Christmas adventure with lovely artwork.
Antur Nadoligaidd gyda arlunwaith hardd.

Gwasg/publisher: Gomer
Cyhoeddwyd/released: Tachwedd 2019
ISBN: 9781785621642
Pris: £6.99
Lefel darllen/challenge level: ❖
✮✮Cymraeg Gwreiddiol - Welsh Original✮✮
Stori Nadoligaidd hyfryd sy’n gywaith rhwng y bardd Tudur Dylan Jones â’r arlunydd talentog Valériane Leblond. Yn y stori, fe â Greta y ferch fach am dro gan ddod ar draws carw bach wedi brifo ei goes. Ar ôl iddi helpu’r carw ifanc, mae yntau ‘n gaddo talu’r ffafr yn ôl iddi. Pan ddaw’r Nadolig, mae’r carw yn dychwelyd ac yn mynd a hi ar antur wnaiff hi byth mo’i anghofio!

Stori ar ffurf cwpledi (sy’n odli wrth gwrs) yw hon sydd wedi eu gosod dros waith celf Valériane, sy’n gampwaith ynddo ’i hun. Mae hi’n gwneud defnydd da o wahanol liwiau, siapiau a gweadau ac mae cymaint o fanylion i’w harchwilio ym mhob llun. Ceir ambell dudalen lle mae’r ysgrifen braidd yn anodd i’w weld – ond nid yn amhosib. Dwi’n hoff o’r twist bach chwareus ar y diwedd – tydi oedolion byth yn credu plant nac ydyn?!

Fel cyn-athro, dwi’n gwybod byddai fy nosbarth wedi bod wrth eu bodd yn gwrando ar y stori yma ac yn edrych ar y lluniau. Stori perffaith i’w ddarllen ddiwedd pnawn ar y mat, neu rhwng ymarferion cyngerdd ‘Dolig.
Bydd plant 3+ yn gallu mwynhau a deall cynnwys y llyfr ond tybiaf y bydd angen help oedolyn i’w ddarllen.
A lovely festive story that is a collaboration between poet Tudur Dylan Jones and talented artist Valériane Leblond. In the story Greta, a young girl, goes for a walk and a picnic to the woods and comes across a small deer who has hurt his leg. After she helps the young deer, he promises to return the favour someday. Months later, as Christmas draws near, the deer returns taking her on an adventure she will never forget.

This story takes the form of rhyming couplets that are overlaid on Valériane’s artwork; a masterpiece in itself. She makes good use of different colours, shapes and textures - there are so much details to explore in each picture. On a few pages the writing was rather difficult to see – but not impossible. I liked the twist at the end; made me smile. Adults never believe their children, do they?!
As a former teacher, I know my old class would have loved listening to this story and looking at the pictures. It’s a perfect story to read at the end of the day on the mat, or in between concert rehearsals.
Children aged 3 + will be able to enjoy and understand the contents of the book but I suspect they will need the help of an adult to read it.
