy together at bedtime, but also as a book for independent reading. It states somewhere that it is appropriate for ages 7+ to read alone, but I would say that it is appropriate for ages 5+ of someone else is reading. The content is perfect for that age group and although boys and girls across Wales have enjoyed reading these books, I’d say they will appeal more to girls.

Meleri Wyn James isn’t afraid to use toilet humour (always goes down a treat with children, and indeed some adults like myself!) There’s plenty of mention of laughing so hard that she wets her knickers!

Nel is full of life! Full of energy! She seems barely able to sit still! The look on her parent’s faces says it all! They would do absolutely anything for Nel – and she knows this and has them wrapped around her little finger. There’s plenty of humour and mess as Nel tries to make a birthday cake! The author is very good at giving these books a distinctly ‘Welsh’ flavour, with references to going to chapel, Sali Mali, Pobl y Cwm and the Wibli-Wobli! (Y Mabinogi) There are similarities between this series and the popular English titles Horrid Henry by Francesca Simon. Nel sometimes infuriates her parents and brother and is completely unmanageable at times, but one thing is for sure, she’s very, very likeable. She has learned the eyelash fluttering trick to get away with it too!

As soon as I read this book I could see it’s appeal. Maybe Nel isn’t the perfect role model for children, but I think that’s why she’s so popular! Bring on the next Na,Nel adventure!

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